Vegan Breakfasts: 6 Lovely Options

Vegan breakfasts are not just for vegans. They are also great choices for dieters.
Vegan breakfasts: 6 lovely options

Vegan breakfasts are a great option to start the day energetically but relatively low in calories. They are, of course, an integral part of the vegan diet, but dieters can also enjoy them.

Because vegan breakfasts are high in plant-based ingredients, they are rich in important nutrients: fiber, vitamins, minerals, and proteins. In addition, they are a good way to reduce the consumption of processed products, as they consist mainly of fruits, vegetables and nuts.

In this article, we present six delicious and easy vegan breakfasts. These vegan breakfasts are an ideal option for people who don’t have time to prepare anything complicated in the morning as they are ready in just a few minutes.

Give it a try!

Vegan breakfasts you are sure to love

Healthy vegan breakfast

Vegan breakfasts consist of energy-giving foods that promote physical and mental health.

Although plant-based foods contain less protein than animal-derived products, a good combination of plant-based products ensures adequate protein intake.

1. Whole grain bread with tomato and olive oil

Whole grain bread is an excellent vegan breakfast option. In this case, we recommend combining it with the delicious taste of tomato and olive oil to get plenty of antioxidants, vitamins and good fats.


  • 2 slices of wholemeal bread
  • 1 ripe tomato
  • ½ garlic clove
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon oregano
  • salt (according to your taste)


  • Peel a ripe tomato and mix it with the garlic, olive oil, oregano and salt.
  • Sprinkle this thick paste over the bread slices.

That’s how you enjoy it

  • Enjoy this for breakfast with smoothies or coffee with a sip of her milk.

2. Chia-seed pudding

Chia seeds contain amino acids, calcium, Omega-3 and other important nutrients that provide energy and also improve cardiovascular health. We recommend making vegan pancakes from chia seeds and creamy vegetable milk.


  • 2 tablespoons chia seeds
  • 125 ml creamy vegetable milk (coconut or almond milk)


  • Pour the chia seeds into the milk.
  • Let stand overnight to turn the seeds jelly-like.

That’s how you enjoy it

  • Serve the pudding the next morning with the chopped fruit.

3. Smoothie with hazelnut milk and banana

Vegan smoothie made of banana and hazelnut milk

Smoothies are a great vegan breakfast option. This delicious recipe made from hazelnut milk, bananas and carob is perfect for people who don’t have much time in the mornings.


  • 250 ml of hazelnut milk
  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 1 tablespoon carob powder


  • First chop the bananas.
  • In a blender, mix the chopped bananas, hazelnut milk and carob into a smooth , lump-free drink.

That’s how you drink it

  • Drink this smoothie in the morning either alone or with a couple of wholemeal sandwich biscuits.

4. Smoothie bowl

This breakfast is made from mashed fruit and is the perfect alternative to replenish your body’s vitamin and mineral resources. Nuts or Chia seeds can be added to it.


  • ½ ripe mango
  • 2 slices of fresh pineapple
  • 1 tablespoon soaked chia seeds
  • red berries (for decoration)


  • First chop the mango and pineapple slices.
  • Mix them in a blender for a few minutes.
  • Then put them in a bowl and mix in the soaked Chia seeds.
  • Garnish with red berries.

That’s how you enjoy it

  • Eat this smoothie bowl with a couple of oatmeal cookies.

5. Whole grain oatmeal

Vegan breakfasts with oats

Oatmeal carbohydrates are a great source of energy. For this reason, whole grain oatmeal is an excellent vegan breakfast. It contains, among other things, protein, Omega-3 and antioxidants.


  • 2 dl almond milk
  • 100 g of oatmeal
  • ½ tablespoons powdered cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoons agave syrup


  • Pour almond milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  • Add the oatmeal and mix with a wooden utensil.
  • Add ground cinnamon and agave syrup.
  • Let the porridge on low heat for a few minutes until it thickens.

That’s how you enjoy it

  • Serve the oatmeal in a deep bowl and garnish with cranberries or dried pineapple.

6. Banana puree with nuts and oat flakes

The ingredients combined in this recipe are a great source of fiber, antioxidants and amino acids. Their properties prolong the feeling of satiety and improve digestion.


  • 1 ripe banana
  • 125 ml of almond milk
  • 3 tablespoons oatmeal
  • 1 tablespoon crushed dried fruits and nuts


  • Put the ripe banana in a bowl and mash it with a fork.
  • Add almond milk and oatmeal.
  • Mix everything well and garnish with dried fruits and nuts.

That’s how you enjoy it

  • Serve this banana puree with ripe strawberries or blueberries.

Do you always enjoy a healthy breakfast? If you don’t, try these vegan breakfasts if you want to take care of yourself and stay energetic. Remember, breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day!

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