Fight Dandruff Easily

Fight dandruff easily

Dandruff is a very annoying affliction for many people, which unfortunately is also very visible. Indeed, many suffer greatly from this mundane problem, which affects both the attractiveness of the hair and makes the use of dark shirts difficult. Easily combat dandruff with the tricks described in this article.

If you want to get rid of dandruff for the sake of appearance as well as the health of your scalp, what methods can you use? The first thing to be aware of is that many chemical products that are intended for the scalp do not actually help you remove dandruff but can make your situation worse. We therefore recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following natural guidelines that are as little harmful to your scalp as possible.

Of course, you can visit a dermatologist to get expert advice on how to treat the situation, but the following tips are also an effective help in reducing dandruff in a natural way. They are also an inexpensive and easy aid to this annoying affliction. So keep reading if dandruff is a puzzle you’re struggling with yourself!

1. Fight dandruff with aloe vera and lemon

fight dandruff with aloe vera

This simple treatment is definitely one of the most effective natural alternatives you can take advantage of. But keep in mind that if you want dandruff to disappear completely from your scalp, you should be consistent with the treatments you do. So take the following instructions to help you prepare an effective anti-dandruff treatment consisting of aloe vera and lemon.

  • Aloe vera has anti-bacterial and antifungal properties and is also a great product for exfoliating dandruff. For this treatment, you need a tablespoon of aloe vera gel, that is, the transparent paste that is obtained from inside the leaves of the plant itself. 20 grams of this liquid is already a sufficient amount.
  • Once you have the gel stored, start rubbing your dry scalp with it. Put the gel on your head so that your entire scalp becomes moist from the gel.
  • Leave the gel on for 15 minutes, then wash your hair as usual with a gentle shampoo.
  • Rinse your hair and then take one lemon juice to do another massage on your scalp. Why is lemon juice such an effective product for removing dandruff? Because it curbs dandruff formation as well as treats your reached skin very effectively. After doing this gentle massage, and when the lemon juice has got its effect properly, rinse your scalp with warm water. Never use hot water to  wash your hair, as this is detrimental to the condition of your hair!

2. Avocado and rosemary stew to reduce dandruff

fight dandruff with shampoo

Do you have avocados in your home? If not, get a few, because with the help of these fruits, you can use rosemary to help prepare an extremely effective treatment to combat the irritating and unpleasant dandruff that forms on your scalp. Avocado is an awesome moisturizer whose nutrient-rich essential oils take care of the health of your scalp.

When you combine avocado with rosemary, you get the ideal solution to this problem, as you can kill bacteria, reduce inflammation, and regulate the production of a yeast called “Malassezia,” which causes excessive dandruff on your scalp. So follow these easy instructions to prepare your avocado and rosemary treatment:

  • Recover half the avocado fruit flesh. Put it in a bowl, and use a spoon to create a loose and easy-to-handle paste.
  • Prepare a rosemary brew by boiling 200 ml of water and then adding two branches of rosemary. When the water boils, let it stand for a while, then mix with the avocado paste.
  • Try to get the smoothest possible mixture.
  • Then put the liquid on your dry hair. Do a 15 minute massage on your scalp, and let the mixture work on your skin.
  • Then rinse with warm water, wash your hair in the normal way with a gentle shampoo, and finally put on a good conditioner.

3. Fight dandruff with baking soda

fight dandruff with washing

We have talked about the numerous uses of baking soda in both beauty care and home cleaning. This product is a real necessity for the home, as it provides effective help in many types of things. One of these is combating dandruff, as baking soda is a great help in this situation too! You will need results to get this baking soda treatment repeated once a week. It dries your hair a bit, so it’s better not to repeat this treatment more often.

  • Start by soaking your hair in warm water.
  • Then add a tablespoon of baking soda (20 grams) to a glass of water. Mix well, and then put the liquid in your hair a little at a time.
  • Rub into your scalp, and let baking soda absorb well into your skin. Very easy!
  • Finally, rinse your hair as usual and put on a proper conditioner. Fight dandruff in as little as a month, as long as  you are consistent with this treatment.  The treatment is very effective and affordable!

4. White wine vinegar and mint treatment to expel dandruff

fight dandruff with mint

This is also one easy and very effective treatment to combat dandruff naturally. Mint is one of the ideal medicinal plants for fighting bacteria and expelling fungi or any contaminants – these can be on your skin or in this case your scalp. When you combine mint with white wine vinegar, you will be able to expel dandruff in a very short time.

  • First you should dilute a tablespoon of white wine vinegar (15 ml) in a glass of water.
  • Heat this liquid and add 5 mint leaves. So prepare the stew, and let it be for a while.
  • Once the liquid has cooled down a bit, put it on your wet hair while rubbing it on your scalp – so do the same as with the other treatments we’ve introduced.
  • Once the liquid has taken effect on your skin, wash your hair in the normal way. Very simple, isn’t it?

So you can choose from these four natural treatments the most pleasant option for you. Fight dandruff effectively without expensive and harmful chemical products. It is best to wash your hair to expel dandruff every other day, and at the same time you should repeat the treatment you have chosen. Above all, however, remember that you need to be consistent with these treatments if you want to see clear results!

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