How To Remove Tartar Naturally

In addition to taking a variety of treatments to help you, such as mouthwash and special toothpastes, there are also foods that will help get rid of plaque and tartar buildup. Keep reading and find out more!
This is how you remove tartar naturally

Tartar is formed so that food constantly accumulates between the teeth and  gums. This substance consists of mineral salts and waste, and as a result of its accumulation, yellow spots appear on the surface of the teeth. This is how you remove tartar naturally.

The best way to get rid of tartar is to see a dentist for treatment, but  you can also take some home remedies to help prevent tartar from multiplying.

So in this article, we want to tell you about the best options for tartar control with natural products – keep reading and improve the health and appearance of your teeth easily and cheaply!

This is how you remove tartar by natural means

It is very important to use a toothbrush properly so that you can prevent plaque from forming.

  • Be sure to brush your teeth at least twice a day (morning and evening), and change the brush every three months.
  • In addition, it would be a good idea to use dental floss and mouthwash to help you streamline your health routines. This will make it easier to get rid of both bacteria and tartar.

At the same time, we recommend that you avoid sugary foods and products that contain starch. This is because bacteria living in the mouth get their food from these substances.

Every time you eat something sweet and you don’t rinse your mouth, these microorganisms release acid, which causes your teeth to perforate.

In addition, it is best to see a dentist twice a year. This will give you a proper cleaning of your teeth as well as treatment for your existing holes.

Natural products should also be used as complementary treatment. There are household products that prevent the accumulation of residues in the mouth – in the following we present the best options for these. This is how you remove tartar by natural means.

1. Baking soda

baking soda this way you remove tartar

This is a product that is good to have available at home all the time, as it can be used to help in so many ways. Baking soda has been used for centuries because of its cleansing and whitening properties.

  • All you have to do is put a small amount in a jar, and then the toothbrush soaked in water should be covered with this powder.
  • Brush your teeth as usual.

Remember that baking soda has a salty taste and an abrasive effect on tooth enamel, so you should only use it in small amounts.

2. Hydrogen peroxide

This is another kind of product that should always be kept in stock at home as it cleans wounds and even whitens teeth.

  • Take a mixture of equal amounts of hydrogen peroxide and water for your convenience. Then use it to rinse your mouth after brushing, and repeat this treatment 2-3 times a week.
  • This will help you get rid of tartar as well as prevent the growth of bacteria so that your mouth can stay healthy.

3. Apple

red apples this way you remove tartar

Eating a raw apple with peel as a dessert is a healthier option than anything else, and in addition, you can clean your teeth with natural means.

With the help of an apple, the calculus cannot be multiplied. In addition, it keeps your gums healthier as well as prevents them from bleeding.

4. Orange

Vitamin C in this citrus fruit prevents microorganisms from multiplying on the surface of the teeth.

  • You can enjoy orange juice every morning or alternatively  rub the inside of the orange peel on your teeth before going to bed in the evenings.

5. Baking soda and aloe vera

remove tartar with aloe vera

This home treatment is a very effective aid in getting rid of tartar. You can repeat it twice a week after brushing your teeth in the evening. This is how you remove tartar with aloe vera.

Necessary ingredients

  • 240 ml of water
  • 120 ml baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel
  • 10 drops of essential lemon oil
  • 4 tablespoons vegetable glycerin

Do this

  • Mix water and baking soda well in a container.
  • Then add the aloe vera gel and essential oil.
  • Finally, add more glycerin.
  • Shake the ingredients until you get a smooth mixture and keep it in a glass jar with a lid.
  • Use this like a toothpaste every day.

6. Sesame seeds

The composition of these seeds allows you to get rid of plaque while whitening your teeth.

  • The following instruction is very easy: chew a tablespoon of sesame seeds, but do not swallow them.
  • Then, when brushing your teeth, use the paste that has formed from the seeds with your saliva.
  • Finally, rinse the paste off with plenty of water.

7. Strawberries and tomatoes

strawberries good for teeth

Both of these products are rich in vitamin C, and if you rub them on your teeth, you will not only get rid of plaque, but also whiten your teeth. Let the products work for a few minutes before rinsing your mouth.

8. Plaque toothpaste

This is how you remove tartar with homemade toothpaste. This homemade paste is a natural preparation, you get it as an alternative to pastes containing chemicals in stores.

In addition, you can benefit from the effectiveness of its ingredients in removing plaque as well as keeping your teeth healthier.

Necessary ingredients

  • 120 ml of coconut oil
  • 3 tablespoons baking soda
  • 2 tablespoons stevia powder
  • 20 drops of essential oil of your choice

Do this

  • Put coconut oil, baking soda and stevia in a box.
  • Mix the ingredients well and then add the essential oil of your choice (it can be, for example, lemon, mint or lavender).
  • Stir well until a smooth mixture is obtained. Then place the mixture in a glass jar.
  • Use this every day in the same way as regular toothpaste.

9. Carrots and celery or other raw vegetables

Raw vegetables protect the health of your teeth as they increase saliva production and strengthen your teeth.

Choose vegetables that give you a feeling of satiety and are good snacks between meals. For example, you can choose carrots and celery.

10. Almonds

almonds in oral care

Nuts are helpful for this purpose if eaten whole, as they will prematurely rub against your  teeth – this effect will then remove plaque and tartar a little at a time.

  • For example, a handful of almonds a day is helpful in removing remnants that have accumulated on the teeth and gums.

Take care of your teeth more effectively and take the help of these home products so that you can reduce and fight tartar naturally and thus keep your mouth healthy!

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