Parental Mistakes In Children’s Nutrition

Children need a balanced diet to grow and develop. It is still easy to make these common mistakes that can lead to harmful eating habits in children.
Mistakes made by parents in the nutrition of children

In this article, we look at some of the most common mistakes parents make in their children’s nutrition.

The first months of life

During the first six months, the baby should be breastfed only. It provides the baby with all the necessary nutrients and also helps to strengthen and develop the baby’s digestive system and immune system.

After this, the parent should slowly begin to include other types of foods in the child’s diet. The way this is done will affect children’s subsequent eating habits and taste preferences. Keep in mind that as a parent you are an example to them, as they try to imitate everything you do when you eat and almost everything else.

The lives of most parents are busy, but it should not affect the teaching of good eating habits to children. They are the foundation of a healthy lifestyle.

The most common mistakes made by parents in children’s nutrition

Insufficient breakfast

Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day as it gives the body energy to start the day. Children should eat a nutritious breakfast every day before they leave for school.

Unfortunately, a busy lifestyle can cause a parent to compromise on a children’s breakfast, making it not varied enough. Many parents only give their children juice and biscuits or candied cereals. Unfortunately, this will affect children’s performance in school and their health.

Children should eat a full breakfast to get enough energy. Breakfast should include fiber, fat, protein and carbohydrates. Some great options for children’s breakfast include whole grains, unsweetened cereals, yoghurt, wholemeal bread coated with ham, turkey or cheese, and fruit.

A decent breakfast enhances children’s ability to concentrate, remember and learn, and prevents overweight.

Lack of meal times

Children’s breakfast should be full

Routines are a good and great method of discipline for children. Children need to be taught to take care of the little chores of the day, take on responsibilities, and create healthy eating habits.

Precise meal times balance a child’s appetite and digestion and they learn the importance of discipline. In addition, meals become a very special moment among the family.

Children should eat five meals a day: three main meals and two snacks. This allows nutrients to be better absorbed and overweight to be avoided.

Mistakes in children’s nutrition: adult dose sizes

Of course, everyone wants their children to grow up big and strong, but they should still not eat more than they need to. Feeding adult doses to children is a big mistake, but it can be easily avoided.

The stomach of children does not pull as much as that of adults and their nutritional needs are not the same. But how many parents still fill a child’s plate with their piles so that the child either eats too much or refuses to eat at all?

Avoid promoting overweight in children and teach them to eat appropriately , keeping in mind their special needs.

Highly processed foods vs. fruits and vegetables

From an early age, children begin to prefer “tasty” highly processed products. Many of these foods are high in fat and additives that make them addictive.

It is your responsibility as a parent not to buy these products at home and otherwise seek to control their eating at school and other places. Feed your child vegetables and fruits in their various forms.

If you want your child to grow strong and healthy, provide him or her with a balanced diet with enough protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, fat, and minerals.

Rewarding unhealthy foods

Unhealthy treats should not be used as rewards

While many are aware of the importance of good nutrition, children are often rewarded with treats that are high in sugar or salt, or high in trans fat. Such foods are nutrient-free and also contain several addictive chemicals.

Studies show that eating such highly processed foods activates the brain’s pleasure center and releases well-being hormones such as dopamine and serotonin. This can lead to addiction in the long run.

So avoid giving such “rewards” to your children who eat fruits and vegetables. Otherwise, you reinforce in them the idea that healthy foods are a kind of punishment, while unhealthy treats are rewarded.

There are many delicious but healthy alternatives to industrial products. You can search for recipes on the Internet, for example.

Keeping children away from the kitchen

Children’s help with cooking may be small, but they can, for example, mix sauce or add a little salt here and there. It is nice for children to eat their own food.

This is also a great way to motivate them to try new foods. In this way, they also become more responsible, as they learn to share household chores.

Of course, remember to take precautions when children handle sharp kitchen utensils, and always teach them to use them safely instead of banning them altogether. There are all kinds of easy and nutritious recipes that you and your child can make together.

Mistakes in children’s nutrition: constantly the same foods and flavors

The eyes and nose are the first organs to be stimulated at meal time. The colorful food on the plate is very interesting to the child, and curiosity entices him to taste it. You only need a little creativity in presenting food.

Always try to offer food in different ways. For example, lentils are great in soups, burgers and spreads, while pumpkin can be eaten as a puree, pasta sauce or even in a cheesecake.

Always try to season food in different ways to improve the taste experience for both children and adults.

The latest recommendations

I hope this article was helpful to you.

If you have any questions about your children’s diet, consult your pediatrician. He or she can guide you further in the best way to establish good eating habits and avoid mistakes in children’s nutrition.


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