12 Natural Ways To Treat Sore Throat

12 natural remedies for sore throat

A sore throat is a common and dull ailment that affects everything you do during the day. When the throat is burned and stinged, it’s hard to think otherwise. Holistic well-being suffers when the stabbing pain of swallowing and eating and sometimes even just breathing makes it difficult to be.

Sore throat can predict flu or angina. There are many tricks for treating a sore throat and often natural, caring ingredients can be conveniently found on the grocery store shelf or are already in your closet.

What are the best ways to treat sore throat?

The following handy ingredients are often found in every home’s spice rack, pantry, or refrigerator – and if that’s not the case, pop into a convenience store and treat your sore throat naturally. Because of a sore throat, you rarely need to see a doctor, but if the ailment persists for a long time and there is no change, you should call a health center.

Cayenne pepper

Mix a pinch of cayenne pepper with a deciliter of hot water and use it for gargling daily. Be careful with cayenne pepper, don’t put it too much as it’s really strong and hot.


Salt for the treatment of sore throat

Add a teaspoon of salt to a deciliter of warm water and gargle with it about every hour.

Apple cider vinegar

Mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a deciliter of hot water and allow to cool, but only until it is no longer scorching hot. Use for creasing about every hour.

Ginger tea

Ginger for the treatment of sore throat

The ginger should be freshly grated to get the best possible help from it. Add three teaspoons of grated ginger to each deciliter of hot water, let the mixture wait five minutes, add the desired tea bag and a tablespoon of honey.

Thyme tea

Sore throat fades in minutes with this powerful extract. Add to the boiling water one tablespoon of dried thyme per deciliter, Strain, allow to cool and gargle.

Honey-lemon tea

Honey for sore throat

Honey and lemon are a strong combination for the treatment of sore throat and one of the most popular methods of treatment.

Boil the water hot and add two tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of lemon juice for every deciliter, finally you can add your favorite tea bag. Allow the drink to cool slightly and drink it slowly with small sips. This trick will help with a sore throat right away.

Licorice root tea

Licorice root can be used in many different ways to relieve sore throat. You can add a few pieces of licorice root to the hot water and sip it. You can also make tea bags from the root or chew a piece of root so that it mixes with saliva and passes through the throat effectively, relieving pain.

However, do not use licorice root in large quantities, as excessive use can raise blood pressure, nor is it recommended for pregnant women or those with high blood pressure.


Carnation for sore throat

Carnation effectively fights many different infections. If you can’t constantly cook a new serving of tea, you can chew a few dried cloves for pain relief. Cloves are sold in major grocery stores and several wellness stores.

Baking soda and salt

Baking soda for sore throat

Mix half a teaspoon of baking soda and the same amount of salt in a deciliter of warm water. Use the mixture to gargle a few times a day.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile is a natural wonder that is used for many ailments. It relaxes, helps with stomach aches and warms you up comfortably on cold days. Chamomile also works great for sore throats, and best of all, it also tastes great.

Hydrogen peroxide

Dilute hydrogen peroxide solution (3%) can be safely used to treat sore throat. Gargle with a small amount on its own, or if you can’t stand the taste of hydrogen peroxide, you can dilute it with an equal amount of water.

Lemon juice

You can use lemon juice mixed with water or honey five times a day for gargling  . However, don’t forget to brush your teeth as citric acids can damage their enamel.

Other treatments for sore throat

  • Boil the desired amount of water and add to the boiling water three lemon leaves per deciliter, and let the water boil for ten minutes. Enjoy the drink slowly before it cools down.
  • Make a chamomile dressing using dried chamomile leaves and boiling water. Boil four deciliters of water, add the leaves and let them simmer for a few minutes. Take a small clean towel or cloth that you dip in water, squeeze the excess water off carefully, and place it around your neck. Keep the bandage in place until it has cooled. You can do this a few times a day.
  • Make a caring milkshake. Cold drinks often make it easier to burn your throat. Throw a tablespoon of honey, pomegranate seeds, low-fat yogurt, blueberries and bananas to your liking in a blender and spin into a thick mixture. Enjoy a drink twice a day.
  • Add a drop of whiskey to a cup of hot water and gargle as needed.
  • Slice one onion and put it in half a liter of water. Add three tablespoons of sugar and let the mixture cook in peace for twelve hours. Drink this cup every two hours until your sore throat echoes.
  • Make a vitamin-rich vegetable drink. You will need two carrots, four celery sticks, one clove of garlic and 1/4 of the whole fennel. Enjoy twice a day. The best way to make a drink is with a juicer.
  • Boil 700 ml of water, adding 25 grams of strawberries and 30 grams of strawberry leaves. Boil the mixture for 15 minutes and then add a tablespoon of honey. Strain the drink into a capped bottle and allow to cool in the refrigerator. Use for creasing about every 45 minutes.
  • Rinse and chop a handful of parsley, chop a whole onion and a clove of garlic. Mix the ingredients together in a blender until they form a smooth paste. With this mixture you can put a tablespoon in a glass of water, and enjoy a glass a day.

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