Best Yoga Poses For Back Pain

Often back pain is due to poor posture. Yoga combines stretching and relaxation, and this sport helps reduce back pain and effectively prevent it.
The best yoga poses for back pain

Back pain is one of the most common health problems, most often due to excessive standing or sitting. Both involve a rigid position that results in easily irritating back pain in a short amount of time.

If you release the tension that has accumulated in your back muscles, you will be able to relieve the pain. This requires strengthening and caring for the muscles so that they can better support the spine and reduce the strain it experiences.

Most back strengthening exercises focus on the muscles of the middle back, abdomen or buttocks.

All of the key muscles in the back are important to support the spine and minimize tension , but we don’t use these muscles very much in our everyday workouts.

In order to strengthen your abdomen and back muscles, you need exercises that directly target these muscle groups.

Yoga for back pain

The most popular form of yoga is Hatha Yoga. It is a very physical yoga that includes a series of postures or asanas and develops a breathing technique called pranayama.

Postures and breathing exercises are usually easy, but they can also be done in a very complex way. The purpose of yoga is to provide a person with both physical and mental benefits.

The physical benefits of yoga

yoga class

Yoga helps to strengthen muscles and muscle groups. The sport requires concentration and targeted muscle use throughout the body.

Muscle strength increases with postures and numerous movements, and many postures gently strengthen the back, as does the abdominal area.

The muscles of the back and abdomen are essential for the functioning of the network of the spine, which keeps the body upright and moves it in a vertical position.

When those muscles are in good shape, back pain can be reduced or it can be largely prevented.

Yoga also includes stretching and relaxation, which reduces tension in those muscles that are under strain.

Positions are for 10-60 seconds, with some muscles stretching while others flex, helping to relax muscles and joints and increase flexibility.

Yoga postures for back pain

Yoga in general is an effective aid to the whole body, but here we present the best yoga poses for back pain:

Downward looking dog

yoga position upward looking dog

This well-known position is a great stretch for the body. It affects the large muscles of the lower back that hold the spine in place and participate in lifting.

This is how it is done

  • Lie on your stomach with your hands slightly above your shoulders.
  • Move backwards, lift your knees up off the floor and lift your coccyx towards the ceiling. Your body is like the letter V upside down.
  • To get more stretch for your buttocks, gently bring your heels toward the floor.
  • Stay in position for 5-10 breaths and repeat seven times.

Child’s position

This position may look like a person is just resting, but it is an active stretching position that affects the back effectively .

Plus, it’s a great help to reduce stress before you go to bed after a long and exhausting day.

This is how it is done

  • Go to the quad container and then sit so that your back rests on your heels. Keep your arms long on the floor in front of you.
  • Stay in position and take a deep breath. Feeling air flowing all the way to your hips.
  • The more you stretch yourself in one direction, the more relief you will get on your back.
  • Repeat ten times.

Triangular position

yoga postures for back pain

This position is great for strengthening your back and legs. It also works by strengthening the muscles in the sides as well as stretching the muscles of the legs (IT tendon).

This is how it is done

  • Start by standing with your feet together.
  • Step back with your left foot and place your toes at a 45º angle outwards.
  • Turn your chest to the side and open yourself by stretching your right arm toward the ground and your left arm toward the ceiling. Keep both feet straight.
  • You may not be able to touch the ground with your right hand right from the start, but don’t try too hard. Bend only as much as you can comfortably, keeping your back straight.
  • Stay in position for 5-10 breaths, and then switch to one side and repeat as needed.

Cat and cow

This is the perfect help for the treatment of head, neck and especially back pain. The cat-cow combination relaxes the back muscles for both yoga and warm-up for some other exercise.

This is how it is done

  • Go to the four-container and move to the cat position by slowly pushing your spine up, bending your back.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds and then go to the cow position by constricting your spine, pushing your shoulder blades back and raising your head.
  • Switching from cat to cow helps the spine go to a more neutral state, and it relaxes the muscles and reduces tension.
  • Repeat ten times, and vary the positions gently from cat to cow and back again.

These traditional yoga postures are a very good help to keep your back supple, fit and well-being.

While yoga may not be suitable for people with severe back pain, those struggling with intermittent or chronic back pain can still benefit greatly.

Still, it’s always a good idea to contact your doctor before you start any new exercise routine.

Never force your body into any position, otherwise injury may result. If your pain is very severe, you may want to see a doctor.

When it comes to back pain, prevention is key to making life painless. Listening to your body is also always very important.

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