How To Get Rid Of Ex-partner Walter Rison

A lot of books have been published on resignation, but good advice can never be given too much. Especially if they lead to contemplation and help prevent obsession.
How to get rid of ex-partner Walter Rison

Today we would like to give five tips to help you get rid of your ex-partner. When two people spend a lot of time together, a special bond usually forms between them. This emotional bond can become so strong that a person cannot detach from another even when the relationship is over.

Fear of pain sometimes prevents you from going on new paths and moving forward. For this reason, it is important to know how to get rid of your ex-partner after a divorce. Read the tips below!

How to get rid of ex-partner Walter Rison

Today, many relationships are short-lived. According to psychologist and bestselling author Walter Rison, many find it difficult to face the end of a love affair and they can get stuck in jostling for years.

Resigning is never easy. At best, you will stand out at good intervals and your instrument will remain friendly. But regardless of the nature of the difference, losing another is usually a hard blow.

Who is Walter Riso?

Walter Riso is a well-known Italian psychologist with nearly 30 years of experience working in clinical psychology. She sometimes works as a psychotherapist and sometimes as a university professor. He leads clinical practice research and publishes his findings in psychology.

Of his books, 25 are technical and academic texts. His works have been translated into more than 12 languages, including English, German, Dutch, Chinese, Italian, Catalan, Greek and Slovenian. Some of his most notable works in English are:

  • How to Deal with Infidelity
  • How to Take the Suffering out of Love
  • How to Overcome Emotional Dependency
  • How to Be Assertive and Avoid Being Manipulated
  • How to Improve Your Self-Esteem

How to get rid of an ex-partner

Resignation can be difficult

When the relationship ends, we go through different stages. Sometimes we compulsively want to see an ex-partner again until then we finally realize that we need to let him go for good.

Follow these Walter Rison tips to get rid of your ex.

1. Remove him from the soma

Right now, some are a big part of many people’s lives. We take advantage of it to stay up to date on the lives of our friends.

That’s why it’s better to remove exas from Facebook, WhatsApp, and many other social media. That way he is no longer in any form in your life.

2. Avoid talking about him

Relieving the pain for friends can help, but don’t let the complaint make up the majority of your daily conversations. Try to keep your mind on other topics (even then politics and religion!).

3. Develop a new project in your life

It is important to take a moment to reflect on old goals and think about new ones. This is how you slowly stop thinking about your ex until you are mentally free and independent.

4. Do not contact him

Above all, maintain your self-esteem. Aneluing, self-humiliation, and persecution of your ex will not only reduce your chances of a healthy divorce, but also increase your feelings of frustration and lower your self-esteem.

5. Don’t idealize him

One of the biggest mistakes that prevents you from getting rid of an ex is his idealization. Many may succumb to this, however, often because they have a need to justify the needs of their own ego, worshiping another.

It is advisable to recognize all the distortions and fantasies you have forged and look at reality as it is.

Give up hope in his relationship

According to Walter Rison, one of the most common barriers to divorce is maintaining hope. When problems arise in a relationship, hope is a positive thing as it drives you to work and persevere to rebuild the relationship. But apart, this virtue will most likely turn against you.

When you keep hope up, it’s impossible to let go of your ex-partner, or at least his memory, which is just as restrictive in emotional matters. The fear of losing the pain changes your perception and often the hope remains despite the other party’s clear signs of indifference.

On the other hand, many people create attachment-based bonds. They are scared to be left alone, their self-esteem drops and they begin to believe that no one will ever love them. With this assumption already in advance, taking the distance feels even more painful and difficult.

To get rid of your ex-partner, Examine yourself honestly to see if you still live up to the hopes for her relationship.

When a relationship ends, grief can drift into a vicious circle. If this is the case for you, follow these five tips from Walter Riso to get rid of the ex and strengthen your decision and strength to do so.

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