9 Tips For Thinning Your Hair Wash Interval

Oily hair is uncomfortable and makes the mind wash more often. However, this does not make it stay clean any longer. In this article, you will find tips for thinning your hair wash interval.
9 tips for thinning your hair wash interval

Dirty hair makes you feel insecure, as hair is one of the things that is usually noticed first.

Extend your hair washing interval with these tips

However, you don’t have to wash your hair as often as you think; obesity can be easily reduced. Keep reading as we will tell you the next tips on how to thin out your hair wash interval.

1. Wash your hair with boiled or filtered water

woman washing her hair

The first thing to reduce the oiliness of hair is to rinse it with boiled or filtered water at a temperature of about 38.

2. Do not use hair care products too much

Some hair care or styling products, such as keratin or dry shampoo, hairspray, and gel, can quickly make your hair look noticeably dirty.

If you want to reduce the washing interval, use only a small amount of these products at most once or twice a week.

3. Brush less and use a comb

full comb

Contrary to many people’s beliefs, constant brushing your hair doesn’t make them look cleaner and shinier. In fact, the more hair you touch, the faster they get dirty.

Hair should therefore be brushed no more than two or three times a day, preferably with a comb instead of a brush. This reduces bifurcation, and the hair looks shinier and healthier.

4. Using formatting foam

Instead of hairspray or gel, you should use a styling mousse that does not make the hair so dirty so easily.

5. Sulfate-free shampoo

the washing interval of the hair is extended when a shampoo with sulphates is not used

Sodium lauryl sulphate is a non-toxic substance added to shampoos. It is known to cause scalp dryness and greasy hair in some people. If this is the case for you, choose a shampoo that does not contain this substance, and also use sulfate-free hair masks or oils.

You can also make your own hair masks or detergents at home from a variety of natural ingredients.

6. Extend the hair wash interval by reducing the use of styling irons

Using too many hair dryers or styling irons will damage your hair and make it look greasy faster. To avoid this, reduce the temperature of the hair dryers and styling irons to 150180 degrees.

7. Prepare the exfoliating treatment for the scalp

Occasional exfoliation of the scalp removes dead skin cells and impurities and strengthens the hair follicle. This makes the hair grow stronger and healthier.

8. Change the pillowcase more often

One reason for rapid oiling of hair is to use the same pillowcase several nights in a row. The pillowcase absorbs grease and styling products from the hair, as well as skin sebum, and can therefore be filled with bacteria and impurities. It is therefore essential to change the pillowcase at least once a week.

9. Protect your hair from the cold and sun

extend the washing interval with these tips

It is important to protect your hair from the cold of winter and the heat of summer. These temperature conditions stimulate the production of sebum on the scalp and make the base of the hair easily greasy.

So wear a hat or cap in the summer to protect your hair from high temperatures, and a hat in the winter to protect them from frost. This easy trick will help keep your hair healthy and shiny.

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