Nail Fungus Treatment With Baking Soda

The active ingredients in vinegar are ideally suited for the treatment of nail fungus both internally and externally.
Treatment of nail fungus with baking soda

Nail fungus or nail fungus is an inflammation caused by a fungus on the nail. It most commonly occurs on the toenails, but it can also spread to the fingers. Nail fungus infections are caused by dermatophytes, or fungi, which are species of the genera Trichophyton, Microsporum, and Epidermophyton that thrive in humid and warm conditions.

The feet are almost constantly exposed to heat and moisture as the socks and shoes keep the feet warm. For this reason, the feet are the optimal growing medium for mushrooms. The sponge is not dangerous, but it is an aesthetically unpleasant ailment that can sometimes also cause pain when wearing tight shoes.

The fungus embrittles the nail and makes it thicker than usual, and the color and shape of the nail changes.

Nail fungus is difficult to treat because the nail grows slowly and requires daily attention. Nail fungus is often treated with topical creams and a course of antibiotics is also available, but there are no guarantees that the treatments will work.

Fortunately, inexpensive fungicides that control infection without aggressive chemicals can also be used for this nasty affliction. These include e.g.  baking soda, an all-natural product used in both cooking and healthcare around the world. In this article, we will tell you how baking soda can be used to treat nail fungus.

Treatment of nail fungus with baking soda

nail fungus treatment

Before we share the guide to treating nail fungus with you, it’s a good idea to keep in mind that the results won’t show up right away. Baking soda fights against nail fungus immediately from the first treatment, but the nail fungus will not get rid of overnight or even in a few weeks.

Treating nail fungus with baking soda requires lengthiness, and it is important to follow the instructions in this article carefully to get rid of it completely . In addition to this, we recommend enhancing the effect of baking soda with apple cider vinegar,  which, like baking soda, is a naturally fungicidal substance.

Both baking soda and apple cider vinegar are often pre-found in the closet, and buying them doesn’t make an unnecessarily large notch in your wallet.


  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 125 ml of apple cider vinegar
  • 3 tablespoons baking soda

Manufacture and use

  • Heat the water hot, but be careful not to burn your skin.
  • Add apple cider vinegar to water and stir. Pour the water into a flat container that will fit your feet comfortably.
  • Immerse your feet in the liquid for 15-20 minutes.
  • Dry your feet and nails thoroughly after a foot bath. Rub the baking soda paste on your nails. The paste is made by adding a drop of water to baking soda.
  • Leave the paste on for 10 minutes and rinse your nails.
  • Rub the surface of the nails and toes in a rotating motion.
  • Repeat the treatment every night until the appearance of the nails improves.
  • You can add a drop of hydrogen peroxide or lemon juice to baking soda, as this will enhance its fungicidal effect.

Why is baking soda so well suited for nail fungus treatment?

nail fungus treatment with baking soda

Baking soda is a white powder that has been used for years for cooking and cleaning. Baking soda is an antiseptic, fungicidal alkaline substance whose benefits are known to many.

Baking soda can be applied directly to the skin, as it works well e.g. as a natural exfoliating agent and as a treatment for allergies. Baking soda prevents dermatitis and the active ingredients it contains kill fungi both on and under the nail.

In addition, baking soda can be used as a natural deodorant, as it quickly removes unpleasant odors and refreshes e.g. sweaty feet.

What else do you need to know about nail fungus?

baking soda treats nail fungus

A treatment made with baking soda and vinegar is an effective nail fungus killer, but to help eliminate this annoying ailment, you should also try the following tips:

  • Avoid warm and humid conditions that enhance the growth of nail fungus. Dry your feet thoroughly after showering and do not stay in wet shoes or socks.
  • Wear open shoes without socks whenever possible, and prefer breathable materials in your shoes. This prevents sweating of the feet and fungal growth.
  • Be sure to dry your hands and feet thoroughly after each foot bath treatment, as moisture can enhance fungal growth.
  • Wash and disinfect any tools you use to treat your feet, such as nail scissors. This prevents the fungus from spreading to other nails.

If you cannot get rid of nail fungus even if you follow all the instructions in this article, talk to your doctor and try other treatment options. In some cases, the nail can be treated with a laser, sanded, or even removed completely. Ask your doctor about treatment options.

If you suspect you are suffering from nail fungus, take care of the matter as quickly as possible, because the further the fungus has time to progress, the harder it is to treat.

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