Dangerous Products At Home: Interesting Facts

There are many foods as well as other products that, if ingested too much, can be life threatening to humans. In this article, we list such familiar products that can be surprisingly harmful.
Dangerous products at home: interesting facts

Of course, all foods and drinks should be consumed only in moderation, and some can even be a health hazard if consumed too much. Dangerous products are really only dangerous in quantities that people are not usually able to enjoy, but if your interest arose, read on to find out what we are talking about!


Hazardous products at home: water.

Water-k annattaa drink two liters every day, little by little during the day. If you then drink three to four times this recommended amount, your kidneys will not have enough time to remove fluid from your body.

Excessive water intake can become life-threatening because a person may develop swelling of the internal organs or a heart or respiratory infarction. So water can cause poisoning in the body, as happened to American Jennifer Strange, who died after drinking more than 7.5 gallons of water in a race.


Dangerous products also include the coffee many love. Namely, caffeine can become life-threatening if it enters the body in 15 grams. This amount is obtained from 113 cups of coffee (250 ml cup). In fact, a person would also get an overdose of water, as 113 cups is about 30 liters of water. So, as you can deduce, it is virtually impossible to die from an overdose of coffee.



Chocolate is rich in theobromine, a powerful central nervous system stimulating factor. If you ate ten pounds of chocolate in one day, you would get an overdose of chocolate, and cause great harm to your health.

In that case, you would first experience nausea and diarrhea, but later there would also be more serious problems. Some of these include epileptic seizures, internal bleeding, heart attack and eventually even death.


In men, 1.25 liters of 40% alcohol can have a fatal dose , especially if these are drunk in less than an hour and the person does not vomit.


Dangerous products: tobacco.

An ordinary cigarette contains 0.8 mg of nicotine, and it can be calculated that burning 75 cigarettes at a time would cause human death.


If a person burned 680 kg of marijuana in 15 minutes or consumed 22 kg in one day, this product would cause death. It is safe to say, however, that this amount is impossible for man to consume.

Apple seeds


If you eat 18 apples in a tube, there is no danger to your health. But if, instead, you crush the seeds of 18 apples and eat them by chewing them thoroughly, the result is likely to be health problems, as the apple seeds contain cyanide .

Cherry stones

The cherry is therefore dangerous because its stones, like apple seeds, contain cyanide. The same is true of apricot and peach stones, and in addition, bitter almonds are also potentially life-threatening. With this in mind, you should always not chew or swallow the stones of these fruits, as otherwise health risks may result.



Bananas are rich in potassium, and this is known to be a health-promoting property, but too much of it can cause death. However, you can rest assured that you would need to eat at least 400 bananas at a time to make this fruit life-threatening.


A person should eat at least 11,000 oranges in a single day to get an orange overdose. Thus, even this fruit cannot be killed in practice, although in principle it is possible.



The recommended daily amount of salt is 1.5-4 grams. The lethal amount of salt is 250 grams when eaten at one time, which means 48 tablespoons.

Chili powder

If you’re a fan of hot foods, you’re sure to know chili. If you enjoyed this spice 130 teaspoons in one sitting, the result would be death. However, this is a pretty impossible amount, so there’s no reason to worry next time you want to spice up your meal with this fiery product.



If you eat 2.5 kg of sugar at one time, you will get an amount in your body that can be life-threatening. It is very difficult to get such a large dose into the body. Thus, even sugar cannot lead to death from the same sitting, for even if the consumption of sugar should be restricted, a life-threatening amount is quite impossible.


Have you ever swallowed a small amount of toothpaste while brushing your teeth? Do you know if there is anything wrong with that? Well there is, but there is no reason to panic, as a person would need to swallow at least 24 tubes of toothpaste for this product to lead to death.

Dangerous products: a few extra tips

With regard to the harmfulness of various products to human health, it must, of course, be borne in mind that life-threatening products vary according to the state of health. For example, the lethal amount of sugar in a person with diabetes may be less harmful to a person who does not have that disease. And the same goes for salt and high blood pressure, for example. If you want to play it safe, you should eat everything only in moderation and in healthy amounts.

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