Lose Weight With These Banana Smoothies

Lose weight with these banana smoothies

Many dieters avoid bananas because bananas are high in calories for their size. However, studies show that bananas are good for the body and as part of a healthy diet they can also support weight loss. Lose weight with these banana smoothies we present in this article!

Banana is a deliciously sweet tropical fruit that is rich in potassium-removing and anti-inflammatory potassium. Potassium is especially suitable for people who exercise a lot, as it accelerates muscle recovery after sports performance. In addition, the banana is easily suitable as a snack in a work bag or a coffee break at work.

By combining banana with fat-burning foods like flaxseed and spinach, you can create awesome recipes that will give you energy for your day while losing weight.

Why should everyone eat bananas?

Bananas contain up to 450 milligrams of potassium. Potassium is an important mineral that regenerates the body and removes excess fluid that leads to swelling. Bananas contain natural sugars such as fructose, sucrose and glucose, which provide the body with natural and good quality energy. These sugars keep you feeling full, your blood sugar steady, and prevent overeating or unhealthy snacking.

Banana contains an amino acid called tryptophan, which is used by the body to make proteins. In addition, eating a banana stimulates the release of serotonin in the brain; serotonin is a brain neurotransmitter that affects the secretion of melatonin, or sleep hormone. So by eating a banana you will stay in a good mood and sleep better.

A medium-sized banana contains about 100 calories, which can seem like a large amount in the eyes of a dieter. However, by eating bananas in moderation, one cannot gain weight and the banana is a great fit for a dieter’s diet as it forms a healthy and quick snack between meals.

Bananas provide vitamins A, B and C, as well as minerals such as iron, copper, magnesium, calcium, zinc and the aforementioned potassium. In addition, bananas contain pectin and fiber, which enhance digestive function and absorption of nutrients. Eating a banana can prevent catarrh and stomach ulcers.

Next, we present a variety of banana smoothies to support weight loss – try and lose weight with these banana smoothies!

Lose weight with these banana smoothies

Lose weight with these banana smoothies.

By combining bananas with foods like wild berries, flaxseed and spinach, you can create fat-burning smoothies that keep you full and help you reach your weight loss goals faster. Don’t replace meals with these smoothies, but enjoy them as snacks or breakfast – smoothies work best as part of a healthy and varied diet – and don’t forget regular exercise either.

Smoothie 1: Banana and flaxseed

This delicious smoothie combines banana and flaxseed, both of which help you stay full for a long time, reduce fluid buildup and improve digestion.


  • Juice of one orange
  • 1 banana
  • 2 tablespoons buttermilk
  • 2 tablespoons flax seeds

Preparation instructions

Pour all the ingredients into a blender and mix until smooth. For best results, drink smoothies for breakfast.

Smoothie 2: Spinach and banana

This smoothie gives the body energy.


This drink gives the body a lot of energy and vitamins, and it is well suited to start the day. Smoothie is perfect for improving physical performance, relieving anxiety and losing weight.


  • 1 banana
  • 2 dl spinach
  • 1 dl low-fat yogurt
  • 1 dl crushed cereals
  • 1 tablespoon honey

Preparation instructions

Combine all ingredients in a blender and mix until smooth. You can drink this smoothie for breakfast as it gets a lot of energy that is enough until lunch.

Smoothie 3: Berries and banana

This delicious smoothie nourishes the body with important antioxidants and other nutrients, the ingestion of which enhances the health of the body and facilitates weight loss. The ingredients in the smoothies reduce appetite and prevent the need to eat unhealthily – thus avoiding consuming extra calories during the day. In addition, this smoothie is suitable for removing fluids and treating constipation. 


  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 banana
  • 1 dl of warm water
  • 1 tablespoon grated ginger
  • 1 dl blueberries, raspberries or blackberries (fresh or frozen)

Preparation instructions

Add all the ingredients to the blender and mix until smooth. Enjoy this refreshing smoothie with breakfast or replace it with a traditional breakfast altogether. You can also enjoy smoothies 45 minutes before the main meal of the day.

Try the recipes we presented in this article and lose weight with these banana smoothies!

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