Quick And Easy Recipe For Endive-pomegranate Salad

Endive pomegranate apple salad is rich in high quality fiber as well as antioxidants that help improve your health.
A quick and easy recipe for endive-pomegranate salad

Endive pomegranate salad is definitely worth including in your diet as it provides important micronutrients as well as antioxidants to help keep you healthy. The best part is that it is really simple to prepare. Today we present a delicious and easy recipe for endive-pomegranate salad.

Did you know that a quality diet is energy balanced and varied? So it is important for you to get the necessary calories to avoid excessive weight gain, as well as to eat a variety of foods from different food groups to ensure that you are getting the right nutrients.

Recipe for endive-pomegranate salad

Before you start making this delicious endive-pomegranate salad, it’s good to know the health benefits it offers. First, pomegranate provides important antioxidants.

This fruit contains anthocyanins, which are phytonutrient pigments. Experts have found that phytonutrients can help prevent chronic diseases.

This is because they can neutralize the formation of free radicals that alter tissues and cause oxidation and inflammation of the organs. This feature plays a significant role in slowing aging.

The phytonutrients contained in pomegranate help prevent the action of free radicals.
Pomegranate is rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals and thus prevent oxidative stress as well as premature aging.

The fiber contained in the endives must also be mentioned. Fiber is not digested in digestion, so it can improve the health of the digestive system.

Fiber also helps prevent constipation by reducing the size of your stool. Such as the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrion Guide that research presented shows, regular consumption of fiber helps prevent colon cancer.


  • 1 endive
  • 1 pomegranate
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • Wine vinegar
  • Salt


First, wash the endive well by cleaning it of any soil. Then chop it into small pieces and put the pieces in a bowl.

Next, open the pomegranate by cutting it in half with a knife, and remove from the halves all the pomegranate seeds that are the edible part of the fruit. Add the seeds to the bowl along with the endive pieces.

Next, make a salad dressing that crowns the salad. Crush the garlic clove into a glass and add a little salt and olive oil. Add a couple more tablespoons of vinegar and mix the sauce well. Pour the prepared salad dressing into the salad.

Another recipe for endive-pomegranate salad

If you liked the previous recipe, we encourage you to try this recipe as well. While it contains more calories, it is also tastier. To season a salad, you need black pepper, which has been shown to stimulate fat burning as it contains capsaicin.

This recipe for endive pomegranate apple salad contains black pepper, which enhances fat burning.
The addition of pepper and roasted corn makes this endive-pomegranate salad even more palatable.


  • 1 endive
  • Roasted corn
  • 1 pomegranate
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Wine vinegar
  • Berry jam
  • Salt
  • Ground black pepper


Start making the salad again by washing the endive and chopping it into small pieces. Put the pieces in a bowl. Remove the seeds contained in the pomegranate in the same way as we told you in the previous recipe, and add them to the bowl along with the endive.

Then add the ground and roasted corn to add crumb to the salad.

Next, make the salad dressing. Add a little olive oil, two tablespoons of vinegar, a teaspoon of jam and salt and pepper to the bowl.

Pour the prepared sauce over the salad. Stir in the salad so that the salad dressing spreads evenly on the salad. Now the salad is ready to serve.

Endive pomegranate salad is a healthy meal

As you can see, endive pomegranate salad is very quick and easy to prepare. You can serve it as an appetizer or as a side dish to a protein such as meat or fish.

Lettuce provides antioxidant phytonutrients as well as a good dose of fiber to help the digestive system function properly.

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