Bone Pain – Advice And Treatments

Bone pain - advice and treatments

Bone pain feels like sensitivity and discomfort, which is common, especially in older people, as it is often due to bone wear, injuries, fractures, or dietary deficiencies. Bone pain can become chronic and occur in only one area or more bones. Most often, the pain is limited to the limbs: hands, feet, and heels.

Bone pain is a different matter than joint or muscle pain. Bone pain is less common than joint pain and can be caused by many different causes. Bone pain can have many negative consequences. Bone pain can cause the patient to avoid hobbies, it can lead to sick leave, and it makes life more difficult anyway. Fortunately, bone pain can be treated effectively in a large number of cases.

Bone pain and its causes

Osteoporosis weakens the bone.


  • Children and adolescents usually experience bone pain during growth spurts.
  • Many experience bone pain during the flu or cold.
  • Osteoporosis is a serious disease that causes bone pain that requires expert help. Osteoporosis weakens bones, makes them brittle and reduces their density. Osteoporosis affects women more often than men and it bothers older people in particular.
  • Osteomyelitis, or inflammation of the bones, can cause pain.
  • Kidney diseases and inflammations.
  • Undernourishment.
  • Hemorrhoids and uterine problems.
  • Menopause, as they weaken bones and increase the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Bone cancer.
  • Fractures and injuries.
  • Rheumatic diseases.
  • Leukemia.
  • Anemia.

Bone pain and its treatments

Whatever the reason, you can treat bone pain in a few ways and improve your quality of life.

Eat better

First and foremost, you should research your diet thoroughly to make sure it is healthy and that it contains all the essential nutrients you need. Avoid animal fats as much as possible and eat more raw and steamed vegetables. Avoid sugar and bleached flour, as these remove minerals from the body and rob calcium from the bones – this leads to slow brittleness of the bones.

Prevent constipation

Constipation can lead to skeletal pain.


Constipation can lead to nasty pain in the bones. If the pain is due to constipation, it is important to do something to prevent it and cleanse the bowel. Try fruit smoothies and papaya.


Adequate rest is an important part of preventing and treating bone pain. Sleep 8 hours a day and avoid excessive strain if you suffer from bone pain. Don’t engage in overly strenuous exercise, such as running, but prefer softer forms of exercise: walking, swimming, biking, and stretching.

Food supplements

If you suffer from bone pain and related problems, increase the amount of calcium in your diet and ingest more vitamins A, D, and C either as tablets or through food. Citrus fruits, carrots, celery, almonds, nuts, chia seeds and fish are healthy foods that should be added to the weekly diet in abundance.

Relaxation methods

Bone pain is relieved by various relaxation methods, such as yoga.


Stress is closely related to bone pain. It is important to set aside time to relax and calm down every day. You can try a variety of relaxation exercises to calm your mind and body, or practice yoga, meditation and other soothing hobbies.

Natural Remedies For Bone Pain Relief

In addition to the tips above, there are a few natural treatments that can help you reduce pain effectively.

Special diet

If your bone pain is due to inflammation, rheumatic disease, severe flu blight, or being overweight, you can try a special diet for two days to reverse the problem. The diet should not be followed for more than two days as it consists of pineapple, grapes and olive oil only. Needless to say, such a diet cannot be followed any longer as it leads to a state of nutrient deficiency.

Start the morning with two tablespoons of olive oil and eat pineapple and seeded grapes with every meal. Drink plenty of water and after two days of treatment you can start eating normally. Enjoy fresh vegetables, dark rice, fish, chia seeds, brewer’s yeast and plant-based products.

Ginger tea

Ginger tea helps relieve bone pain.


Ginger has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect that can help prevent bone pain. Ginger is an effective root plant with a strong spicy and pungent taste. It is suitable for improving joint health and removing toxins from the body. Boil a cup of water and stir in a piece of grated fresh ginger. Allow to extract for 5 minutes and enjoy three times a day.


Nettle has a diuretic effect that helps remove excess fluid from the joints that can cause bone pain.  Make a tea drink from dried nettle root and enjoy it three times a day.

A drink that helps with bone pain

This drink helps reduce and prevent pain in the bones as it is rich in calcium, vitamins A, B, C and E, as well as magnesium and potassium.


  • 8 strawberries
  • 2 tablespoons orange juice
  • 2 dl soy milk


Wash the strawberries thoroughly, remove the stem and throw in the blender. Add juice and soy milk. Stir evenly and enjoy without sifting.

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