Famous Expression Of Love: Thousands Of Flowers For A Blind Wife

After losing her sight, the Japanese Mrs. Kuroki closed her home and no longer wanted to leave. Her husband filled their garden with flowers so the lady could enjoy their scent and cheer up.
Famous expression of love: thousands of flowers for a blind wife

The things we do about love are wonderful and sometimes truly amazing. The most wonderful thing, though, is that there are couples who, despite years of rolling, continue to show their love for each other and bring a lot of happiness to the relationship. Next, we share the story of a Japanese man who made an incredible show of love for his blind wife.

One of the best examples of such relationships is the marriage of a Japanese farmer and his wife, known around the world for a noble and beautiful gesture made by a man after his wife lost her sight.

The man spent nearly two years cultivating a large flower garden for his blind wife, which his beloved wife could enjoy through the sense of smell.

That story came to light from a video streamed through YouTube that was distributed around the world and received millions of views and comments in a short amount of time.

Story: A garden of thousands of flowers for a blind wife

a man planting flowers for his blind wife

In Shinto, Japan’s Miyazaki region, Mr. and Mrs. Kuroki live surrounded by a huge flower garden that has recently become a tourist attraction.

Despite the fact that the garden is privately owned, the Kurok get about 7,000 visits a year. People want to admire the beautiful landscape, but the reason for the visits is also in the special story of the garden.

In the following, we tell of the love of these two elderly farmers and the particularly fine gesture this husband made to the blind wife.

The story began

It all started in 1956 when a newly married couple moved into a house that would become their home for a long time. They had two children and lived happily for years.

Over time, however, Mrs. Kurok’s health began to deteriorate. Because of his diabetes, he developed severe vision problems that eventually led to complete blindness.

The impact of the illness has been very difficult for the whole family, and of course especially for Mrs. Kurok herself. He became depressed and locked himself in his home for a long time,  refusing to go out unless it was extremely necessary.

In this situation – and because Mr. Kuroki really wanted to cheer up his wife – the man tried to come up with ways to improve his wife’s mood and give back her former smile.

a show of love from a man to a blind wife

Then the man got the idea to offer the lady the kind of gift that every man has ever given in some form – flowers. However, he knew that the bouquet would not be enough, so Mr. Kuroki began to work to his great surprise.

Taking advantage of the hills surrounding their home, the man  gave himself the task of planting the seeds of “Shibazakura,” a flower known for its strong aroma.

He planted the whole field full of those flowers so he could test if their scent would make his wife come out of the home. When he found that this idea was working, he continued his work for two years until the whole garden was covered with that flower.

Despite the fact that Mrs. Kuroki had lost her sight more than 30 years earlier, she enjoyed the beautiful work done by her husband.

Now he goes out every day instead of staying at home behind closed doors. She wants to enjoy with her beloved husband the scent of flowers and the fresh air of the new day.

The YouTube video address for the story is: https://youtu.be/aVXpBqj67BY.

Since the story was shared on YouTube, Mr. Kuroki has been interviewed by the international media, telling of his accomplishments and, above all, of this great great show of love that can be seen by others as well.

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