How To Use Lemon And Other Natural Cleansers

How to use lemon and other natural cleansers

Have you ever wondered how your grandmother cleaned her home without the wide range of cleaning products we have today? The answer is more than simple: using  homemade or natural cleansers.

This does not mean that they have been less effective than chemical-based cleaners, but rather the opposite. In the following article, you will learn how to  make your own, homemade natural  cleansers . 

Multi-purpose natural cleansers

Make this handmade soap with several uses. You can use it to clean different surfaces: from carpets to floors and from the kitchenette to the bathroom. The ingredients you need are:

  • 30% alcohol for cleaning
  • 20% vinegar
  • 50% distilled water
  • 20 drops of lemon oil

The dimensions depend on the container you are using. You can do a lot of detergent at once and save it in a bottle or canister so you can continue to reap its benefits. Iron the detergent in a bucket with water and clean as usual.

homemade soap with natural cleansers

Homemade cleaner for tiles or porcelain

This natural cleaning product also has several uses, but most of all it will be good for your friend in the bathroom. It has been used to clean tiles and appliances (such as a bathtub or hand basin). It can also help you make porcelain ornaments or silverware shine.

Just mix lemon juice and water. Soak a sponge or rag in this liquid and wash the surfaces you want to clean with it. If they have been dirty for some time, leave the liquid for a while or rub the area harder. Rinse with warm water.

You can also clean the bathrooms with vinegar after you have sterilized them with lemon and water. Leave this product in the bathroom overnight and rinse with water the next morning.

Oven degreaser

There is nothing more difficult than removing grease from the oven, especially if you do not do it very often, as grease accumulates there layer after layer, and it is time consuming to remove it completely.

If you want to stop using traditional oven cleaners,  switch to the use of natural cleansers for products that are high in toxins (containing oil derivatives, potassium hydroxide and methylene chloride, etc.) and that increase skin, eye and respiratory problems .

First, wash the oven with a rag that has soaked in as hot water as your hand can take. Then make a thick paste of water and baking soda and add it to the surfaces of the oven. Leave it overnight. The next day, rinse the surfaces with a small amount of water.

natural cleansers can be made yourself

Natural dish soap

This recipe is good for those who have dishwashers in their homes because it allows them to keep glasses, plates and cutlery clean and leave them with a pleasant lemon scent. It is also more economical than products sold in stores. You need:

  • 3 lemons
  • 200 grams of thick salt
  • 100 ml of vinegar
  • 200 ml of water
  • 30 ml fabric softener (optional) 

Wash and cut the unpeeled lemons and puree them in a blender with salt. Then add vinegar, water, and fabric softener if desired, and puree at high speed. Put it in a pan over medium heat and cook for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon. Be careful as it can get stuck in the bottom.

Pour the soap into a container and allow it to cool. When it is no longer hot, stir it a little as it will form a crust on its surface. Keep it tightly closed in the refrigerator. Use it as dish soap; use two tablespoons per wash.

lemons natural cleansers

Organic cleaner with ash as bleach

The cleaner or ash bleach is very easy to prepare and you can use the residue found in the fireplace or oven.

Only wood or paper ash works. The stronger the wood, the better the quality of the bleach. Don’t forget to wear gloves and goggles if your skin is very sensitive. Avoid getting the substance on your skin when preparing the cleanser.

  • Strain the ashes apart from the pieces of coal. The whiter and more charred it is, the better cleanser you will get.
  • Put it in a container with hot water so that there is 5 parts water and 1 part ash.
  • Cover the mixture with a towel for 1-2 days. Stir occasionally.
  • Pour the mixture through a sieve cloth or tights.

You get a slippery liquid, which makes it an effective cleanser. If you drop a potato or egg into it and it floats, this means the substance is ready. If the potato or egg sinks, you should add ash.

You can use the mixture as a liquid cleaner and you can dilute it with water if necessary when using it. Store in tightly closed bottles.

natural cleansers bleach

This ash bleach is intended for cleaning clothes and all cutlery that needs to be sterilized, such as rags or strainers. Many people use it to disinfect vegetables, roots and legumes or to disinfect kitchen or bathroom countertops.

Homemade and natural air freshener

To remove bad odors from your home and stop using sprays or other chemical products that can harm your health, use this air freshener.

You will need a glass bottle with a metal lid. Cover a quarter of it with baking soda and add 8 drops of essential oil. Close the lid and mix both ingredients well. Make a hole in the cover with a nail. Put it where you want it, and when the scent is gone, repeat this process.

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