Seaweed Helps With Hypothyroidism

In addition to helping to regulate cardiovascular function, this natural product is also good for lowering cholesterol and losing weight.
Seaweed helps with hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a disease that occurs in most cases in women over the age of 50, but can also occur at a younger age. It can strike, for example, after childbirth. Symptoms can disrupt life significantly, and even a person’s appearance can change significantly as a result of hypothyroidism.

This time, we will talk about the health-promoting effects that seaweed has in treating that problem, and we will focus in particular on the iodine and other minerals contained in this product. We also give a few recommendations to make the use of seaweed in cooking fun and easy. So keep reading if hypothyroidism is something that affects your own life and include seaweed in your diet!

What does hypothyroidism mean?

Hypothyroidism is a disease that affects about 3% of the world’s people. In those who develop hypothyroidism, the thyroid gland is not as active as normal, and thus the plasma does not have the required amount of thyroid hormones.

The most common symptoms of this health problem are:

  • Fatigue and exhaustion
  • Muscle weakness
  • Feeling cold
  • Weight gain or loss for no apparent reason
  • Depression
  • Development of the double jaw in lean people
  • Hair loss
  • Pale or yellowish facial skin
  • Accumulation of fluid
  • Extremely dry skin
  • Thinning of the ends of the eyebrows

What causes hypothyroidism?

The most common causes of failure are:

  • Different types of thyroid infections
  • Defects that have occurred since birth
  • Radiation therapy for the neck
  • Medications that limit thyroid function
  • Treatment with lithium
  • Chronic iodine deficiency in the body

Different types of seaweed

Seaweed is still a fairly newcomer to cooking in general, but it is a medicinal product that would have a lot of use in a wide variety of foods.

Most people who have not yet used seaweed would certainly say the reason is that it is difficult to utilize that product. However, this is not true, as seaweed can easily be included in many meals, and it makes a good addition to many recipes.

Thanks to Japanese cooking, seaweed has also arrived in Western cuisines. Vegetable and macrobiotic diets are well compatible with this product, as seaweed can significantly improve the intake of minerals (as well as iodine), which is strongly associated with improving the functioning of the body of people with hypothyroidism.

Before you start applying these guidelines in practice, keep in mind that  seaweed should always be in its completely natural form, or at least free of any toxic substances.

Seaweed can help with hypothyroidism

How can seaweed be used in cooking?

Each variety of seaweed requires a different method of preparation, which is determined by the characteristics of the algae. There is an algae that only needs to be soaked for a few minutes, while the stronger and thicker type should be soaked for 30-40 minutes.

Here are some good recommendations for the next time you go shopping for seaweed shopping in your mind:

  • Nori : this algae should be used as very thin sheets in sushi making. It should be moistened and then wrapped over rice, for example.
  • Kombu : a piece of combo in vegetable roasts makes the food easier to soften and also improves digestion.
  • Wakame : if you put a little wakame in it when preparing vegetables, you will get more creaminess for your meal – this way you can leave out potatoes or cheese, for example.
  • Sea spaghetti : this is an ideal product for making pasta or rice dishes.
  • Dulse : this variety requires almost no cooking, and is suitable for quick soups and sauces.

On the other hand, there are two types of seaweed that are very useful in the form of supplements:

  • Spirulina
  • Fucus

However, when using these algae, take into account any doctor’s recommendations regarding your own condition.

Seaweed is used in sushi

Salt made from seaweed

Another way to use seaweed daily is to make salt from it, which will help you get more flavor in your food.

  • To make this salt, all you need to do is grind the sea salt and the type of algae you choose, and the mixture should then be stored in a glass bottle with a tight lid. You can also put in a few aromatic plants.
  • The salt acts as a preservative in this mixture.

You can then use seaweed salt in cooking in the same way as normal salt – a good addition to soups, stews and many other types of food, for example.

We recommend that you make this salt from kelp-type seaweed, as it is high in iodine and is widely used in salts that are sold as dietary products.

Seaweed can be used to make salt

What foods should you avoid if you suffer from hypothyroidism?

Seaweed is definitely beneficial for the sufferer of hypothyroidism, but there are also foods whose consumption should be limited in the context of this disease. This is due to the effect of these foods as an inhibitor of iodine in the body – they block the absorption of this mineral.

  • Cabbage varieties: cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Soy
  • Peaches
  • Beans
  • Limes

Also keep in mind that any type of processed food is generally harmful to your health, as is tap water in some countries.

So if hypothyroidism is a problem you suffer from, seaweed is a very useful addition to your normal diet!

The images are from the following sources: Jacqueline and Michel Kappel.

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