Do Not Give Up With Love, But Those Who Did Not Love You

Instead of giving up on love, first learn to love yourself so you don’t have to beg for affection from others and so you don’t make bad choices about your partners.
Do not give up with love, but with those who did not love you

Love is a beautiful feeling that everyone deserves to experience. However, you must have also suffered and been offended in this particular experience. But don’t give up!

Don’t give up on love.  This would be a very serious mistake.

It is better to give up with all those people who have not been able to love you the way you deserve to be loved. It is better  to stop making the same mistakes  and stop letting yourself become carried away by ideals or expectations that will eventually collapse over time.

Love can be extremely painful when it is addictive, jealousy, abusive, possessive, or insecure.

Don’t give up with love, but instead about the things you have hitherto considered love.

Keep reading, because now we’re thinking more about it – how do you keep your faith in love and give up those you don’t get what you need instead ?

Don’t give up on love because of toxic relationships

don't give up love with a woman

Sometimes it happens that the person who would be least suited to you seems to get the grip of your heart the most.

You lift this person on a pedestal from the beginning, but what happens over time? Everything is changing,  nothing is the same, or maybe we just haven’t seen things before.

Sometimes it happens that when the feelings towards someone are very strong, we become blind. Everyone around us says that person is not good for you, but you still insist that this is not true.

You put a bandage on your eyes  so you can make the familiar “happily ever after” tale a reality for you. You are still secretly believing that you will find a knight who will save that delicate and beautiful princess who you are…

It is the case, however, that if you look for the person in your life to make a toxic connection with him and thus give love to be in pain, the fairy tale will not come true. We need to learn to set aside those expectations and dreams that are only a reality in movies.

This is real life, and there are no princes or princesses in it. You will find that there are many people who can do you a lot of damage if you close your eyes right from the start instead of opening them.

What do you consider love?

two girls under a tree

We’ve talked about princes and princesses now, but then what about “finding the other half,” that familiar idea? It’s a more modern concept, but it’s an incredibly damaging way of thinking nonetheless.

Society still instills in us the need to find a partner, and that is synonymous with success in relationships. However, if  you think of another person as your “second half”, you may fall in love in an unrealistic way.

Many struggle every day of their lives with emotional addiction. This is a problem that is easy to get down to, but hard to get over.

You reject yourself to another person and think that without him you are nothing. But who then were you before you had a partner for the first time in your life?

If you attach yourself to another person, this is not love. It cannot be being dependent on another. Love is free, and it must allow man to grow. When it exhausts you, makes you tired, or makes you suffer or suffocate, it is not love. Believe us here: then it’s something else!

This thing is made up of your fears, insecurities, and deep horrors about loneliness.

Sometimes you may not enter into a relationship because you love another person. Rather, you start a relationship because you feel relieved to find someone who is interested in you, who cares about you, and who wants to be by your side.

Be careful with this. Sooner or later, you will suffer if you don’t understand what’s going on, and you may end up in a relationship after another without taking healthy breaks in between.

Each relationship is going to be twice as painful as the previous one. Is it good to live to suffer? Wouldn’t it be time to start letting go of all the pain that comes from a false belief about what love is?

Love does not mean struggle or suffering

able couple

Don’t give up on true love. Let go of the kind of love that makes you suffer and cry  every night for a person who really isn’t worth it.

You think that’s how things should be, because you’ve made another person the center of your world.

Then when you open your eyes and see the situation from a better perspective, you will realize that it was not such a big deal. You will find that for another reason it was not worth suffering and giving so much.

Don’t give up on love. Instead, give up on people you can’t build a healthy relationship with,  whether it’s because you need to improve certain things in yourself or because the other party can’t provide you with what you need.

There are people whose delusions about love make them unable to love, and perhaps you have already met several such people.

Whatever your situation, never give up on love.

Article images: Elodie Nadreau.

The main image of the article is from ©

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