Differences Between Turkey And Chicken

In this article, we will tell you how chicken and turkey are different. We also provide a suitable frying method for both meats.
Differences between turkey meat and chicken meat

The benefits of turkey meat and chicken meat for human health are numerous and are an essential part of a balanced diet. Experts recommend enjoying both to improve overall health, whatever the age.

Chicken and turkey are called “ white meat ”. They have a better reputation than red meat. Excessive consumption of red meat increases the risk of developing a chronic disease. We should also try to avoid industrially processed meat products, as they may contain dangerous additives that affect our metabolism.

Chicken meat

Chicken meat is high in protein. Studies have shown that the nutrients contained in chicken meat are essential for maintaining muscle health. These substances are characterized by a high biological value because they contain all the essential amino acids and are fairly easily digestible.

In addition, chicken is low in fat. It is true that the lipid content of chicken meat consists of saturated fatty acids, but they do not pose a threat to health. From a scientific point of view, the recommendation for saturated fatty acids has varied widely in recent years.

Chicken also contains a lot of B vitamins. These trace elements are essential for the body and play an important role in energy-related metabolic reactions. For example, vitamin B12 is essential in the prevention of anemia.

Chicken is white meat and contains complex B vitamins as well as proteins.

Turkey meat

Turkey meat also contains proteins of high biological value. The difference between these meats is very small. Differences can only be seen in protein type. That, too, varies according to the part of the animal.

However, significant differences in fat content can be seen. Turkey meat does not contain saturated fatty acids. In fact, the total amount of fat is less than that of chicken. In addition, cholesterol levels are significantly lower.

However, they do not have serious health effects. Saturated fatty acids are not considered harmful as long as they are not trans fats.

It is important to mention that turkey meat contains more calcium than chicken meat: almost three times the amount. This information is interesting when building a diet to prevent skeletal disease. There is evidence that regular use of calcium reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis later in life.

The method of meat preparation is important

When making chicken or turkey, it’s a good idea to remember certain things. The first is that the best cooking methods are grilling, oven baking or cooking. In this way, the fatty acids do not change, which ensures the health of the meat.

Avoid frying meat in a pan and deep frying.  In these situations, you can produce components that are harmful and even toxic to human health, such as trans fatty acids and acrylamide. Both substances can cause inflammation and affect organs, tissues and cells.

It would be best to enjoy meat with vegetables. This will ensure an adequate intake of micronutrients and antioxidants.

If you want to add carbs to your meal, the best options are potatoes, legumes and whole grain rice. It is important to avoid eating white pasta and bread in particular as much as possible, as their high glycemic index can be detrimental to sugar metabolism.

The differences between turkey and chicken are not large.
Turkey meat is very similar in nutritional content to chicken meat, except in terms of fat content.

Turkey and chicken: two healthy ingredients

You should include both turkey and chicken in a healthy diet. They should be eaten regularly as they are one of the best sources of protein. In addition, they have a high biological value. We should eat more white than red meat.

Overall, the methods of preparation of turkey meat and chicken meat have little effect on the outcome of the products, and there are no significant differences between them. The optimal way to prepare chicken and turkey is on the grill or oven, but they can also be cooked by cooking. In this way, the fatty acids remain in a healthy form.

Don’t forget that the basis of a healthy diet is versatility, and that’s why using these meat products with other high-protein foods like eggs, fish and dairy products is also a good idea.

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