How To Fight Fatigue During Pregnancy?

How to fight fatigue during pregnancy?

Pregnant women can sometimes feel very tired. This is due to changes in the woman’s body as the baby grows in the womb. That is why it is important to know how to fight fatigue effectively during pregnancy.

Fatigue during pregnancy is very common. A woman’s body then undergoes many changes at the same time, and while it may not always look like it, even the most routine physical activity can require a great deal of effort on the part of the expectant mother. There are days when exhaustion strikes harder than other days, but the truth is that in one way or another, fatigue is the everyday temptation of a pregnant woman.

The expectant mother must therefore learn to take it more calmly, and not demand too much of herself all the time. Adequate rest during pregnancy is also essential, where some women choose to rest in the morning and others in the afternoon, while others do not take a nap at all during the day to be able to sleep better at night. However, resting during pregnancy is important regardless of activities and circadian rhythms, although the amount of adequate rest is always individual. 

How to fight fatigue during pregnancy?

Fortunately, fatigue during pregnancy can be combated with certain techniques. Although these techniques presented below may seem very simple at first, they can have a major impact on the well-being of the expectant mother.

In addition, practicing these techniques helps maintain a healthy lifestyle that benefits not only the mother but also the baby. Read more below!


Exercise should also be done during pregnancy

Exercising calm and soft exercise or even walking in the morning will help get your whole body moving. Exercise, no matter how calm, helps to improve the body’s stretch during pregnancy , makes it easier to control weight and reduces the feeling of fatigue during pregnancy.

  • Also, start exercising while you are pregnant by always warming up and stretching your body.
  • You can do many exercise exercises both on your own and with an instructor, examples of which include endurance exercise such as walking, running, swimming, and low-pace aerobics and dancing.
  • For the well-being of muscles and joints and the elongation of the whole body, it is recommended to practice slow and soft exercises such as yoga and tai chi.

A balanced and healthy diet

Proper nutrition during pregnancy is essential for a baby’s development. A balanced diet also benefits the mother, especially when she feels more tired than normal. It is also worth bearing in mind that many of the symptoms that cause fatigue can be due to iron deficiency, or anemia. Iron deficiency anemia is actually a fairly common disease during pregnancy.

It is recommended that foods high in iron, such as meat, grains and legumes, be consumed in large quantities during pregnancy. In addition, foods containing iron are recommended to be consumed with foods high in vitamin C, as vitamin C helps to enhance the absorption of iron into the body.

If you suspect an iron deficiency, always consult your doctor first to confirm the diagnosis. In this way, simple laboratory tests can be used to accurately determine the status and severity of iron deficiency, allowing your doctor to recommend the best possible diet for you according to your individual needs.

In case of iron deficiency, caffeinated beverages should be avoided, as caffeine prevents the absorption of iron into the body. It is also worth remembering that hydration is one of the most important cornerstones of a balanced and healthy diet, so you should remember to drink at least one and a half liters of water a day.

Hot bath

One of the simplest and best ways to relax and relieve fatigue is to take a long and hot bath or shower. At the same time, the use of essential oils or aromatic flowers in bath water or bathroom aromatization is also recommended. Hot baths can be taken both in the morning as soon as you wake up and in the evening before going to bed.

You can also ask your partner to give you a light massage either during or after a bath, as massage is a great way to relieve fatigue and improve sleep quality during pregnancy. In addition, rubbing is a great way to strengthen both the relationship between you and your partner and the relationship between the baby and the parents.

Adequate sleep

Fatigue during pregnancy can be relieved with adequate rest and improved sleep quality

If the cause of fatigue and exhaustion is insomnia, you can try eating more foods with tryptophanes, preferably during dinner, as foods containing tryptophanes make it easier to fall asleep and improve sleep quality.

Pregnant women more often experience difficulty falling asleep. However, ensuring adequate sleep is one of the most important pieces of advice for pregnant women and at the same time one of the biggest concerns, as rest is essential for the health of both the expectant mother and the baby.

It would be advisable to rest for eight hours at night and an hour during the day. Even if you don’t get to sleep during this time, still lie down and try to rest your eyes closed. 

  • Before going to bed, try to find the position that is as comfortable as possible for yourself, where you can fall asleep most easily. Finding a comfortable posture is especially important for the last quarter of pregnancy, when your stomach has grown a lot.
  • You can help yourself with pillows; place the pillow under your knees, hips, or back, for example, to find the best possible position.

To be considered

For best results, the above techniques for relieving fatigue should be combined. However, before starting a new exercise or diet change, always seek the opinion of an expert first.

However, if, for one reason or another, these techniques do not help combat fatigue during pregnancy, it may be chronic fatigue and we recommend that you see your doctor immediately.

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