Some People Inspire You, Others Make You Tired

Strive to surround yourself with people who inspire you. If you find yourself in the company of tiring, stressful people, you should come up with a way to recharge your batteries afterwards.
Some people inspire you, others make you tired

Who we spend our time with and with whom we communicate greatly affects our state of mind and activities. Especially the people with whom we are every day, either at work or at home, can lower or elevate the mind in an instant. Everyone has people in their lives who inspire and delight, and give us energy and positivity. Unfortunately, life can also accommodate those individuals from whom we receive only negative energy. Always the negative impact of others is not clear, and in this case the costs can easily end.

Fatigue caused by other people is not related to any physical exertion. You haven’t carried heavy loads or run a marathon, but your mind is completely starved.

According to neurological research and psychology, the brains of introvert and extrovert function differently. Introvert brains need loneliness and peace, inner thinking, and recharging batteries. It’s hard for introvertes to put up with hours of social interaction because it’s tiring for them. Introvert can find it difficult to spend time with talkative, critical, obsessive, and curious people, and if this happens often, it can start to gnaw at the introvert’s coping.

inspiring people

Everyone has their own boundaries and social habits. There are people who are positive and happy by nature, and bring joy to their loved ones by their mere existence. And there are also those who see problems and faults everywhere, and who raise storms in the water glass constantly.

Inspiring people

Many have one or two people in their lives who inspire. These people are real treasures as they always find new ways to lift their loved ones.

These people are the cornerstones of life for support and security. They give us direction and wisdom to see the whole instead of the little things.

The wisdom of these people does not arise from reading books, but is formed from their attitude. They have attained their wisdom through intuition, intelligence, and empathy. Let’s take a closer look at the features of inspiring people:

Inspiring people to whom we may not give enough appreciation

inspiring people

There are friends who look at us for a second and know right away if something is wrong. Sometimes it feels like they can read our thoughts. They understand to read between the lines and respond to our feelings, and help when needed. They give us warmth and strength.

  • These traits are formed in the right half of the brain. The right brain block is more thoughtful, more creative, and more attentive than the left brain block. It connects everything to an emotional experience.
  • An inspiring person understands the importance of reciprocity. They understand that human relationships are about giving and taking. They also understand the importance of making decisions that benefit everyone.
  • Inspirational people don’t behave like some people. They are not arrogant, they do not have to prove themselves to others. They don’t have to try to be better than others.

Inspiring people don’t bother, they let things be. They lead by example and at the same time they respect the choices, thoughts and opinions of others.

People who consume others to the end

As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, each of us has a certain tolerance when it comes to social relationships and interactions. Extrovertes enjoy the company of others and manage to chat for hours energetically, while introverts squirm quickly. Energetic people can be a tiring companion for extroverts as they don’t get the respite they need.

There is one thing we can agree on: some people are uncomfortable following. These mentally unpleasant people are identified by the following characteristics:

  • They are always negative.
  • They always focus on the wrong side of things, give criticism freely, and always see the glass half empty, not half full.
  • They are sure that the world is always against them and they will not respect others.
  • They think only of themselves and do not value the efforts of others. They don’t see beyond their own navel and they only take care of themselves.

Living with such a person is not easy because their minds are closed. They don’t know how to use their hearts to understand the world around them.

Such people can be found everywhere, maybe one of your family members or co-workers is negative in nature. You’ve certainly had to deal with a negative appellant, and you recognize them quickly. Below you will find advice on how to deal with them in the future.

This is how you cope when communicating with negative people

Don’t hide or run away from negative people, as this is often completely impossible. If you have someone close to you who is tiring and stressful, you can take the following steps:

  • It is important to distance yourself from such a person. Be polite but steep.
  • They may mumble in bitterness and love to talk about it. Make it clear to them that you are not interested in these conversations.
  • Do not treat them with humiliation or reject them altogether, but explain your position.
  • Take distance, but make it clear that you respect them despite your differences. Tell me you don’t want to spend time with them anymore or you don’t want to discuss certain topics.
  • If you have to spend a lot of time with people like that, try to listen and talk to them as little as possible. Imagine in your mind a quiet place where they don’t bother you.
  • Once you get rid of this person for a moment, Relax. Don’t give them too much space in your mind and find something positive to do.

Photos: Marie Desbons

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