6 Signs Of High Blood Sugar

While it may seem crunchy if you have high blood sugar, it is possible that you will lose weight faster for no apparent reason as your body uses more calories.
6 signs of high blood sugar

Our bodies send us more signals than we think,  especially regarding certain problems that can be linked to high cholesterol or blood sugar levels. We tend to associate high blood sugar with diabetes,  but in reality, this is not the only problem. Anyone can suffer from high blood sugar without realizing it. So if you suspect this may be the case for you, pay attention to the signs your body is sending you.

6 signs of high blood sugar

1. Hungry all the time

If you’re hungry all the time, it could be a sign that something in your body isn’t working properly. 

If you suffer from high blood sugar, it prevents glucose from being released in your cells. As a result, the body does not get the energy  it needs and is forced to ask for more food – this creates a constant feeling of hunger.

2. Fatigue

Fatigue can be caused by high blood sugar.

When we find ourselves very tired, we always blame excessive workload or other problems such as anemia. However, in reality, there may also be too high blood sugar levels.

With this problem, the body is unable to store and absorb glucose as it should. Thus, energy is not used efficiently and the body’s cells do not get the amount of food they need.  As a result, the  person feels tired even if he has no reason to do so. 

2. Constant need to go to the bathroom

Continuous urination  is another symptom of diabetes. If you suffer from very high blood sugar, it affects your kidneys. They try to balance the condensation of glucose in the  blood and cells.

This means that the body dissolves the blood into the intracellular fluid. In this way, it tries to bring the concentration of sugars in the blood back to the most normal levels. We feel the need to go to the bathroom more often.

4. Rapid weight loss

Rapid weight loss can be a sign of high blood sugar.


If you have high blood sugar, your body may lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time. Sounds weird, right? Believe it or not, this can happen even if you eat a lot of high calorie foods, for several reasons:

  • You will not accumulate fluids at all due to the loss of fluids due to constant urination  , and this will cause you to lose weight. 
  • Large amounts of urine with high glucose levels cause the body to consume more calories. 
  • Thus, all this makes your body try to get rid of excess glucose.
  • Also, if the insulin level is not enough for the metabolism, the body will turn to burn fat.

5. Blurred vision

If your vision sometimes becomes blurred, this may also be due to high blood sugar. In this case, the problem is the result of dehydration due to an increase in blood sugar.

When this happens, your entire body suffers, including the cells in your eyes  that are constantly regenerating and losing their ability to focus properly.

6. Irritability

Easy irritation can be the result of high blood sugar.

If you feel more irritated than ever, and this symptom comes along with anything else we mentioned, it could be the result of high blood sugar. This is because people with high blood sugar are more anxious and irritated  and even more likely to suffer from depression.

The brain needs a constant and sufficient supply of glucose to function properly. If there are major changes in this supply, it will affect brain function and our mood will deteriorate suddenly. 

In addition, sugar is involved in the absorption of another nutrient responsible for mood, chromium. We cannot maintain our insulin levels without this element.

Main image source: © wikiHow.com

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