Natural Remedies For Abscesses

Natural remedies for abscesses

Abscesses in the tissues under the skin are common. Inflammation can start in the hair follicle and bacteria can also enter the tissues from broken skin. Abscesses are not dangerous, but they can be painful as the skin area can be severely irritated. Skin abscesses are a common problem and can occur in any part of the body – most often the armpits, buttocks, shoulders, inner thighs or groin.

What causes abscesses?

Abscesses may initially appear as small red dots that feel painful to the touch. Over time, the pain worsens, the pinch grows and swells.

Often, abscesses are caused by bacterial inflammation caused by staphylococci, but this is not the only cause of abscesses. Other reasons for the development of abscesses include:

  • Blood poisoning
  • Diabetes
  • Poor hygiene
  • Poor diet

Natural remedies for abscesses

egg treats abscesses
  • Place a small piece of membrane on the inside of the egg on the abscess.
  • Prepare a treatment bath from raw, grated carrots and wheat germ. Apply the bath to the abscess and cover with gauze or a clean towel.
  • Place the hot water bath on the abscess using a clean towel. Perform the treatment three times a day. The bath softens the skin and often leads to abscess breakage. When the abscess is broken, continue treatment for a few days so that all the rot inside the abscess is removed. Do not squeeze.
  • Mix a tablespoon of honey with a tablespoon of brewer’s yeast and the same amount of wheat flour. Mix the ingredients together and form a smooth cream, spread on the abscess. Cover with a cloth, tape and allow to soak overnight. Wash the skin area gently in the morning.
  • Do you suffer from abscesses often? If you want relief from a long-standing problem, you can boil 80 grams of nettle in a liter of water and drink three cups throughout the day. Hives cleanse the body and blood and repel bacteria that cause abscesses.

Other recommendations for the treatment of abscesses

Do not squeeze abscesses

Do not squeeze or touch the puff. If you break the abscess with your hands, the bacteria can end up in the bloodstream and cause inflammation in other parts of the body and at worst even lead to sepsis. If you get a swollen nose or lips, it is dangerous to break it, as the inflammation can, in the worst case, even end up in the brain and cause meningitis. So don’t rape or squeeze the abscesses, but let them heal in peace.

Be sure to keep the inflamed area clean

keep the inflamed area clean

It is very important to keep the area around the skin clean. You can wash the area gently with a towel or cotton swab, use disinfectant or iodine. Clean the area three or four times a day, especially if an abscess appears on your hands or other constantly present parts of your body that are exposed to bacteria. Perform cleansing in the shower, do not bathe with abscess, as bath water can spread the inflammation to other parts of the body or to those living in the same household.

When cleaning for abscess, you should wear gloves. If you do not wear gloves, wash your hands well after cleaning and before cooking so that the inflammation does not spread to others.

Warning signs of severe inflammation

the abscess may become inflamed

If you treat the puffiness at home and start suffering from the following symptoms, see a doctor as soon as possible. These are signs that the inflammation has spread and needs treatment:

  • The area around the puff is red and irritated.
  • Lymph nodes near the abscess are painful.
  • A red line travels from the abscess to the surrounding area of ​​skin.


Abscesses are not usually a sign of anything serious, but good hygiene should be taken to prevent this disgusting discomfort. Keep your skin clean, and if your skin develops an abscess, be sure to clean it regularly.

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