Studies Show Depression Is Linked To Cancer

Studies have shown that depression can increase the risk of cancer. Depression is a sign that it is time to take better care of yourself, both mentally and physically, as this can prevent the development of various diseases such as cancer.
Studies show that depression is linked to cancer

Depression arises from complex and multidimensional factors, including social, mental, and biological factors. Recent studies show that people with long-term depressive symptoms are more susceptible to cancer deaths. What causes depression to be associated with cancer?

How is depression related to cancer?

Depression can cause different changes at different stages of life. When you suffer from depression for a long time or repeatedly, it can lead to other health problems, one of which is cancer.

depression is associated with cancer

Evidence of a link between depression and cancer

Many studies have linked depression to a higher risk of developing tumors. A clinical analysis of more than 160,000 adults in the United Kingdom came to the following conclusions:

  • Many people with cancer had recurrent psychological problems.
  • People with psychological ailments were at higher risk of dying from cancer of the pancreas, prostate, or colon.

However, how depression is associated with cancer is not unambiguous or straightforward, as many lifestyle factors as well as heredity can also contribute to the development of cancer.

Change research data on depression

The link between physical and mental health has been found in many different experiments: for example, loneliness and the mental symptoms it causes can lead to premature death. Scientific studies have also shown a link between the symptoms of depression and anxiety disorders and diseases of the circulatory system.

depression is associated with cancer

Hormonal imbalance

The link between depression and cancer may be due to a hormonal imbalance in the body, as depression leads to accelerated secretion of the stress hormone cortisol. Excessive amounts of cortisol in the body can lead to various health problems.

The body’s innate ability to repair damaged DNA also suffers, making the body more susceptible to developing cancer.

A significant factor in the development of cancer is also that people prone to depression consume more alcohol and tobacco than healthy people, and are more likely to become overweight. These three factors are known to predispose to cancer.

Mental stress and depression

People suffer from mental stress when they experience mental or physical pressure. Often, stress is a necessary reaction that improves performance and concentration momentarily, but in the long run, stress becomes detrimental.

If you suffer from severe stress for long periods of time, it can damage both your physical and mental health.

When a person encounters a stressful situation, the body responds to the stress by releasing cortisol. Cortisol raises blood pressure, raises heart rate and increases the amount of sugar in the bloodstream to provide extra energy.

These changes can make it easier to cope with a stressful situation, but they also bring with them potential harms to health.

depression is associated with cancer

Excessive stress can lead to the development of diseases

Chronic stress that is severe and lasts for a long time can lead to e.g. problems with urinary excretion, indigestion, and changes in fertility and the functioning of the defense system.

People with chronic stress are also more susceptible to common ailments such as the flu, headaches, and difficulty sleeping. The same is true for anxiety and depression: these can lead to a variety of physical ailments such as insomnia as well as constant illness.

Stress management and diagnosed cancer

Patients who have already been diagnosed with cancer will need to look at the amount of stress they experience as well as the potential for depression. In the treatment of cancer, both stress and depression are common mental symptoms of a serious and frightening situation, and stress management is important in the context of cancer treatments.

First and foremost, it is important to find mental and social support from loved ones and professional helpers, as this will help reduce stress levels and ease feelings of depression and anxiety.

By controlling depression and stress during cancer treatment, you can make sure that your body has enough energy to fight cancer and that your defense system is working at full capacity.

Ways to manage stress and depression

depression is associated with cancer

Certain mental exercises and techniques can help in the fight against depression and stress.

  • Especially yoga, meditation, relaxation exercises and other exercises that calm the mind and body are suitable for relieving stress levels and depression.
  • Other therapies may be well suited for relieving psychological stress. Set aside enough time for hobbies, family and just being without any obligations – leisure and relaxation is an important part of overall health.
  • All in all, a healthy lifestyle, taking care of your body and mind, eating a healthy diet, and getting adequate rest and sleep are ideal for relieving stress, depression, and anxiety every day. At the same time, taking care of what you think will ensure that your body stays healthy.

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