Healthy And Shiny Hair With These Tricks

If your hair is dry and curly, try avocado and boiled banana to nourish, repair and restore shine. Do not use a hair dryer as it will further dry and brittle your hair.
Healthy and shiny hair with these tricks

Hair is an important part of our appearance. However, healthy and shiny hair is a rarity today. Drying, straightening, dyeing and exposing your hair to the sun are external factors that make your hair brittle.

How to get healthy and shiny hair

As mentioned, several external factors put a strain on the hair and therefore it is rare to see healthy and shiny hair. You can also affect the condition of your hair from the inside, namely through diet. Dry and poorly cared for hair breaks, falls out, and looks unpolished and rough.

So how do you get healthy and shiny hair best, without harmful chemicals? Try these few, effective and all-natural hair masks – you will get healthy and shiny hair in that moment!

Healthy and shiny hair with natural hair masks

how to get healthy and shiny hair

Mask of avocado

Avocado is especially suitable for those with curly and dry hair. Damaged hair is often the result of excessive use of styling tools, often leading to tearing and fluffy cuts.

Caring properties

Avocado is rich in hair regenerating and nourishing vitamins. The healthy fats in avocado repair superficial damage and give hair softness and shine. Avocado is one of the best ways to treat dry hair.


  • Whole avocado
  • Wheat germ oil
  • Ripe cooking banana


Cut the avocado in half, remove the stone and scrape the flesh into a bowl. Peel a squash and chop the avocado. Add a tablespoon of oil and rest the ingredients until smooth. Apply the mask to wet hair, cover with a shower cap or towel and allow to soak for an hour. Repeat the treatment twice a week and you will see great results.

Rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar

healthy and shiny hair with apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most popular hair care products among those interested in natural cosmetics. Apple cider vinegar restores the shine of the hair after just one treatment. In addition, vinegar balances the pH of the scalp and prevents dandruff.


Cider vinegar is made by fermenting the sugars contained in apples. Vinegar contains all the useful vitamins in apples that revitalize blood circulation in the scalp and enhance hair growth. Only two ingredients are needed for this easy treatment.


  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Water


Pour a couple of deces of apple cider vinegar into a bowl and add the same amount of water. Cider vinegar should never be used undiluted on the skin or hair, as it is too acidic and can cause skin irritation.

Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray all over your hair. Avoid contact with eyes. Leave on for half an hour and wash your hair normally. The treatment is suitable for daily use until the desired results are achieved.

Almond oil

with oil for healthy and shiny hair

Almond oil strengthens and deeply moisturizes the hair. It prevents hair breakage.


Almond oil has a deep moisturizing effect that keeps the hair supple and strong.


  • Almond oil
  • Honey


Mix a drop of almond oil with the same amount of honey. Apply from the scalp towards the tops, rub the conditioner thoroughly into the hair and allow it to absorb for an hour. Wash your hair as usual. Repeat treatment if necessary.


with mayonnaise healthy and shiny hair

With mayonnaise, you enliven your hair and restore its natural shine and moisture. Mayonnaise keeps hair thick and beautiful.


The natural oils contained in mayonnaise moisturize the hair and keep it silky soft.


  • Mayonnaise
  • Hot water


Mix a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise with a drop of warm water. Apply evenly throughout the hair. Mayonnaise should always be applied to damp or wet hair. Leave on for 45 minutes and rinse off with warm water, wash your hair with shampoo normally. Mayonnaise can be used to treat hair once a week.

Mask of aloe vera and beer

This intensive treatment is suitable for moisturizing dry hair and repairing bifurcated hair. In addition, it balances oily scalp and helps you get healthy and shiny hair.


Aloe Vera strengthens hair keratin, which is responsible for hair growth and strength. Keratin is reduced in the hair due to, for example, dyeing and the use of other chemicals.


  • Desi beer
  • Two branches of aloe vera
  • Olive oil


Scrape the gel containing aloe vera leaves into a bowl and mix in the beer and a tablespoon of olive oil. Mix evenly and apply to all hair, massaging well. Leave on for half an hour and wash your hair. This treatment can be done up to twice a week.

This will keep your hair healthy and shiny

You will get healthy and shiny hair in natural ways.
  • Avoid washing your hair every day. Too hard a washing cycle dries the scalp and removes its own natural oils from the hair, which keep the hair shiny. Wash your hair with a gentle shampoo that suits your hair quality a couple of times a week. It may take a few weeks for your hair to get used to the new washing rhythm, but you’ll soon notice how much better your hair will look with less washing.
  • Do not wash your hair with hot water as this will dry your hair.
  • Add honey to the shampoo to moisturize your hair every time you wash it.
  • Do not tie wet hair to the braid or fasten it with pins.
  • Brush your hair every day to avoid bifurcation and hair breakage.
  • Have your hair straightened every six months with a hairdresser.
  • Do not brush your hair wet.
  • Follow a healthy diet.

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