Someone Who Truly Loves You Makes You Happy

A person who truly loves you will make you happy

A person who loves you will make you happy, make you feel like you’re flying, and most of all, make an effort to make you happy.

Too often, people fall into the classic idea that love means suffering and that tears are a normal part of a human relationship.

The idea comes from an outdated image that people have of romantic love. This distorted picture of what affection really is, as well as a dedicated and healthy human relationship, has hurt couples for many generations.

In today’s article, we want to invite you to reflect on this topic a little more.

A person who loves you will not cause you suffering

At some point in your life, someone close to you may have said, “ The situation is what it is, take it or leave it. In relationships, someone inevitably suffers. It is normal”.

Sometimes things that are considered “normal” can have dangerous sides that are destructive. Therefore, it is important to make it clear that love does not mean suffering, and the kind of person who makes you cry in a relationship does not truly love you or loves you in a “wrong,” unhealthy way.

when you truly love, it is not suffering

Romantic love – love in which suffering is considered acceptable

The more pain, passion, and jealousy, the greater the love. These are some of the more classic ideas that form the ideal of romantic love and are seen every now and then in movies or books.

  • Believe it or not, this is still a prevalent idea among young people. They imagine that when a partner shows jealousy or a desire for ownership, it is a clear sign of their love. This can lead young people to drift into dangerous relationships.
  • They also realize that romantic love is what it’s all about at the beginning of a relationship, full of passion. They don’t necessarily realize that casual love between partners means stepping into a more mature and stable phase in a relationship.
  • Another misconception often associated with romantic love is that suffering is inevitable. You might imagine that tears are inevitable, something that just needs to be accepted and endured. This is neither appropriate nor desirable.

Today, you see a lot of people who are stuck in unfortunate or destructive relationships where their self-esteem is completely crushed, or they are caught in an addictive relationship where both parties tolerate pain and tears.

Instead, you should learn to believe in the idea that love should not cause suffering.

It is important to point out that healthy and genuine love never seeks to destroy.

healthy love does not destroy

Conscious love, mature love

When it comes to love, no one is a blacksmith at birth. It’s something that is learned through disappointment and sometimes pain, and even taking distance from a relationship to rediscover oneself.

  • Never blame yourself for failure or start thinking that “love is suffering”. That’s not true, or so it shouldn’t be.
  • Conscious love always begins with something as simple but important as saying “love yourself first”.
  • Only when you have a solid self-esteem and a clear understanding of what you deserve can you start a healthy, responsible, and happy relationship.
  • Mature love is one that wants the best for a relationship, and to achieve that you must always start with yourself.
  • A confident person with a clear understanding of himself will not be held captive by his fears or obsessive control for fear of possible betrayal.

A person who loves and respects you, trusts you and does not let you down.

loves genuinely

A person who loves you should make you happy

Promote the happiness of the people you love. It is a virtue that shapes what you are. It is futile to cause suffering and tears, and anyone who thinks it is right or normal has a distorted and damaging view of human relationships.

  • Some people find it normal to experience suffering in a relationship. This has a clear purpose: to manage the partner.
  • Some, on the other hand, are surprised to find that they have hurt their partner, and say, “ Always hurt everything, and everything I do hurts you.”

In such a case, you are dealing with a person who is unable to feel empathy and is unable to take responsibility for their own actions.

A person who truly loves you will do anything to make you happy, bringing a smile to your lips and bringing joy to rainy days as well.

Every smile is part of the sustaining power in your relationship, built on happiness, reciprocity and trust.

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