Reduce Gray Hair With These 6 Home Treatments

Some drinks, such as coffee, contain antioxidants and natural pigments to help fight gray hair without having to resort to toxic chemicals. Read more and hear more about how certain natural products are an effective aid in reducing gray hair!
Reduce gray hair with these 6 home treatments

Sooner or later, gray hair will come to everyone. Premature appearance of gray hair is a common aesthetic dilemma that does not affect human health, but it is nevertheless an annoying problem for those who would like to avoid it.

This natural decrease in hair color, which occurs  due to a decrease in melanin production, causes white or gray hair.

While this is a normal part of the human aging process, some factors such as  stress and genetics can intensify this process.

The good news, however, is that there are a number of natural care products that, thanks to their beneficial properties , are able to cover gray hair effectively.

So in this article, we want to tell you about  six good natural options that you should turn to when you notice unwanted gray on your hair.

Try it and discover the power of these natural products!

1. Onion

juice from onion

The use of onions is  one of the best alternative ways to prevent premature graying in the hair, and this product also fights other hair problems.

Its antifungal properties  reduce dandruff and dead cells, and it also optimizes the flow of oxygen to the hair roots. This also promotes  healthy growth as well as reduces hair loss.

How is an onion used to reduce gray hair?

  • Collect the juice from one onion, and  rub it all over your scalp and all over your hair.
  • Then cover your head with a shower cap and let the onion work for half an hour.
  • Wash your hair with a regular shampoo, and  repeat this treatment three times a week.

2. Curry leaves

Curry leaves are  very nutritious and provide a good hair softener that,  when used regularly, effectively reduces premature gray hair.

The antioxidants contained in these leaves minimize the harmful effects of free radicals, and in addition to this, they also regulate the natural pH of the scalp.

How is curry used to reduce gray hair?

  • Put several curry leaves in a pan with water and  cook on low heat for 10 minutes.
  • After this time, Strain the stew and use it to rinse your hair.
  • Repeat this treatment 2-3 times a week.

3. Black tea

black tea
The natural pigments contained in black tea are useful  for covering gray hair without having to expose your hair to aggressive chemicals.

This drink contains powerful antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that, when absorbed into the roots,  promote hair growth and shine.

How is black tea used to reduce gray hair?

  • Make  2-3 cups of strong black tea,  and when the water boils, add a teaspoon of sea salt.
  • Allow the liquid to cool, and when its temperature is good, apply the brew to your hair.
  • Leave it on for half an hour,  and finally rinse.
  • You repeat this treatment  every other day.

4. Coffee

Coffee is one of the natural ingredients often used to  color black or dark brown hair. The natural pigments and antioxidants it contains  nourish the hair deeply and curb its color loss.

However, if this doesn’t convince you yet, coffee also acts as a natural exfoliator,  an ideal aid for removing dead skin cells and other impurities – these accumulate on the scalp.

How is coffee used to reduce gray hair?

  • Make 2-3 cups of strong coffee,  and when the liquid is at a suitable temperature, apply it to your hair and scalp.
  • Let the coffee work for half an hour, and finally rinse your hair and use shampoo and conditioner.
  • Repeat this treatment  2-3 times a week.

5. Avocado

avocado on a plank

Although avocado does not have the properties to act as covering gray hair, the natural ingredients it contains  are a great help in combating the premature appearance of gray hair.

This is because the fruit in question is  rich in fatty acids, vitamin E and minerals which when absorbed, fight chemicals and free radicals.

How is avocado used to reduce gray hair?

  • Crush the flesh of one very ripe avocado, and  rub it thoroughly into your hair and scalp.
  • Cover your head with a shower cap, and  let the avocado work for half an hour.
  • Then rinse your hair with your regular shampoo, and  repeat this treatment at least three times a week.

6. Salvia

Sage is one of the most popular herbs to reduce gray hair and prevent premature graying. Its antioxidants and vital nutrients curb  color reduction while combating dryness and excessive hair loss.

How is sage used to reduce gray hair?

  • Boil several sage leaves in 2-3 cups of water,  and when the stew is ready, let it cool to a suitable temperature.
  • Strain your stew and apply the liquid to the hair without rinsing it.
  • Repeat this treatment  at least three times a week.

Are you willing to have healthy and youthful looking hair? Choose the most pleasant option for yourself from these treatments, and you can fight against premature graying of your hair with completely natural means!


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