Onion And Vinegar To Help With Hardening Of The Feet

If you regularly use this pedicure that contains vinegar and onions, you can remove bacteria as well as soften calluses more effectively.
Onion and vinegar to help with hardening of the feet

Hardening of the feet is easy if you wear uncomfortable shoes and if your feet suffer from constant abrasion or excessive pressure. This is one of the most common aesthetic problems, and hardening usually occurs in the lower leg or under the big toe.

Although these indurations do not in themselves adversely affect your health, they can still cause your skin to crack, making you more prone to inflammation. In addition, over time, hardening often becomes painful, especially if the feet are still exposed to the same things that originally caused the hardening to form.

The good thing, though, is that there are all-natural ways to effectively remove hardening  without having to spend a lot of money. These solutions also include onions and vinegar, as they effectively remove bacteria and soften hardened skin.

Try the instruction yourself and see the awesome functionality of the combination – remove hardening of the legs naturally with onion and vinegar .

Remove induration with natural treatment: onion and vinegar


jam onions in a container

In order to remove calluses, you must first soften the skin and remove any dead cells that have accumulated over time.

Onions contain natural acids that support this process when used topically in skin care. Although the smell of onion is unpleasant for many, it has great anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that make it absolutely recommended for improving the condition of the skin of the feet.

Onions are rich in vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and folic acid,  which are vital factors in keeping the skin in good condition. Onions also contain sulfur compounds that have an antioxidant effect in the body. Thus, onion promotes cell function and reduces the harmful effects of free radicals.

Onion juice moisturizes the skin in dry areas,  fights inflammatory bacteria and softens the skin of the feet.

In addition to this, the treatment we present comes with the great benefits of vinegar, and so you get the complete help from the prescription to treat the hardened skin of your feet.

Vinegar contains acetic acid and vitamins that help soften the skin without changing your body’s natural pH.

How is onion-vinegar treatment prepared?


onion juice for hardening

This home treatment is a great solution to most of the problems that often occur on the feet – these include calluses, sponges and blisters.

Although the effectiveness of the treatment is not quite as quick to detect as with some pharmacy products,  you will still get good results if you repeat the treatment regularly.


  • 1 medium onion
  • 2 dl vinegar
  • 1 glass bowl
  • Plastic wrap or “wrap film” (as needed)
  • Cotton balls or pads


  • Peel and wash the onion to remove any bacteria that is on its surface.
  • Cut the onion into several pieces and dip it in the vinegar you put in the bowl.
  • Let this mixture stand for 4-8 hours, and then put the liquid on the skin of your feet before you go to bed in the evening.

How should the treatment be implemented?

  • Dampen a cotton ball with liquid, then rub the hardened feet with it.
  • When you have completely covered these areas, put cotton wool over the hardeners and wrap the areas with plastic wrap.
  • Put the socks on your feet and let the liquid work overnight.
  • The next day, wash your feet with warm water and rub the hardening with pumice.
  • Repeat this treatment for seven days or until you notice that the induration has completely disappeared.

This is how you get the best results


indurations leave with good care
  • Remember that warm and humid environments are very conducive to the formation of induration as well as the formation of foot fungus – so try to avoid such conditions.
  • Under no circumstances should tweezers or cutters be used to remove calluses, or any other similar object.
  • Wear flat-bottomed and well-ventilated shoes – at least for the duration of this treatment to remove calluses.
  • Try to limit the use of high heels as they are one of the most common causes of induration.
  • To prevent your shoes from irritating the skin on your feet,  put a little moisturizer or Vaseline on it before putting your shoes on.
  • Disinfect your feet regularly by letting them in a bowl of apple cider vinegar and water.
  • Integrate foot scrub into your daily beauty routine.

If stubborn foot hardening is a dilemma that you yourself find disturbing, try this simple treatment with onion and vinegar and you can soften your skin naturally.

However, a few things to keep in mind:  you need to be patient and consistent with this treatment if you want good results.

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