Benefits And Use Of Lemon Peel

Benefits and use of lemon peel

Most of us are aware of the healthy effects of lemon, but remarkably often we do not utilize lemon peel. We often squeeze lemon juice and throw the peel in the trash, but the lemon peel should be used whenever possible – either in cooking or as a home remedy.

What are the benefits of lemon peel?

  • Lemon peel contains a lot of medicinal ingredients such as essential oil, citronella, vitamin C, citric acid, malic acid, formic acid and pectins.
  • Scientists have found that lemon peel removes toxins from the body and regenerates the body.
  • By consuming lemon peel, you prevent swelling and the accumulation of intestinal gases.
  • The shell helps to cleanse the liver, as its detoxifying effect stimulates the liver’s natural cleansing and takes care of liver function.
  • Lemon peel enhances digestion and prevents constipation and other intestinal problems.
  • Lemon peel strengthens resistance with a dose of vitamin C and other beneficial ingredients, and prevents infectious diseases such as the flu, respiratory problems and other common diseases.
  • The bark makes the blood more alkaline and reduces the acidity of the body.
  • Lemon peel lowers high blood pressure.
  • Lemon peel relieves nervousness.
  • The shell acts like an antiseptic, so it can be used, for example, to clean wounds.
  • Lemon peel helps lighten dark spots on the skin and refreshes teeth.
  • The shell has a strong anti-carcinogenic effect that can prevent the spread and recurrence of tumors.

Lemon peel against cancer


Recent studies show that lemon peel contains strong substances that can be up to 10 times more effective than chemotherapy in fighting cancer cells. The detoxifying effect of the bark and the rich amount of nutrients are suitable for the prevention and treatment of certain cancers.

According to the study, 20 separate experiments conducted since the 1970s have found that the substance extracted from the lemon peel can kill malignant cells and that it works to kill up to 12 different cancer cells. Lemon peel is suitable for the treatment of at least breast cancer, prostate cancer, intestinal cancer and pancreatic cancer. Lemon is a strong ingredient that, however, does not cause disgusting side effects in the body, unlike many methods used to treat cancer.

This is how you use the lemon peel for home use

Lemon zest is often added to desserts or other recipes that crave a bitter and fresh taste. Now that you know how useful a supplement lemon peel is in your diet, you can start using it more – even every day! Try these tips:

  • Wash the lemon thoroughly (preferably organic lemon) and put in the freezer until the lemon freezes completely. Once the lemon is frozen, you can grate its peel off and store it even in the freezer: the frozen peel grate is great for soups, salads, juices, smoothies, with rice, sushi and fish dishes. You can also make fresh juice by putting the whole lemon in a blender and enjoying the resulting juice.
  • When you want to enjoy a glass of traditional lemon lemonate, mix in a decent portion of lemon zest. The peel changes the taste of the drink a bit, making it an even fresher and more refreshing drink for summer parties and barbecue evenings.
  • Sprinkle lemon zest on non-alcoholic and alcoholic cocktails.

Tea made from lemon zest

Lemon tea and lemon zest

Tea made from lemon zest is an effective way to ingest the nutrients in the zest and enjoy the lemon regularly. This tea is suitable for cleansing the body, removing toxins and preventing the effects of free radicals. Free radicals accumulate in the body through pollutants, chemicals, tobacco smoke, poor nutrition, and other lifestyle and environmental impacts. Lemon peel has an antibacterial and antimicrobial effect that prevents the flu and other infectious diseases.


  • 1 liter of water
  • Peel and juice of two lemons
  • Honey and stevia


  • Heat a liter of water on a stove at high temperature and add two lemon zest. Bring to the boil for 15 minutes.
  • After 15 minutes, remove the pan from the heat and add the juice of two lemons.
  • Sweeten with honey or stevia and enjoy.

You can enjoy the tea hot or cold after every meal except breakfast. If you want to enjoy tea in the morning, drink it on an empty stomach before breakfast. Make it to keep at room temperature for a day and longer in the refrigerator, pour it into a glass jug or bottle and enjoy throughout the day as instructed.

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