Kefir Improves Resistance

Ingesting kefir is good for your health in several ways. It contains active compounds such as polysaccharides that fight infections and fight inflammation. This is due to their antimicrobial and revitalizing effect.
Kefir improves resistance

Kefir is already a very popular product today and is especially liked by people who want to improve their health in a natural way.

This trendy drink helps to improve the balance of intestinal bacteria, and is otherwise good for digestion.

One interesting fact about kefir is that this product can also be enjoyed by people struggling with lactose introlerance, unlike many other dairy products.

So why is kefir also suitable for people with lactose intolerance? Lactose can cause inflammation and digestive problems because it is a sugar that comes from animals. However, during the manufacturing process of kefir, lactose is converted to lactic acid, which actually improves digestion.

So this time, we’ll talk about the health benefits of kefir and give more specific information about this awesome probiotic. In this article, we refer to studies conducted by nutrition experts and published in the Journal of the Nutrition Authority .

Learn why you should include kefir in your diet!

But what exactly is kefir?

eat kefir as cheese

Kefir is fermented cow’s or goat’s milk and is characterized by the acidity caused by the conversion of sugars during the fermentation process.

During the fermentation process – which is carried out within the framework of very strict safety rules – yeast and bacteria are created, which improve the resistance. They promote healthy bacterial growth in the gut.

So what exactly is kefir? Is it yogurt?

  • Kefir always has a slightly bitter taste, while yogurt is less bitter because it has more lactose.
  • Kefir is almost always in liquid form, and  yogurt, on the other hand, is usually thicker and creamier in composition.
  • During the fermentation process, only the essential ingredients of milk are retained in the kefir, while the  amount of lactose is substantially reduced during manufacture.
  • Thanks to the microorganisms found in kefir, your gut culture benefits much more from kefir than yogurt, and any harmful bacteria (which often lead to problems such as intestinal inflammation) often go away very effectively.

Kefir is one of the best sources of probiotics

Kefir helps with osteoporosis

When it comes to probiotics, you may be the first to think of a bowl of unflavoured natural yogurt.

In fact, however,  one of the most effective probiotics currently available in stores is kefir. The Center for Cooperative Research in Biosciences in Spain has studied the effects of kefir on the body, which we will discuss next.

Kefir, fights bacteria and fungi

Kefir is very effective against many types of bacteria , including Salmonella, H. pylori, Shigella and E. coli , among others  In addition, it is effective in controlling certain fungi, such as  Candida albicans .

This effect is due to the fact that kefir contains active polysaccharide compounds that fight microbes and inflammation,  and in addition, they help to cure many types of inflammation in the body.

How does kefir help improve resistance?

Kefir protects the human intestinal mucosa from bacteria. Kefir contains more than 30 health-promoting bacteria as well as yeast. These improve overall health and are a great help for digestion.

You can enjoy kefir every day, for example, with fresh fruit or as part of smoothies, so you can improve your immunity in a tasty way.

Nutritionists know that this product derived from fermented milk contains a  powerful and unique probiotic known as  Lactobacillus kefiri.  It is one of the best aids on the market to protect against harmful bacteria.

Kefir improves bone health and fights osteoporosis

As you no doubt already know,  osteoporosis is a very common problem in women. It is a disease that causes pain as well as an increased risk of bone breakage.

One effective way to strengthen bone tissue is to increase calcium intake from milk. However, there are many people whose bodies do not tolerate cow’s milk because of the lactose it contains.

Kefir is a great choice in this case, as it is rich in calcium and vitamin K2, which help promote calcium metabolism in the body.

So add kefir to your diet, but do it gradually so you can see how your body responds .  If you can handle kefir well and there is no discomfort as a result, you can enjoy this product every day at breakfast.

How to enjoy kefir?

kefir for help

First, where and in what form can kefir be purchased?

  • From regular grocery stores from dairy or health products departments
  • Health food stores
  • Kefir is available in both liquid and dried form

How should kefir be used?

  • If you buy it in dried form, or grains, you should consume about 100 grams daily, and this amount should be combined with a small dose of honey.
  • It’s a good idea to add kefir to breakfast, and it’s worth combining it with fruits like papaya, or flakes like oats.
  • Kefir in liquid form should be consumed in small amounts (by the dec) with the main meal of the day. This way you can improve your digestion, and in addition, taking kefir regularly will help you improve the natural growth of your gut as well as your immune system.

However, keep in mind that even though kefir contains very little lactose as a result of the fermentation process, the product can still be classified as a dairy product, so you should first observe how well your body tolerates it.

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