Grow Aloe Vera At Home

Growing aloe vera is really easy, it doesn’t need much care and the fun is a lot of fun.
Grow aloe vera at home

The great benefits of aloe vera are well known. This medicinal plant with its amazing properties is really easy to grow at home. Therefore, it is worth embarking on its growing tree. Aloe Vera  needs little care, a little water and on top of all that you can grow inside it.

Would you like to know how to grow your own aloe vera plant? Find out:

1. Why is it good to have an aloe vera plant at home?

Aloe Vera close up

According to experts, new properties of aloe vera are being discovered all the time. It is an amazing natural resource that is available to everyone. This plant can be a solution to many daily aches and pains. 

Do you know the important properties of aloe vera?

  • It contains a range of vitamins and minerals: B vitamins, tannic acid, oils, fatty acids (oleic and linoleic acid) and numerous amino acids.
  • Aloe Vera is also able to regenerate skin cells, which is useful in the treatment of burns, for example.
  • It is easily digestible and can relieve constipation.
  • It acts as a great cleaner and disinfectant.
  • In addition to treating skin problems, aloe Vera is also ideal for regenerating tissues internally.
  • A great natural painkiller with no side effects.
  • It destroys fungi and viruses.
  • Protects and strengthens the immune system.
  • Resists inflammation. 

2. Learn how to grow your own aloe vera at home

What do you need?

  • Large clay pot.
  • Ordinary pot to fill half the pot, and curd to fill the rest.
  • Gravel to the bottom of the pot to make it easier for excess water to drain away.
  • Cuttings of aloe Vera.


to Grow Aloe Vera at Home |

What kind of aloe vera can you choose?

There are over 200 different aloe vera plants. So what should you choose? Consider the following most popular varieties:

  • ALOE ARBORESCENS : This is a high quality aloe Vera and has the shape of an “octopus”. It usually grows really fast and as it grows it forms a shrub that can grow up to 4 feet tall. It has many properties, it is suitable for the treatment of burns and skin problems, for example, and to speed up the healing of tissues.
  • ALOE SAPONARIA:  This plant has very wide, thick leaves that are 15-20 cm long and have prickly edges. It is also able to treat skin problems and is useful for constipation, inflammation, etc. It is gorgeous and beautiful, but does not grow very large.
  • ALOE ARISTATA : Its average length is usually 15-30 cm in diameter with leaves thick. In addition to treating all of the above problems, it is ideal for stinging wasps and other insects. It is a very useful home remedy and is therefore a recommended choice for growing at home.


home grown aloe vera

How do you grow aloe vera?

  • Start by putting gravel on the bottom of the pot so that the excess irrigation water drains away and the aloe Vera does not rot.
  • Fill half of the pot with normal pot soil and the other half with enriched curd moss.  Never use sand as excessive salt is not good for this plant.
  • Place the aloe vera plant of your choice in the center of the pot and cover it with soil until the top of the leaves.
  • Aloe Vera normally grows large roots that hold it firmly in place. Once you have planted a new aloe vera, it is best not to water it for two weeks. The roots will continue to grow during this time and after two weeks you can give it some water.
  • Aloe Vera needs plenty of sunlight,  so you can place it in a bright place in your home or on the porch in the summer.
  • It only needs very little water, so it should only be watered once every two weeks.
  • Aloe Vera doesn’t like the cold, so it needs to be protected in the winter.
  • It usually grows fast, and you will soon find that new small plants have started to grow around it. These are its side shoots that you can move to another pot once they have grown to four fingers in height.


aloe veran gel

As you can see, it’s really easy to grow an aloe vera plant at home; they grow fast and don’t need much care. Once its leaves have grown quite large and thick, you can use them as home remedies. These plants regenerate well, and it is a good idea to remove the side shoots next to the plant so that it can continue to grow and at the same time you can grow new plants.  Growing aloe vera is fun, and the benefits of the plant are great!

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