These Foods And Habits Cause Wrinkles

These foods and habits cause wrinkles

Wrinkles are a normal aging change in skin and tissues, but there are many lifestyles and foods that promote and cause wrinkles. You’ve certainly noticed the different ways people age: some don’t seem to have wrinkles at all, while others ’skin ages prematurely. Wrinkles occur especially on the face, neck and chest area.

It is good to know that wrinkles are created during the natural aging process of the skin. With aging, the skin’s processes slow down and its structure deteriorates, the skin loses its elasticity and dries out. Substances that keep skin firm and smooth begin to shrink. This is due to the combined effect of the body’s internal aging processes and external factors. Sometimes the skin ages prematurely, and this is almost always due to external factors that we can influence ourselves. You can affect the condition of your skin by avoiding certain habits and habits that accelerate aging.

Different types of wrinkles

Wrinkles can be divided into three different groups based on the area in which they most often appear, what they typically look like, and how strong they appear.

  • Wrinkles due to gravity. Gravity loosens the tissues over time, causing the skin to ‘flow’ towards the ground. Gene inheritance and skin type affect how the skin responds to gravity. Also, how well the skin is cared for can either prevent or accelerate the effect of gravity. Most commonly, gravity wrinkles appear in the mouthpiece.
gravity and aging cause wrinkles
  • Dynamic wrinkles. Such wrinkles are created through movement, from the movement of the facial muscles. Wrinkles occur in those areas that are used e.g. expressing, talking, smoking and smiling. Constantly repetitive movements, such as smiling, cause wrinkles at certain points. These wrinkles become more visible with age as the skin loses collagen and elasticity. Magpie toes in the corners of the eyes, wrinkles in the lip area and forehead lines are the most well-known dynamic types of wrinkles.
  • Wrinkles for many different reasons. These wrinkles are created by a combination of the two types of wrinkles mentioned above, i.e. under the influence of gravity and movement. Wrinkles due to various things occur especially in the neck area, as the skin loosens under the influence of gravity and wrinkles are formed e.g. due to nodding.

What habits cause wrinkles?

The effect of time, movement and gravity on the skin cannot be prevented, but some develop wrinkles earlier than others. The reason is most often bad lifestyles. Especially avoid these:

  • Lack of exercise. Many studies have found that a lack of weekly exercise can accelerate the development of wrinkles. So remember to move enough!
  • Insomnia. Insomnia has been linked in several studies to premature aging of the skin, as during sleep the skin recovers and produces a hormone that regenerates collagen. Too little sleep does not allow the skin time to replenish collagen stores, leading to premature and rapid development of wrinkles.
  • Various diseases and illnesses. Certain diseases cause wrinkles and premature aging of the skin, either due to side effects of medications or related to the disease. Strong medication in particular can dry out the skin and affect its elasticity and youthfulness.
laughter and lifestyle cause wrinkles
  • Excessive exposure to sunlight. The dangers of the sun are now well known, but because the side effects of the sun on the skin often only become apparent after years, not everyone understands how to protect the skin properly throughout life. Sunbathing, staying in the sun without adequate sun protection and using a tanning bed speeds up skin aging, as the top layer of skin thickens, dries and develops discoloration in addition to fine lines, such as liver spots – not to mention the increased risk of skin cancer.
  • Smoking. Smoking is dangerous to health for many reasons. As for the condition of the skin, the nicotine contained in tobacco does not allow the skin to breathe, it dries the skin and makes it more brittle. Lines are created especially around the mouth and upper lip from the constant sniffing of the mouth around the tobacco.
  • Stress. The skin responds to stress in much the same way as to insomnia. The constant presence of stress hormones in the body does not give the body a respite and is unable to repair cellular damage or regenerate skin collagen. Stress and anxiety lead to faster wrinkles, graying hair and even alopecia.
  • Negative attitude.  People who are bitter and negative about life develop wrinkles that are more sensitive to others. Negative emotions stimulate the central nervous system, which in turn leads to lack of sleep or poor quality, which greatly affects the condition and appearance of the skin.
poor lifestyles cause wrinkles

Eating habits that cause wrinkles

  • Skipping breakfast.  Believe it or not, breakfast is very important for the condition of the skin. Don’t skip breakfast because of hurry or habit, but always remember to enjoy a good, varied meal as soon as you wake up. The right kind of breakfast awakens the body to a new day, gives it nutrients and protects the skin from the effects of the environment, for example with the help of antioxidants. So be sure to add fresh fruit or berries to your breakfast.
  • Confectionery and other sugar confectionery. A high-sugar diet not only increases the risk of weight gain and diabetes, but can lead to even greater amounts of wrinkles and acne.
  • Alcohol. A person who drinks alcohol daily or a lot during the weekend shortens the normal life cycle of the skin by two years. Wrinkles are more sensitive and the skin loosens faster.
  • Sudden weight loss.  Overweight people who lose weight in a short period of time may look significantly older than their age at the end of the weight loss process. The skin does not have time to get involved in the process and when the adipose tissue disappears, loose skin remains, which is easily wrinkled. Subcutaneous fat fills in lines and wrinkles, so when it suddenly disappears, the skin may look very wrinkled.
skin care prevents wrinkles

Foods that cause wrinkles

The biggest enemy of the skin is sugar. Remember that sugar is not only found in coarses, pastries, desserts and chocolate, as hidden sugar is found in many different products. So don’t drink fruit juices or eat sweetened yogurts or ready meals. Also avoid ready-made sauces and try to make all the food yourself from the start. Replace candies with dried fruits such as dates or mangoes that contain a lot of natural sugar and are sure to take away your sugar cravings as you go.

Sugar is produced in the body by all the foods that contain substances in the body that are converted into sugar. Avoid marinated meats, don’t eat fried foods like french fries, and reduce your intake of food cooked at high temperatures. Cook food on low heat, even if it takes longer. Also, do not drink too much fluid while eating.

Substitute sugar and other harmful substances by consuming large amounts of fresh, high-quality vegetables and fruits. Most fruits and vegetables contain a lot of free radical scavenging antioxidants. Free radicals are responsible for cellular changes in the body and e.g. skin aging. Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and taste delicious. By adding these foods to your diet, you will help your skin retain its youthfulness and radiance naturally and take care of your skin condition like you didn’t notice.

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