Take Advantage Of Boxes In The Interior – 7 Fun Ideas

We show 7 easy and practical decor items that can be made from boxes. In them, the goods stay in order and the home looks neat.
Take advantage of boxes in your decor - 7 fun ideas

Wooden or cardboard boxes are an easy and fun way to decorate your home. Boxes are easy to find; select only the correct type of box according to the usage.

Cardboard boxes come in a variety of sizes and shapes, and best of all, they are versatile. When you reuse them, you are also doing the service to the environment. In other words, you help recycle.

Wooden boxes, on the other hand, give you more solid interior items that can withstand more weight. However, be careful when dealing with them they can get sticks.

Boxes in the interior

make use of boxes in the interior
  1. They are inexpensive.
  2. They are available in different sizes.
  3. They are practical and versatile.
  4. They are easy to decorate with paint, fabrics or other methods.
  5. There is a box of suitable size and strength for making different objects.
  6. Crafts promote mental health. Focusing on doing things instead of thoughts is relaxing.

Take advantage of boxes in your decor in these convenient ways.

1. Rack for small items

make use of boxes in the interior

Pens, erasers and rulers are usually shocked and lost. From the cardboard box, a rack can be made for them, where they stay in order.

You need:

  • Cardboard box
  • Empty rolls of toilet paper
  • Paint
  • Glue


  • Decorate the cardboard box the way you want.
  • Glue the toilet paper rolls inside the box.
  • Paint the inside of the rollers.
  • Put pens and other writing instruments inside.


  • Place it on the desktop.
  • Use the smallest rollers for small objects.
  • Use longer rollers for rulers.
  • Sort items by groups.

Get creative here!

2. Boxes for underwear

Finding underwear in a messy box is a waste of time, and a messy box isn’t really a pleasure to the eye. So we recommend crafting this cardboard box for your underwear , where they will definitely stay in order.

You need:

  • A medium-sized cardboard box, eg a shoe box
  • Pieces of cardboard box
  • Fabric to decorate the box
  • Textile glue


  • Cover the entire cardboard box with a cloth, inside and out.
  • Then cut pieces from the other cardboard box to get the trays into the box.
  • Cut pieces of fabric and cover the walls of the trays with them.
  • Sort the underwear in the drawers the way you want.

3. Box for toilet paper

Drawers are one of the easiest ways to decorate a bathroom. Toilet rolls look nice in a beautiful box, without a lid, on a table, or on a bathroom shelf.

You need:

  • A box that can hold 4 rolls
  • Glue
  • Jute cord


  • Start at the other end of the box by applying glue to it.
  • Attach the string to the glue and cover the entire box with the string.
  • Allow to dry.
  • Put the rolls of toilet paper inside the box.

4. Storage box for towels

Just like many other household items, towels are usually a shock. A good idea is to roll them up and place them inside a decorated box. You can also coat the lid and use it if you wish.

5. Tea box

It is also good to organize different teas in one and the same box. This is a practical and decorative solution. Wooden boxes are a better option here as they are more robust.

You need:

  • Wooden box
  • Small pieces of wood to divide the box into trays
  • Glue
  • Paint
  • Stop


  • First cut small pieces of wood with a small saw. They are used as tray walls.
  • Glue them together inside the box and allow to dry.
  • Paint the box in the colors you want.
  • The surface of the wood still stops to keep it good.

6. Leaf holder

This is one of the most traditional decor items that can be made from a box. It keeps the leaves in great order and they look nice in the box.

You need:

  • Rectangular cardboard boxes, eg cereal packs
  • Newspaper
  • Glue
  • Paint
  • Water


  • Take the Cereal Package and lift it to a vertical position. Cut it diagonally in half between the boxes. This is how you see the leaves from one corner of the box.
  • Do the same for the second box.
  • Glue them together and allow to dry.
  • Cut the newspaper on the other side.
  • Prepare a mixture with equal amounts of water and glue.
  • Spread the mixture on the surface of the box and attach a newspaper on top of it. This makes the box more sturdy.
  • Allow to dry.
  • Paint the way you want.

The newspaper can also be replaced with toilet paper. In addition to making the box more sturdy, it also gives it a beautiful jagged surface.

7. Box for accessories

box on the wall

This is a great way to store accessories that are usually scammed at the bottom of a scattered box. In this box, they stay in order and are easy to find.

You need:

  • A small, low box
  • Shelf paper or gift wrap
  • Pieces of fabric
  • Glue


  • Cover the box with gift wrap inside and out.
  • Roll the pieces of fabric and place them inside the box.
  • For example, put rings between the rolls of fabric.
  • The result is a beautiful box where the accessories stay visible and in order.

Making decor is a relaxing and comfortable pastime. It’s also easy and inexpensive. Use only your imagination!

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