Bean Recipes: 4 Delicious Ways To Make Use Of Canned

Shopping as good as a can of beans is a good base for a wide variety of meals, and the bean recipes we give now are handy for both everyday and festive occasions. You can make beans whatever delicious and healthy! And if you’re not very familiar with this product yet, you might want to try the following four recipes for either dinner or lunch.
Bean Recipes: 4 delicious ways to make use of a can

Bean recipes are a good choice because this inexpensive food provides a rich dose of vegetable protein. In addition, beans have a lot of essential vitamins and minerals, and it should not be forgotten that they provide a really high dose of slowly absorbed carbohydrates.

Bean recipes: easy and inexpensive, but above all healthy

There are a wide variety of recipes for making quick and easy meals from beans. It is a very versatile ingredient that can be enjoyed just as well, but beans are much tastier when combined with other ingredients.

Vegetarians in particular are familiar with beans because of their nutritional content, but here is a product that is worth considering as part of other types of diets as well. While the reputation of beans has once been very mundane, today it is quite different! The following bean recipes are great ways to take advantage of the numerous healthy properties of this excellent product with meals for the whole family.

1. Beans and mussels

Bean recipes: beans and mussels

This meal is very nutritious, but it contains very little fat. Mussels are rich in essential minerals such as iron, phosphorus, potassium and calcium, and also have a great dose of B vitamins. And one benefit is that mussels contain a large amount of Omega-3 fatty acids, the intake of which helps regulate blood cholesterol levels.


  • 1 can of beans
  • Mussels (about 500 g)
  • 2 onions sliced
  • 1 ripe tomato diced
  • 1 chopped garlic clove
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 glass of white wine
  • Salt, pepper and parsley


  • Heat the olive oil in a pan over medium heat.
  • Add sliced ​​onion and chopped garlic. Saute the ingredients together for a few minutes.
  • Then add more tomatoes.
  • Wash the mussels and place them in a pan. Also add white wine.
  • When the mussels open, add a can of beans and then more water (if this is necessary, depending on the composition of the food you want).
  • Finally, add more salt, pepper and parsley and cook for about 20 minutes on low heat.

2. Cod, beans and mushrooms

This is also a quick, easy and tasty meal. These ingredients are rich in nutrients, but still low in fat.


  • 250 g of cod (fresh or thawed)
  • Canned beans
  • 120 g mushrooms washed and sliced
  • 1/2 onion sliced
  • 1 clove of garlic sliced
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • 180 g of leaf chard
  • Salt, pepper, turmeric and soy sauce (to taste)
  • A handful of walnuts and cream cheese for garnish


  • Heat a few tablespoons of olive oil in a pan and fry the cod in it. Then you can put the fish aside to wait.
  • Add mushrooms, onion and garlic to the pan, and let the ingredients sauté.
  • Add the chard and a selection of spices to suit your taste.
  • At this point, wash and strain the vegetables, and then place them in a pan.
  • Allow the ingredients to cook on low heat for a few minutes to allow their flavors to mix.
  • Finally, serve the dishes after you have garnished them with nuts and cream cheese.

3. Grilled chicken breast and stewed beans

Canned beans

In this recipe, bean paste is used as part of an easy and very full meal. The following guide is easy to adapt for vegetarians by using seitan or tofu instead of chicken.


  • Canned beans
  • 500 g chicken breast (or seitan or tofu for vegetarians)
  • Red pepper chopped
  • Onion chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic sliced
  • Lemon juice
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt, pepper and oregano
  • Fresh mint and chopped, dried fruit for meal decoration and garnish


  • Rinse the beans with a sieve.
  • Then pour the oil into the pan, which you have heated over medium heat, and add the onion, garlic, peppers and beans.
  • Continue to heat for a few minutes and then beat until you get a smooth paste from the ingredients. You can use a hand-held blender or blender for this purpose.
  • Add lemon juice, salt, pepper, oregano and olive oil. Set the mixture aside to wait.
  • Next, heat a little oil in a pan over high heat and saute the strips you cut from the chicken breast.
  • Put a few tablespoons of vegetable puree on the bottom of the bowl and then add the chicken strips.
  • Finally, season the portions with more dried fruit, mint and olive oil.

4. Bean salad

As you may have already noticed, bean salads have gained a lot of popularity, and no wonder – salads are the easiest choices so that the beans can be utilized in a delicious way, and they are made really quickly.


  • Canned beans
  • Olives
  • 3 boiled eggs diced
  • 3 cans of tuna
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1 red pepper chopped
  • 1 can of sweet corn
  • Olive oil
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Salt and garlic powder (to taste)


  • Just put the ingredients in a bowl and also add oil, salt and vinegar (use these all to your liking).
  • This is how fast this bean salad is made!

Are you ready to include beans on your everyday menu? No wonder they have risen in popularity recently, as bean recipes are great solutions due to their nutrient richness and versatility. As you can see from these recipes, you can use beans as a basis for a wide variety of meals, and they are always just as healthy and tasty, whether you combine them with vegetables, fish, or any other regular food.

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