Interesting Information About Snoring

Interesting information about snoring

Not everyone may know much about snoring. For example, did you know that  snoring is hereditary? This is why 70% of people snore, even though many don’t do it all the time.

“I’m not snoring!” “I can’t sleep because you snore so hard!” “I have to push you all the time to stop snoring!” You’ve certainly ever said or heard these comments, haven’t you? The sounds we make while sleeping are sometimes strange and amusing, so this topic is quite interesting. So this time we talk a little about snoring and related phenomena.

About snoring

You almost know in the Guarantee that people who sleep face up are more likely to snore than those who sleep sideways or on their stomachs. However, there is much more to snoring that is not quite as common knowledge. Here are some interesting facts related to this noisy phenomenon.

Main reasons for snoring

Researchers have found that there are three main factors that determine whether a person snores or not. A particular person may have one, two, or all three of these factors. Those who snore often snore precisely because they have the following lifestyle characteristics:

  • overweight
  • smoking
  • alcohol

So if you don’t want to sound like a vehicle or animal while you sleep, you should first start paying attention to your body, your eating habits, and the amount of exercise you do. Also quit smoking and try to drink less wine with meals. And best of all, in addition to being able to stop snoring, these life changes will make you feel better.

Snoring and apnea

One possible reason for snoring your husband or girlfriend is an allergy or nasal problem. Therefore, a person may snore more during certain seasons. Illness due to cold weather is more common in winter (nasal congestion), and  in spring, flowering and warm days cause an increase in pollen and the appearance of seasonal allergies. As a result, conditions, especially in winter and spring, are conducive to the occurrence of snoring, and the situation may be exacerbated if one of the three risk factors for snoring we mentioned earlier is added.

Snoring noise

The intensity of human snoring can be in the order of 50-100 decibels. This next piece of information may seem strange, but the same degree of noise is produced by many hammers. So it’s completely understandable if you want to leave the room when the person sleeping next to you starts snoring! After all, no one wants to sleep next to a construction site.

Did you know that there is an association for people involved in snoring called the Snoring Association? This association is located in England – which may say something about English snoring or just the irritability associated with it – and they say sleeping next to a snoring person can cause up to two years of sleep deprivation during life, and can also result in sleep apnea, mood swings, irritability, lack of concentration as well as nightmares.

Any of these consequences may also be an essential reason for leaving a partner. In fact, if the other party in the relationship is snoring, such a pair is more likely than a non-snoring couple to separate (which is one argument for separate Bedrooms in a relationship – or at least according to the proponents of this sleeping arrangement).

The next time you go to lunch with your parents, ask them if maybe one or both are snoring. Why? Because snoring is a hereditary thing. 70% of those who snore have parents who also snore. This, of course, can then be supplemented by snoring sets, aunts and grandparents.

snoring can be detrimental to a relationship


Snoring statistics

Most people’s perception is that men snore more than women, and that assumption is true. However, the gender gap in snoring is not quite as great as one might imagine, with 40% of men snoring and 30% of women. So don’t unnecessarily call your boyfriend or husband a nuisance, as he might surprise you by telling about your own snoring!

Snoring can also be described in a few chapters. 45% of adults snore at least once a week, and 25% of them snore 2-3 times a week. Another interesting fact is that many people refuse to “accept” the fact that they are snoring – so many claim that this is not the case. Indeed, the one who always has to bear this sound in the same bed is always aware of snoring.

Although there is no clear link between a person’s country of origin and snoring, researchers have found that Italians snore more than any other European nation. So if you’re planning a trip to that beautiful country, you might want to include earplugs as well – or at least make sure the hotel walls are decent and thick!

Obstructed airways

Singing in the treatment of snoring

An accidental observation proved that singing reduces snoring at night. This discovery was made by a British choir director who suffered from her husband’s snoring for several years. She suggested to her husband that she start singing daily for 20 minutes, and in addition, the man’s doctor prescribed other activities to curb snoring. A three-month study was then conducted with 20 volunteers, and the results were simply astounding. The voice exercises thus improve and strengthen the vocal folds and throat, which then improves airflow and thus prevents snoring in the former model.

If you have children, and if any of them snore a lot at night, you may want to visit a doctor’s office. This may be a sign of hyperactivity or attention deficit disorder. If they snore only infrequently, it may be due to a blockage in the nasal airways, or they may just be tired from the stress of the day. Some people are already snoring as babies, even though they can barely hear the sound. As you get older, this sound then intensifies into the usual adult snoring that many suffer from night after night.

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