Anti-inflammatory Turmeric-almond Drink

This delicious drink soothes inflammation in that moment, and it also helps strengthen immunity. At the same time you get a dose of energy!
Anti-inflammatory turmeric-almond drink

An inflammatory reaction caused by inflammation or tissue damage leads to swelling, heat, and pain. However, the symptoms can be relieved with a drink whose active ingredients are turmeric and almond.

An inflammatory reaction is a natural part of the body’s defense mechanism by which the body signals an injury to the brain and tries to protect tissues and organs.

Inflammation usually manifests itself in the following ways:

  • Pain
  • Stiffness in the joints
  • Performing daily chores is difficult

Inflammation and pain are particularly common in the joints, but can also affect the muscles and bloodstream. Fluid buildup and consequent swelling often result from an inflammatory reaction. Usually, the inflammation calms down within a few days, but serious or chronic illnesses can lead to a recurrence of inflammation. Chronic inflammations significantly impair quality of life and often require medication or physiotherapy.

Momentary inflammations can be soothed by natural means and will help prevent the recurrence of inflammation in the future. One such natural preparation is a drink made from almond milk and turmeric. The drink is rich in nutrients and has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Below you will find more information about the drink, its health effects and how it can be prepared at home using a few substances.

The health benefits of almond turmeric drink

This anti-inflammatory almond drink is also known as “golden milk” as turmeric gives the drink a beautiful, golden refractive hue. The recipe for the drink is ancient and has been used for centuries to treat muscle and joint pain.

The drink contains multidimensional ingredients, such as turmeric, the curcumin contained in it removes excess fluids to soothe inflammation and swelling, and prevents the body from getting worse. 

In addition to this, the drink provides vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and fiber. The drink is suitable for improving digestion, blood circulation and other body processes.

Turmeric and its health benefits

turmeric powder

Turmeric is one of the most used and valued spices. The startling orange spice is obtained from turmeric root by grinding and drying, and is commonly used in Asian cooking.

In addition to cooking, turmeric has been used for health care for centuries because, although there was no research evidence of its benefits at the time, users of the spice found it to be effective in alleviating various health problems. The curcumin contained in turmeric works to relieve pain, which facilitates the treatment of pain caused by muscle injuries and joint diseases.

In addition, turmeric prevents the side effects of free radicals and prevents the cell damage they cause.

You can also get turmeric:
  • Protein
  • Water soluble fiber
  • Vitamins (A, C, C, E)
  • Minerals (calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, magnesium, zinc)

The benefits of almond milk

almond milk bottle

Almond milk is especially popular among people with lactose intolerance and those who follow a vegan diet. Those who avoid dairy products can easily replace milk with almond milk in porridge, pastries and even coffee. The taste of almond milk is mildly sweet, so it is also ideal for making smoothies and other beverages.

Almond milk is low in calories and homemade almond milk also contains no additives, gluten or cholesterol. Almond milk provides vitamins, minerals and fiber that support cardiovascular function.

All in all, regular consumption of almond milk lowers cholesterol, improves blood circulation to the cells, and helps eliminate excess fluids and the swelling they cause.

How is an almond turmeric drink made?

turmeric and almond

In addition to alleviating and preventing the symptoms of inflammation, this delicious drink is suitable for giving extra energy to the body. The drink gives you protein, healthy fats and carbohydrates that boost calorie burning and promote physical and mental performance.

In addition to this, the drink supports the body’s immunity and prevents various microorganisms and bacteria from attacking the body.

And this is how the drink is easily prepared:


  • 600 ml almond milk (homemade or store-bought, without additives and without sugar)
  • 3 tablespoons ground turmeric
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon honey


  • If you make almond milk yourself, Strain it before use.
  • Pour the almond milk into the blender together with the ground turmeric and cinnamon.
  • Mix the ingredients evenly and sweeten with a drop of honey.
  • Pour into a glass and enjoy. The drink is recommended to enjoy in the morning and you can enjoy another glass in the afternoon.

You can enjoy this delicious drink whenever you suffer from inflammatory symptoms. You can also enjoy a drink as a dietary supplement. Enjoy a turmeric-almond drink regularly and prevent many different diseases.

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