Health Benefits Of Mango Tree Leaves

The leaves of the mango tree are not as popular as its fruits. However, they have many health benefits. Would you like to know more about them? So keep reading!
Health benefits of mango tree leaves

Many are unaware that mango has edible leaves, although the fruit of that tree is known for its palatability, versatility, and good nutritional value. In fact, the leaves of the mango tree contain many medicinal compounds. In this article, we’ll talk about the health benefits of mango tree leaves.

In particular, mango leaves are considered to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-tumor properties. Some people even use their extracts to make tea, supplements and other health products. Keep reading so you can see why mango leaves are an absolute addition to your diet.

The main benefits of mango leaves

There are about 70 different species of mango trees. In naturopathy , however, the best known of these is Mangifera indica, as its medicinal uses come from Ayurveda and folk healing.

While mango tree can be used for its trunk, roots and fruits, some believe its leaves have superior medicinal effects. Next, let’s look at the health benefits of mango tree leaves.

The health benefits of mango tree leaves are many
The fruits of the mango tree have many properties, although its leaves also have many health benefits.

1. Medicinal compounds of mango tree leaves

First of all, note that the benefits of mango tree leaves come from their medicinal compounds. More specifically, they contain polyphenols and terpenoids known for their ability to protect against the harmful effects of free radicals. 

These compounds have positive effects on eye health and the immune system. Eating them regularly reduces the risk of eye diseases, infections and other chronic diseases.

2. Anti-inflammatory effect

One of the most significant properties of mango tree leaves is their anti-inflammatory ability, as stated at least in a  study published in BioFactors . It claims that mangiferin polyphenol has the structure of C-glycosylxanthone, which has the ability to combat excessive inflammation.

It has also been associated with other biological effects such as antioxidant, anti-diabetic, analgesic and immune-regulating properties. Some, on the other hand, believe it can help reduce the risk of heart disease and neurological disease.

3. Help with weight loss

Mango leaves alone are not a miraculous weight loss product, but incorporating them into a healthy and varied diet can help you achieve optimal weight. Why? Well, some studies have shown that its ingredients enhance fat metabolism.

More specifically, mango tree leaf extract helps prevent fat from accumulating in tissue cells. More evidence is needed to confirm these effects, but it is a convenient and safe supplement for most people – at least for now.

4. Health benefits of mango tree leaves in the treatment of diabetes

Diabetes is a multifactorial disease that always requires medical supervision and treatment. Therefore, home remedies such as mango tree leaves should only be used to support treatment, not to replace it. This plant has a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels because it is able to improve fat metabolism.

A study published in Plos One compared mango leaf extract and glibenclamide (an antidiabetes medicine). Eventually, slightly lower blood glucose levels were observed in the extract group than in the glibenclamide group after two weeks of use.

5. Health benefits of mango leaf leaves on the skin

The benefits of mango tree leaves also extend to the skin. Their extracts have been associated with a lower risk of premature aging due to their significant antioxidant content. Even animal studies have suggested that this substance helps protect against collagen breakdown and UV damage.

Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerface also states that  the antibacterial properties of these leaves can fight Staphylococcus aureus, the  cause of many different skin infections.

In addition to the fruit of the mango tree, its leaves are also healthy
The properties of mango tree leaves range from anti-inflammatory abilities to the regulation of blood fats and sugars.

6. Healthy hair

Oxidative stress is closely related to hair fragility. Here, mango tree leaves with antioxidants can be helpful. Although there is little research evidence on the effect of these leaf extracts on hair condition, some believe they help prevent abundant hair loss and promote healthy hair growth.

Take advantage of the health benefits of mango tree leaves

The leaves of the mango tree are edible and can be enjoyed fresh in a salad, for example. However, the most common use is a stew. It is made by boiling about 12 mango tree leaves in about 5 deces of water. Once the water has boiled, let it simmer before drinking.

These magazines can be found in some health food stores as either a powder, extract, or other type of supplement. The powder should be dissolved in water, whether used orally or topically. Mango tree leaves are safe for most healthy adults. However, always consult your doctor first if you have any health problems or any questions.

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