Five Natural Treatments For Gingivitis

Thyme tea can help relieve the symptoms of gingivitis, both inflammation and bleeding.
Five natural treatments for gingivitis

Gingivitis occurs when plaque builds up in the tooth. Ien becomes inflamed, flushed and bleeds. When the gingivitis spreads under the gums, it is periodontitis, or inflammation of the supporting tissue of the tooth,  which requires immediate treatment so that the tooth is not lost. Try effective natural treatment for gingivitis.

The most common causes of gingivitis are poor and inadequate oral hygiene , as well as smoking, which impairs defenses. Your dentist can treat the gingivitis before it spreads to the tissues and bone. You can also try effective natural treatment for gingivitis, we present the best here!

In this article, we’ll go through the symptoms of gingivitis and talk about how they can be treated to make it easier to stay with home remedies.

What are the symptoms of gingivitis?

Changes occur in the gums due to inflammation. They usually look like this:

  • reddened, inflamed gums
  • I bleed when brushing my teeth
  • Bad breath
  • retracting gums
  • sensitive gums
  • white dots or plaque on the gums

Try natural treatments for gingivitis

If you suspect you have gingivitis, go to the dentist. Some natural therapies can help you a great deal in reducing nasty symptoms.

1. The effect of turmeric on gingivitis

turmeric natural treatment for gingivitis

Turmeric contains Curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that  remove tooth plaque. Curcumin kills bacteria, so it also relieves gingivitis.


  • 0.5 teaspoons of turmeric
  • 1 tablespoon water


  • mix water and turmeric


  • apply the mixture on the gums, rubbing lightly
  • leave on for 5 min
  • rinse
  • do it twice a day

2. Thyme

The antibacterial compounds in thyme extract  help reduce inflammation in the gums. It helps with gum problems and reduces gum bleeding.


  • 2 tablespoons thyme
  • 2.5 dl of water


  • add the thyme to the boiling water and cover the pan with a lid
  • allow to cool and strain


  • use chilled thyme tea as a mouthwash
  • gargle for an additional 2 min to intensify treatment
  • do the treatment twice a day

3. The iris

from the iris generation to natural treatment for gingivitis

Iris is an antibacterial plant that helps remove plaque from teeth. Use a mouthwash made from it to keep the bacteria away from the gums and mouth. Its taste is bitter, which may be an obstacle for some to use mouthwash made from iris.


  • 2 tablespoons iris flowers, leaves and / or stem
  • 2.5 dl of water


  • add the iris to the boiling water
  • let simmer for 2 min
  • allow to simmer and cool to room temperature
  • Strain


  • use mouthwash after brushing your teeth
  • use two or three times a day

4. Malva effective natural treatment for gingivitis

Malva has mild pain-relieving properties as well as anti-inflammatory effects that help reduce gum swelling and eliminate pain. Use the mallow as a mouthwash to control the growth of bacteria and help remove food debris  between your teeth so they don’t form plaque.


  • 2 tablespoons dried mallow
  • 2.5 dl of water


  • add the mallow to boiling water and cover with a lid
  • let simmer for 10 mins and strain and allow to cool


  • use mallow tea as a mouthwash two or three times a day

5. Aloe Vera, honey and hydrogen peroxide

try natural treatment for gingivitis from aloe vera

A paste made of aloe vera, honey and hydrogen peroxide  deeply cleanses the mouth and removes inflammatory buttocks. The anti-inflammatory compounds in the mixture eliminate swelling, pain and bleeding of the gums.


  • 2 tablespoons aloe vera gel
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 5 drops of hydrogen peroxide


  • mix all ingredients well and store in an airtight glass container


  • apply the paste on the gums and leave on for 5 min
  • rinse well
  • do the treatment twice a day

In addition to natural treatments, good oral hygiene must be maintained and regular dental check-ups must be performed.

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