These 9 Dishes Are Also Perfect For Freezing

Sadly, it is estimated that 30-40% of food intended for human consumption ends up in the trash. So do your part to prevent food waste from arising, and read more about nine such foods that can be frozen without any problems.
These 9 dishes are also perfect for freezing

Food waste and waste remains a serious problem worldwide. Sadly, it is estimated that 30-40% of all food intended for human consumption ends up in the trash.

A significant amount is lost in fields and transportation, as well as in food handling. However, the biggest loss is in people’s refrigerators and food cabinets, and this is something that could be prevented.

The problem is that many people think about it, but forget one important point: you can keep perishable food usable for longer if you take the help of freezing and follow certain guidelines.

While this may change the composition or taste of your food,  freezing is a great way to extend the life of your food so you don’t have to throw it in the trash. At the same time, of course, you also save a lot of money.

So read the following tips and take them to help  minimize food waste in your own home – start freezing, and you will contribute to this very important thing!

Loss less by freezing

1. Bananas

banana pieces in a bowl

You can freeze overripe bananas (those that have already turned brown) without peeling. Then you can use them in a wide variety of recipes.

Since leaving bananas at room temperature speeds up their decomposition process,  it is best to put the bananas in the freezer to keep them fresh longer.

When you need them, you can easily melt the bananas in the microwave and put them in cakes, muffins and banana bread, among other things.

2. Avocados

Most people know that when you cut an avocado open, it turns brown very quickly and becomes uncomfortably soft.

You can use avocado in this state for face masks or other natural beauty treatments, but you can also store it in the freezer so you can keep it in good condition for eating.

They also stay in the fridge like this: put the avocado in an airtight box, and squeeze a little lemon juice on top of it. This will make your avocado stand in the fridge for a week.

3. Coffee

coffee ice cubes
Do you often have too much coffee ready? Instead of pouring it down the drain, put the liquid in an ice cube mold, and then use the cubes in drinks or utilize them to make suitable recipes.

In fact, because coffee is frozen in this form, you can also use it to treat wrinkles, cellulite, and other skin problems.

4. Fresh herbs

Coriander, parsley and other fresh herbs turn dark as they begin to break down.

This is something that cannot be avoided, but if you still don’t want to throw away your herbs, chop and freeze them.

Then put the chopped herbs in an ice cube mold, cover them with olive oil, and keep them in your freezer for as long as you like.

This way, you have herbs available for soups, stews, and other foods that require a little extra flavor.

5. Salad

man cuts a salad

It is best to eat a salad fresh so that you can enjoy all the food it contains. However, you can also freeze the salad if it looks like you won’t get everything used until it starts to break down.

All you have to do is make a puree with lettuce leaves and a little water, and this puree should then be put in an ice cube mold  .

You can use the resulting salad cubes as part of smoothies and soups, for example  so that you can add flavor and nutrients to your meals and reduce waste.

6. Grapes

Grapes are one of the most  sensitive and most damaging fruits when they reach a certain level of ripeness.

Fortunately, however, they can be kept in the freezer so you can enjoy these fruits in juices, desserts and even drinks.

7. Tomatoes

three tomatoes

You may have heard that you should not keep tomatoes in the refrigerator so that they do not lose all of their great nutritional properties.

It is still the case that when the tomatoes are already too ripe and becoming spoiled, you should  keep them in the freezer so that you can later make, for example, tomato sauce or stews.

8. Cheese

Despite the fact that it is not recommended to freeze products rich in fat, cream and water, many types of cheese are well suited for freezing in order to extend their shelf life and reduce losses.

What is important here is that the right type of cheese should be chosen for freezing  , as ricotta and cottage cheese,  for example, are not well suited for this purpose.

On the other hand,  aged cheeses are more resistant to changes in temperature. You can keep them in the freezer for a long time.

Ideally, you could freeze the cheeses in large chunks  to keep their texture and flavor more similar to fresh cheese.

9. Margarine and butter

a large piece of butter

Both margarine and butter are suitable for freezing, as long as the instructions for handling food products are properly followed here.

It is important to know that some foods are susceptible to certain pathogens,  so they should be stored in airtight containers separately from other food.

As you can see, freezing is a good way to extend the life of many types of food  when products tend to spoil too quickly. So use this method when it is useful, although it is always best to try to buy only the right amounts of food already in principle so that you can eat your product fresh as often as possible.

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