Natural Ways To Lower Blood Pressure

When you feel your stress level and blood pressure rise, add a few drops of essential lavender oil to a clean cloth and sniff its soothing scent.
Natural ways to lower blood pressure

Doctors consider high blood pressure to be a silent killer, as its effects on the body may not be felt or seen, but do their work in complete silence. Lack of exercise, poor eating habits and other lifestyle issues can lead to high blood pressure. If you suffer from high blood pressure, you should actively work to get rid of it to avoid any serious consequences. Keep reading, because in this article we will list the best natural ways to lower your blood pressure.

Causes and symptoms of high blood pressure

High blood pressure can be caused by a combination of many different factors. Immobility and excessive intake of salt and processed foods can accelerate the onset of hypertension. Hormonal factors, kidney disease, circulatory problems, taking certain medications or birth control pills, and alcohol can also raise your blood pressure.

The most common symptoms of high blood pressure are headache, difficulty breathing, reddening of the face, heavy sweating, high pulse, blurred vision, ringing in the ears, dizziness, nosebleeds, nervousness, insomnia, inability and fatigue, palpitations, and black spots in vision.

Natural ways to lower blood pressure

Hypertension is a dangerous disease that can, at worst, lead to stroke, heart attack, and kidney problems. If you know you have high blood pressure, you should monitor your blood pressure regularly. In addition to this, you can implement the natural means we present to control your blood pressure.

Hypertension is not only a problem in older people, but is also found in younger people, usually after the age of 30. Blood pressure measurement measures how hard the heart has to work to pump blood and how long the heart is allowed to rest between pumpings.

Natural ways to lower blood pressure

High blood pressure is most often associated with lifestyles, so the effort can be treated by paying attention to things like the amount of exercise, healthy eating, and weight management, for example. In addition to these means, the body can be treated with natural therapies.

The best natural ways to lower your blood pressure are:

  • Lemon. Put the whole lemon with the peel and seeds in a blender and add a handful of parsley. Mix the ingredients until smooth and enjoy a small glass of the mixture every morning on an empty stomach. We recommend using an organic lemon with no wax on the surface. If you use a regular lemon, be sure to wash it thoroughly. Both lemon and parsley are natural diuretics that help remove excess fluid that can cause high blood pressure. You can also drink lemon juice mixed with a glass of cold water every day before breakfast.
  • Oatmeal. Eat a bowl of oatmeal with orange juice, milk, yogurt or water. An oatmeal dose each morning helps lower blood pressure and also lowers blood cholesterol. Oats contain a lot of fiber, which also helps in digestive function.
Natural ways to lower blood pressure
  • Celery is a great help in treating high blood pressure. You can add celery to salads or soups, or nibble it as is. Celery is a natural diuretic that helps lower blood pressure.
  • Dark chocolate (the darker the better) is a delicious way to take care of your blood pressure. Avoid milk chocolate and white chocolate as they are high in sugar. Snap a few pieces of dark chocolate daily to keep your blood pressure at an appropriate level.
  • Drink three cups of green tea a day. According to many studies, the healing properties of green tea help lower blood pressure.
  • There can never be too much garlic in the diet. Garlic has many beneficial effects on health, and in addition to lowering blood pressure, it improves the function of the immune system, among other things. Garlic dilates blood vessels and prevents clots from forming – this ensures that blood clots and the dangerous strokes they cause do not occur. One clove of garlic a day is enough for dosing. You can also make a healthy drink from garlic by boiling a cup of water and mixing it with one crushed clove of garlic, a drop of lemon juice and honey to improve the taste.
  • Hawthorn berries are a good tool for lowering blood pressure. Hawthorn is used to treat many diseases of the circulatory system because it has a positive effect on, among other things, heart disease, reducing the risk of heart attack and chest pain. Hawthorn helps strengthen the heart and makes pumping blood easier. In addition, hawthorn opens blood vessels and accelerates nervous system communication. All this lowers blood pressure considerably. Make hawthorn berry tea extract and enjoy it once a day.
  • Make a smoothie of cucumber and water and enjoy a drink every day.
  • Sprinkle a dozen drops of essential lavender oil on the cloth and sniff the scent. This aromatherapy helps to lower sudden spikes in blood pressure. The scent of lavender has a calming and soothing effect.
Natural ways to lower blood pressure
  • Add a handful of olive leaves to a liter of water and bring the water to a boil. Strain the leaves and pour the liquid into an airtight glass container. Store in the refrigerator and drink a cup a day.
  • Boil two  guanabana leaves and two chopped oranges in half a liter of water for ten minutes. Remove from the heat and allow to cool. Strain the liquid and drink two cups a day.
  • Chop one small onion and seven cloves of garlic. Place the chopped onion in a bowl and add the mood lemon juice. Pour on top of the water so that all the ingredients are covered, cover with a deck. Let the mixture stand overnight and strain it in the morning. Drink fluid every morning for nine days on an empty stomach.
  • Mix five drops of essential lavender oil, five drops of marjoram oil and 20 milliliters of jojoba oil together. Rub the mixture into the chest in a circular motion.
  • Mix a tablespoon of lime juice with a small amount of buttermilk, birch and fennel. Add a cup of water and bring to a boil on the pan for about three minutes. Allow the mixture to cool, strain and drink two cups a day.
Natural ways to lower blood pressure
  • Put 15 peeled grapes in the juicer (scrape off the seeds) and save the resulting juice. Mix it with half a glass of water and drink breakfast every day for ten days.
  • Chop the eggplant in a blender, add a couple of deces of water and mix until smooth. Strain and enjoy the liquid every morning for ten days.
  • Prepare a  healthy smoothie using 60 grams of spinach, a tablespoon of honey, mood lemon juice and a couple of decis of water. Mix the ingredients in a blender and enjoy a glass of smoothie a day for three consecutive days.

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