Benefits Of Oat Milk And Preparation Instructions

Oat milk contains a lot of fiber, so it helps in weight loss, and at the same time it makes you feel full. It’s also the perfect substitute for treats when your mind makes something sweet.
Benefits of oat milk and preparation instructions

You may have considered oats as a cereal that is eaten only in the form of porridge for breakfast and as a supplement in yoghurts, for example. However, oats are much more, as they can be used in a number of different ways to promote health and weight loss. In our article this time, we talk about one such way to enjoy the benefits of oats, i.e. oat milk. Read on to find out what all the great properties of oat milk contain and get instructions on how to make this drink at home.

Why is oat milk really good for your health?

This is mainly due to the large amount of fiber contained in oats. Oats have it more than any other grain or grain, and you get a wide variety of health-promoting effects from this product. Oats lower blood pressure, improve abdominal function and digestion, promote weight loss and fight certain types of cancer.

Oat milk has also been used to clean the intestinal walls and blood. It is useful in the treatment and prevention of a wide range of ailments, and it promotes health in general – but this is especially true of digestion. Oats greatly improve intestinal function and help the body remove toxic substances in a safe way.

Oat milk is good for health

It’s worth trying oatmeal plots, especially in the mornings, and then it’s best to enjoy it on an empty stomach before breakfast. You can then take another glass of oatmeal before lunch and a third before dinner. This will make you feel fuller, so after eating some already, you will no longer feel the same temptation to take even more.

Some people think that before incorporating oat milk into a regular diet, it would be best to do a full body cleansing that takes about a week. Then you can start enjoying this fibrous drink as described above.

More about the benefits of oat milk

Oat milk has numerous health benefits, and here we list a few of them.

  • It reduces the amount of cholesterol in the body as it cleanses the blood vessels.
  • It balances your blood sugar levels as it gives you a feeling of satiety without increasing your glucose production.
  • It reduces the risk of cancer – especially colon cancer – by preventing the accumulation of toxic substances in the gut.
Oatmothie and grapes
  • It lowers blood pressure because, just like cholesterol, oat milk has a cleansing effect on the blood.
  • It promotes healthy bowel function by increasing the growth of benign intestinal bacteria and preventing constipation.
  • It is beneficial for weight loss as it makes you feel full.
  • It improves physical performance –  athletes should drink a glass of oat milk before participating in a competition, for example. So this drink is a good addition to your workout program.
  • It improves sleep quality, and therefore oat milk is an ideal home treatment for those struggling with insomnia.

Oat milk to support weight loss

Most people who decide to start drinking oat milk do so because they want to lose weight more effectively. Oats are good for weight loss thanks to the rich fiber it contains.

In addition, oat milk is low in calories and very low in fat and sugar,  making it a great substitute for delicacies. By drinking oat milk, you can effectively reduce your desire to eat desserts and other sweet products.

Oat milk supports weight loss

People looking for effective weight loss often put their bodies in a state of starvation. Of course, this is not healthy, but many do so nonetheless. The good news about this is that oat milk is a great solution to effective weight loss. It creates a feeling of satiety that lasts for several hours. Thus, a person struggling with weight loss will be able to avoid stomach hungry and demanding sounds between meals.

Oat milk should be drunk with foods that are also high in fiber, such as grated coconut, bananas, strawberries, cinnamon, cloves, vanilla and cardamom. All of these products will give you a delicious taste experience if you combine them with oat milk.

How can oat milk be made at home?

If you want to drink oatmeal as it is, you should do it at breakfast before you start eating. You can also use oat milk as a supplement in a wide variety of recipes, as it can be put in smoothies, pastries, sauces and even soups. It has a very strong flavor, so it is a very good addition to sweet or savory foods.

Oat milk is healthy

Recipe # 1 for making oat milk


  • 7 dl of water
  • 2.5 dl oatmeal
  • 4 teaspoons of barley miso paste


Bring the water to a boil and remove the pan from the heat. Add the oats and let them soak for 30 minutes. Then add the miso and mix the ingredients well.

Recipe # 2 for making oat milk


  • 2.5 dl oatmeal
  • 10 dl of water
  • 2 teaspoons of miso paste made of barley


For this recipe, oatmeal should be cooked. So let the water boil and then add a cup of oats. Boil the flakes for 10 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and allow the oats to cool to room temperature. Then add the miso and mix well. Cover the pot with a cloth and let it stand overnight. In the morning, pour the mixture into a blender and grind until you get a smooth composition. This drink should always be consumed on an empty stomach and should be cool.

Recipe # 3 for making oat milk


  • 2.5 dl of water
  • 1 tablespoon oatmeal or oatmeal
  • honey, organically produced sugar, cinnamon or stevia (choose one of your choice of sweetener)


This third recipe requires some kind of sweetener. Prepare the milk in the evening, and if you want to get more than one drink of liquid, multiply the ingredients by the amount you want. Put the oats in the water and add the sweetener as well. Let be overnight and then drink on an empty stomach in the morning. The temperature of the milk may be to your liking.

So choose one of our three recipes and make oat milk a regular part of your diet so you can enjoy the many healthy effects of this delicious drink!

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