HIIT Workout For Beginners – Exercises And Tips

Weight loss takes time. However, if you are looking for an effective workout that your body responds to quickly, the HIIT workout may be right for you!
HIIT workout for beginners - exercises and tips

HIIT, or high-performance interval training, can help you get results in no time. In this sense, just a 10-20 minute HIIT workout can do the same thing as a 40 minute cardio workout. Today, the topic of our article is HIIT training for beginners, and we will introduce various exercises as well as share tips related to the topic.

The HIIT workout is perfect for people who don’t have much time to work out, who sit a lot, and for those who want to improve their physical fitness. Today we will tell you everything you need to know for a beginner about HIIT training, how to practice it, and tips to help you get started.

What is a HIIT workout and how do you get started?

HIIT is an acronym that comes from the English words high-intensity interval training, which means high-intensity interval training.

Training intervals can consist of 20-45 seconds of exercise followed by 10-15 seconds of rest. It promotes cumulative muscle tension, which is why it exponentially multiplies the results.

Experts recommend HIIT training for beginners as a five- to seven-minute workout with exercises that a person can already do, as incorrectly done movements can cause injuries.

There is also an applied version of HIIT training where you run for 60 seconds and walk for 90 seconds. The results depend on the individual response of the body to the workout.

Experts recommend HIIT training for beginners because you can get great results in a short amount of time.
The HIIT program can include, for example, side squats, which is the perfect movement for a beginner.

HIIT workout for beginners – recommended exercises

The HIIT workout should be tailored to each individual’s own individual physical abilities. It is therefore important that the exercises and interval periods are personally defined.

A beginner can increase the intensity of their workouts gradually to achieve the desired effectiveness. Here are some recommended exercises:

  • anaerobic plank
  • jogging in place
  • weightlifting
  • squats
  • bench walking
  • branch jumps
  • long and short abdominal cramps
  • stretcher presses
  • side squat

Next, we’ll talk about two programs that are a great HIIT workout for beginners – these may seem demanding at first. However, they are a great benefit in weight loss.

1. 10 minute HIIT program for beginners

This program trains for 20 seconds and rests at 10-second intervals. For training, you only need comfortable training clothes. Follow these instructions:

  • Hit the fist in the air in front and crosswise – this movement is also known as the jab. When standing, place one foot slightly, about ten inches ahead of the other. Then do a boxing move with one hand and keep the other hand hooked. Be sure to make movements with both hands.
  • Rest for ten seconds.
  • Next jump jumps. Raise your arms up toward the sky with each jump, and as you land on the ground, lower your arms to the sides of the sides.
  • Rest for ten seconds.
  • Next, do sumo squats. To make the movement correct, place your foot in a wider fork position than your hips and turn your feet outward. Every time you squat, put your hands together at your chest.
  • Repeat each step effectively for up to 20 seconds. Do as many repetitions as you can in 10 minute intervals.

2. 20 minute HIIT program for beginners

In this program, the exercise includes 45 seconds of training and 15 seconds of rest. Before you begin running this program, you must first perform well in the program outlined above.

Follow these instructions:

  • Do push-ups. If you want, you can do push-ups on your knees on the ground.
  • Rest for 15 seconds.
  • Jog in your seat or do butt kicks. The secret to this exercise lies in the fact that the heels should hit the buttocks.
  • Rest for 15 seconds.
  • Do stretcher push-ups with a stable chair. Put your palms on the chair, bend your elbows and return to the starting position.
  • Rest for 15 seconds.
  • Do side squats while keeping your toes forward while taking a long step to the side and holding the position for a few seconds.
  • Rest for 15 seconds.
  • Repeat each movement until 20 minutes have elapsed.
HIIT training is a fast but high-performance form of training.
The HIIT workout includes short breaks between high-performance workouts.

Tips for progressing in HIIT training

When it comes to progress in HIIT workouts, it depends on how your body responds to the exercises offered to it. Experts recommend the following tips for progressing in HIIT training:

  • Reduce rest time. In the beginning, rest periods are usually long. With this in mind, by reducing rest periods, you can effectively progress in HIIT exercises.
  • Add more explosiveness to your workouts. Some exercises are more intense than others. You can add more effective exercises to your HIIT program little by little.
  • Add intervals to sets. Including new workouts in sets activates more muscle groups, but also makes you work harder.

The HIIT workout can be customized

A HIIT workout is a great way for a beginner to burn calories faster without having to work out for a long time. It can also be customized for each trainer individually, according to their own physical abilities.

The best way to progress in a HIIT workout is to increase exercise, resistance, intervals, and strength as your body adjusts and your physical condition develops. It is important to remember that you should not rake too much at the beginning, otherwise you will have difficulty doing the workout.

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