Fast And Delicious Papaya Salad

Salads are fresh and light dishes that can utilize a wide variety of ingredients. Today we offer a delicious papaya salad recipe.
A quick and delicious papaya salad

Papaya is often used in smoothies and juices. Thanks to its sweet and fresh taste, it is also great as a raw material for salty salads. In this article, we will tell you how to make a delicious papaya salad quickly and effortlessly.

Salads taste especially during the summer because they are light and fresh options. However, they are great as appetizers or side dishes at any time of the year, as adding vegetables and fruits to your diet in the form of salads is easy.

Adding papaya to a salad raises the levels of many nutrients as it is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A provitamin, folic acid and fiber. It is also very light and contains digestive enzymes.

Next, let’s see how delicious papaya salad is made with different recipes!

Delicious papaya salad – three recipes

1. Papaya salad with feta cheese and palm kernels

This great salad contains both sweet and savory ingredients and is ready in just a few minutes. This salad is great as a starter for lunch or dinner.

Ingredients you need for two servings:

  • Lettuce or green salad mix for two people
  • 1/4 fresh papaya
  • 1 small jar of palm kernels
  • 100 g of feta cheese
  • A palm of roasted peanuts
  • Extra virgin olive oil and salt
Delicious papaya salad is made from papaya, feta cheese and palm kernels.
Papaya also combines salty flavors, so it is easy to utilize in salads as well.


  • Roast the peanuts unless they are pre-roasted. Peanuts can be roasted in an oven at 175 degrees or in a frying pan. Once they have a golden brown color on the surface, set them aside to wait.
  • Put the lettuce leaves in a bowl or container where the papaya salad is served. For this salad, you should choose lettuce, arugula, endive, watercress or salad mix.
  • Cut the feta cheese and palm kernels into cubes and peel and chop the papaya.
  • Mix the ingredients together and pour over a sip of olive oil and sprinkle with a little salt. Be careful with salt, as feta cheese itself is quite salty.
  • Finish this delicious papaya salad by garnishing with roasted peanuts.

You can replace the ingredients with the options you want. Feta cheese can be replaced with, for example, blue cheese or goat cheese, which are also well suited for salads. If you want a stronger flavor from the salad dressing, you can add balsamic vinegar.

2. Papaya salad with avocado and ham

Combining papaya with creamy and soft, tropical fruit or avocado, you get a particularly delicious salad!

Ingredients for four salad portions

  • 1 large salad mixing bag or lettuce for four people
  • 280 g of avocado
  • 1 long throat
  • 280 g of papaya
  • Half a red onion
  • 28 g Manchego cheese
  • 4 tablespoons diced ham
  • A handful of walnuts
  • Extra virgin olive oil, sherry wine vinegar and salt in salad dressing


  • First, prepare the ingredients, and wash, peel and chop the onion into thin Julienne strips.
  • Wash and chop the throat into thin slices ; use mandolin if necessary.
  • Peel and dice papaya and avocado. You should leave the chopping of the avocado last, and you can squeeze a little lemon juice on top of the avocado to prevent it from oxidizing.
  • Slice the cheese using a peeler and prepare the ham. If no ham cubes are available, you can also use ham slices.
  • Prepare the salad dressing from oil, vinegar and salt. Mix all the salad ingredients together in a bowl and finally add plenty of salad dressing to the salad.
  • A beautiful presentation is created when you arrange the salad ingredients in layers : place the cucumber slices on the bottom and the green salad leaves on top of them. Then add the onion, avocado and papaya. Garnish with the remaining ingredients. Finally, add the salad dressing and serve.

3. Papaya spinach salad

The secret of this last recipe lies in the salad dressing: it combines ingredients that are perfect for papaya-spinach salad.


  • 0.5 dl of extra virgin olive oil
  • 3 tablespoons low-sodium soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 teaspoon mild curry powder
  • 280 g of fresh spinach
  • 0.5 dl pumpkin seeds


  • First, prepare the salad dressing. Mix the oil, soy sauce, honey, vinegar and curry powder well together.
  • Add salt and pepper to taste  and pour the sauce into a bowl.
  • Wash and dry the spinach leaves and chop them into small pieces. Peel and dice the papaya. Add the ingredients to the bowl and mix well with the sauce.
  • Finally, roast the pumpkin seeds in a frying pan for a few minutes, taking care not to burn them. Finally, sprinkle the pumpkin seeds over the salad.
Spinach leaves go great with papaya.
This salad combines the lovely flavors of spinach and papaya, but the final touch is provided by the salad dressing.

Other tips for making an easy and delicious papaya salad

The key to making a tasty and nutritious salad is choosing the right kind of ingredients. That’s why papaya is worth choosing when it’s at its best. It should not be too hard, but not too soft, and should be intense orange in color.

Store papaya at room temperature so that it cooks better, as the cold can ruin the papaya. Cut papaya should be stored in the refrigerator. 

Cut the papaya lengthwise and place the papaya halves with the skin side up. Then remove the peel using a peeler and then cut the papaya into blocks to make it easier to remove the seeds.

Although papaya seeds are edible and offer good properties, they should only be eaten in moderation.

The salad should always be prepared fresh. However, if you want to save time, you can prepare it a little in advance, for example by chopping cheese or papaya and washing the lettuce leaves.

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