How To Reduce Facial Dryness

Are you completely tired of dry skin on your face? In this case, try these great natural treatments to get rid of your dilemma easily.
This will reduce the dryness of your facial skin

Dry skin is a very common problem that can come up at any stage of life. However, it is more common in people over the age of 40 and in winter.

In this article, we will show you how you can reduce the dryness of your facial skin with natural remedies – so keep reading and try for yourself if this problem bothers you!

How can you ease dryness of facial skin?

There are many factors that cause dry skin. This problem can be the result of genetic factors, climate, the environment and excessive face washing, as well as the use of unsuitable products.

If you also have this dilemma, you should take the following good tips to help you reduce skin dryness naturally and effortlessly.


moisturize dry skin

1. Moisturize your skin daily

Numerous products are sold in stores to help combat dry skin and should be used every day or possibly even several times a day.

It will have little effect if you put a thick layer of moisturizer for a week, and then the next week you give up your new way. It is very important to use such moisturizing products daily, and at least in the mornings and evenings.

To make it easier for you to remember to use a moisturizer, you may want to leave it on your bedside table or in the bathroom.

Also, in order to increase the hydration your skin gets, it’s a good idea to put on these creams after you wash your face or take a bath, that is, while your skin is still wet.

Remember that it is always better to apply creams to the skin by making soft movements to avoid facial irritation.

2. Wash your face with warm water


face wash with lukewarm water

You should always wash your face with warm water after  you come home from work, or after exercise, and the same should be done when you wake up in the morning and when you go to bed.

This will make it easier for you to make your skin pores relax, which will help keep your skin moisturized. Washing your face with hot water is not a good idea, as this way irritates the skin as well as removes moisture.

The same goes for taking a shower, meaning if you use hot water (for example in winter), we recommend washing your face with lukewarm water.

3. Rub the facial skin gently

It is a mistake to believe that people with dry skin have no need to exfoliate. After all, this is a technique used to remove dead skin cells and fight clogging of skin pores, so it is effective for any skin type.

It should be borne in mind that  many of these products, which are allowed to be purchased freely from stores, can actually aggravate dry skin. Therefore, you should first make sure that a particular product is suitable for your own skin, and the massage should also be done very gently. You can also try making the exfoliating agent yourself from natural ingredients.

When you’re done with the exfoliation and massage, don’t forget to moisturize your skin.

4. Dry your skin slowly

After taking a shower or washing your face, it is best to let your skin dry at your own pace, without a towel. However, if you don’t like this idea, you should be a little careful with the towel you use.

  • First, it should preferably be  made of cotton.
  • Also, remember that the skin should not be rubbed with a cloth, but instead you should  pat the surface gently for up to 20 seconds.
  • Another option is to use a soft cloth so that you apply a slight pressure when drying the skin.

5. Drink plenty of water


drink plenty of water

It is very important to moisturize the skin from the inside so that you can give it elasticity and elasticity.

When you drink water, you can remove those toxic substances that cause drought. At the same time, water also helps to take nutrients to the cells.

If you have very dry skin, we recommend drinking  at least two liters of water a day. This amount includes natural juices and herbal baths.

6. Protect your skin with Vaseline

Those with dry skin know very well that this is a problem that gets worse in the winter. This is due to the heating systems used in the homes, the wind, the cold outside and the snow.

If your own skin also dries more in the winter, you can put Vaseline on your face before you leave home so you can maintain your skin’s natural hydration for longer.

7. Eat healthy

Just as water is a factor that moisturizes your skin, so do fruits and raw vegetables. In addition, you get a lot of nutrients and vitamins from them that will improve your well-being in general.

Try to enjoy at least two fruits and two servings of vegetables a day,  and you should buy products that are seasonal in particular.

The best options include:

  • watermelon
  • tomato
  • apple
  • watercress

8. Pamper your skin with milk

Believe it or not, many facial products sold in stores contain milk. This is because milk is a natural cleansing and moisturizing fluid  that is a very effective aid in skin care.

  • In order to use milk to improve the condition of your skin, first wash your skin thoroughly.
  • Then soak the cotton in milk, and wipe your face with liquid.

This way, you can first prevent irritation and provide moisture to your skin, but also reduce redness and flaking of the skin.

It is a better option to use whole milk here  as it contains more lactic acid, fats and lipids.

9. Reduce your intake of salt and fats


vegetables and fruits dry skin savers

Fast food is not only causing a weight gain and an increase in cholesterol, but also it  causes dehydration in the body and thus increases the ihonkin dryness.

  • Limit your salt intake, as well as your intake of fried and caffeinated foods.
  • In addition, you should avoid  excessive alcohol consumption, as well as drinking soft drinks.

10. Do not smoke

Tobacco has numerous adverse effects on human health, and one of these consequences is associated with dry skin.

  • This is because tobacco smoke contains tar, which clogs skin pores and causes pimples to form and dry out.
  • This then  prevents the skin from breathing and limits the oxygen supply to the body’s cells.
  • If all this doesn’t convince you yet, remember that smoking  reduces the amount of vitamin C in your body tissues.

Remember these ten basic tips if you want to get rid of dry facial skin by natural means!

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