Remove Plaque And Improve Oral Hygiene

Baking soda can destroy the enamel of your teeth, so this product should only be used with caution and in reasonable amounts. So put it on your teeth only once a week so you can remove harmful buildup and whiten your teeth without any side effects.
Remove plaque and improve oral hygiene

Plaque forms on the teeth when leftovers from the food you eat accumulate on the inside and outside of your teeth. This problem  that affects dental health can cause bad breath, and in addition, it can also cause other oral problems, as these buildups can harden and become limescale in your teeth. This in turn causes bleeding gums and diseases. Use the tips in this article to remove plaque.

While there is no complete solution to remove and prevent dental plaque, there are several ways to reduce plaque with home remedies. This way, it does not accumulate as much in the mouth, and you prevent the plaque that has already formed from developing into more harmful ones. So so you can improve your oral hygiene, keep reading. These tips are easy and inexpensive – remove plaque at home!

The best way to remove plaque is to change the way you brush your teeth every day. Most people are used to doing horizontal movement from side to side when brushing, but many are unaware that this movement actually increases tooth sensitivity. It may even push the plaque deeper and deeper between your teeth.

So change your brushing habits so that you start brushing your teeth in the longitudinal direction: from top to bottom and so that you try to get rotating movements. Also, don’t forget to always use dental floss so you can remove any leftover food left between your teeth. After brushing and using dental floss, bring out more mouthwash. Also rinse your brush with it – it should remove any food that may be stuck in it.

Remember this: the toothbrush should be replaced at least four times a year, and fluoride should always be included in the toothpaste.

Use these tips to remove plaque

Change your eating habits

When your diet consists of healthy ingredients, you do a good job not only for the rest of your body but also for your teeth, as the right diet will improve the health of your mouth as well. So try to avoid sugars and carbs, and omit soft drinks altogether. However, if you like these drinks too much, you can start drinking them (moderately!) With a whistle so that the liquid does not touch your teeth directly. Don’t eat too much food that contains industrially processed flour, and when you eat that kind of flour, always remember to brush your teeth afterwards. This will prevent you from getting bacterial infections in your mouth.

How can dental health be promoted?

Home treatments can be very effective in oral health care, as they are effective both against cavities and in the fight against plaque, for example. However, it is important to be moderate with these treatments, because if you do not follow the instructions, you may end up doing more harm than good to your teeth. Here are some good home treatments to help you improve your oral hygiene and fight plaque.

Sugar-free chewing gum

Consuming sugar-free chewing gum helps reduce plaque buildup.

Although this product has a somewhat contradictory reputation – or at least this applies to some chewing gum products – a recent study has shown that  eating sugar-free chewing gum helps reduce the amount of plaque on your teeth. So chew a piece of chewing gum after each meal so that the crumbs left in your mouth can be removed more easily. In addition to this, it is also important to brush your teeth to get rid of any residue.

Baking soda

Remove plaque naturally with baking soda.

When brushing your teeth, add a very small amount of baking soda to your toothpaste. This product makes food left in your mouth dissolve on the surface of your teeth  and is also able to whiten your teeth remarkably effectively. You can do this treatment once a week just before going to bed, but remember that baking soda should not be used in more than a very small amount !


Lemon also helps fight tartar.

Lemon juice is a great help in fighting plaque and tartar. The acidity of lemon is corrosive, so it helps in the overall cleansing of the mouth. Lemon also brightens tooth color, removes bad odors from breathing and can even whiten. Use lemon juice only once a week so that you can gradually remove the accumulated plaque – so be careful with this treatment, because if you do it too often, you may get just the opposite effect.

Remember this!

While a myriad of products related to teeth cleaning, whitening, and other treatments are available, the  best option for maintaining a healthy mouth is still a regular visit to the dentist. This should happen at least once a year (or more often if your teeth are not healthy), and remember that there is no better way to improve your oral condition than a professional cleaning.  This will get rid of the plaque as effectively as possible, and will prevent its damaging effects in the best possible way.

Remove plaque by trying the natural home tips we’ve introduced, while promoting oral health. However, always turn to the professionals if necessary!

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