Dangerous Risk Of Tampons

To minimize the risks to your health, it is very important that you never hold a tampon for more than eight hours. A bandage should also be used at least once a day instead of a tampon.
Dangerous risk of tampons
Tampons are one of the most common feminine hygiene products today, and they are practical and invaluable to many “at certain times of the month”. They also have their downsides, and in this article we will tell you what this dangerous risk of tampons really is.

You may have noticed a warning text on the side of the tampon pack about a condition called ‘toxic shock syndrome’. This dangerous risk of tampons is a type of bacterial inflammation that  only develops in unusual situations. However, it can become life-threatening if treatment is not received in time.

In a recent case, a  very successful model, Lauren Wasser, lost her leg because she did not receive treatment for her illness in time.

Dangerous risk of tampons

What is toxic shock syndrome?

This rare disease is the main reason why tampons should be used with caution. Toxic shock syndrome is caused by a bacterium called  Staphylococcus aureus , which is found naturally in the skin. This bacterium is found in the armpits, vagina, perineum and throat, and its growth can also be due to inflammation.

In fact, it is estimated that a third of the world’s population carries this bacterium in their bodies without any adverse effects on their health.

It is good to be aware of the dangerous risk of tampons so that you can use it properly.


The problem only becomes apparent if the virus in this bacterium changes. Its increase occurs particularly easily in warm environments. When this happens, toxic substances may be released that adversely affect the body.

A bacterial-friendly habitat is created when a tampon absorbs and concentrates fluid in one place in the body for an extended period of time, and this promotes bacterial growth.

This is a very high risk and that is why there have been  several campaigns against tampon manufacturers. In fact, all tampon kits today have a warning text. However, it is often printed in such small letters that only a few bother to examine the packaging closely enough.

If a woman goes unnoticed by this disease and its symptoms, the bacterium multiplies freely in the body and the patient does not understand what is going on in the body. In such cases, action may only be taken when it is too late.

This was the case for Lauren Wasser, who suffered the dire consequences of toxic shock syndrome. Now she wants to share her story with all the women so they are aware of what the dangerous risk of tampons is.

Lauren’s story

Lauren Wasser wants to share awareness about toxic shock syndrome.


For Lauren, the story turned sad on October 3, 2012, when she began to feel weak and suspected she had the flu. She was menstruating at the same time, and Lauren used tampons as usual. Lauren preferred tampons instead of bandages because of their practicality for their work.

Lauren had been menstruating for 11 years, and tampons had always been her first choice instead of bandages, as they made her feel secure during her period.

When Lauren was younger, her mother once explained the operation of tampons and mentioned that they should be changed every 3-4 hours. Prolonged use can be a serious health hazard.

The first symptoms of the disease resembled those of the flu

On the day the inflammation started, Lauren had changed the tampons at the right times, as always. So he did remember his mother’s words, but that day he went to a birthday party, and then the flu-like symptoms became more intense.

He tried to seem normal, but didn’t even really stay on his feet. People commented that he looked sick. When he couldn’t take it anymore, Lauren went far to bed and closed her eyes. He just wanted to sleep.

That same night,  Lauren did not go to the hospital, but went to sleep. He first told his mother that he still felt tired.

The next morning, Lauren’s worried mother asked a friend and police to visit her daughter’s home, where they found Lauren lying on the floor.

Survival was small

Lauren’s survival is a miracle, as doctors say Lauren arrived at the hospital just 10 minutes before her lifetime was irrevocably over. He had a good fever, and his organs had lost their ability to function. The fear was that Lauren would have had a heart attack.

Later, after paramedics rescued Lauren’s life, he was diagnosed with  toxic shock syndrome. This inflammation had time to cause death in his body.

Lauren Wasser's leg had to be amputated due to death from toxic shock syndrome.

Lauren wants to spread awareness about toxic shock syndrome

After Lauren’s leg was amputated, she felt her life was over – nothing mattered. However, he eventually recovered, realizing that there was still a lot of life left. This gave Lauren the strength to start disseminating information about that dangerous disease.

Lauren’s lawyer urged her  to take action against the manufacturer of the tampons (Kotex Natural Balance) she used, as there was little information on the packaging about how the tampons could affect a woman’s health.

Now, after three years,  Lauren has recovered and returned to work with the support of people who still believe in her.

In a recent series of photographs,  Lauren decided to show her tragic story to the world for the first time,  and in the photos, she poses for the first time with the prosthesis visible.

So be careful with the use of tampons, as at worst the consequences can be very serious, as the story of this model proves.

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