These Foods Should Be Avoided

These foods should be avoided

People often ask what foods to avoid or not eat at all. Protein after sports, different types of rice, whole grains, fish and seafood… What is the truth about what is bad for the body?

The answer to this question is (almost) always the same: it depends on the situation. Sometimes a product is a disadvantage, and sometimes a non – context has to be taken into account.

So why is this not an easy thing to do? Aren’t some foods just simply bad for the body? The complexity of this question is due to the fact that the human body is different depending on the person. One product may be suitable for another, but may be completely unsuitable for someone else. And the amount of food  plays a big part in where the limit goes for unsuitable food. In this article, however, we talk in general terms  about foods that are worth avoiding quite completely.

Are there any foods that are harmful or beneficial to your health?

Some foods can be more dangerous to health than others, and there are generally recommended healthy products. Food still can’t really be classified as good or bad. Every situation is different, and so the health effects vary.

Such foods should be avoided altogether

Foods you don’t even like

You certainly don’t like just about everything you buy at the store, and sometimes the food you order at a restaurant just doesn’t please you. So why should you even eat this kind of food? Food is, of course, a necessity, but it is also a subject of pleasure and joy that can bring feelings that can almost ecstasy. So if the food is good, this is always a good thing. If you don’t like a food, you don’t have to eat it. However, many hate a particular food but still continue to eat it if it is even good for their health.

This is not true, although it may at first seem like a sensible idea. If you don’t like your food, it’s simply not good for you. Of course, you may get nutritional benefits from it, but in the same way, you can get good nutrition from some other product and all the millions of recipes that are available. “Healthy food” doesn’t just mean steamed broccoli and grilled chicken breast from day to day. So try to use your creativity and look for recipes that can take care of your tastes as well as your nutritional needs!

Food that makes your body feel bad

foods that cause swelling should be avoided

This condition may be, for example, the stomach or joints, or some other part of the body. But if you feel swollen, tired, or generally uncomfortable after eating a particular product, stop eating that particular food.

Such a feeling can arise as a result of any food, as this is a matter of personal characteristics, but white flour, dairy products and meats are often problematic. So try to avoid 99% of these products with your meals, and the remaining 1% is then your choice – still be careful with how much of this kind of food you eat. So you can only eat trouble foods at special times, and then you will enjoy them more as well. It’s worth remembering that if you eat too many foods that become unwell, then you won’t enjoy them after all.

Food that makes you feel guilty

you should avoid devouring

You will spend the weekend with cakes, ice cream, french fries, pancakes and other delicacies. You then wake up on Monday morning with a giant food hangover, and feel guilty. The feeling doesn’t seem to give up, even if you eat the whole next week lightly.

This is not a good technique for several reasons. Firstly, you will not be able to get rid of the fat that you have already gained in your body, and secondly, because your stomach will not be able to understand what has happened. Instead, it may become more sensitive if you eat healthily on weekdays, but on the weekends you still eat a lot of fat, spices and sugars – this is not a regular diet.

If you go to parties a lot or outdoors, or if you often order takeaway food on the weekends, you shouldn’t eat just any amount of this kind of food. So keep your diet balanced –   don’t eat anything that makes you feel guilty, because it’s true that food is better to be awesome both before and after eating yourself. If, after eating a plate, you feel unwell and guilt slit inside you, is such food worth all the effort?

Foods you just can’t stop eating

If there is any food that you simply cannot stop eating – that is, if the package needs to be empty before you can get it out of your hands – stop eating this kind of food altogether, even if it sounds very difficult.

When you think of foods you can’t stop eating at all – like french fries, chocolate and burgers – you’re sure to be aware that they are addictive in one way or another. All of these products, “foods,” use chemicals to cause your brain to change its response and thus can become very addictive.

Food that is not really food at all

High fructose corn syrup is not food. Cornstarch is not food. Artificial colors and flavors are also not food. Cellulose (which is surprisingly often found in grated cheese) is not food! Propylene glycol as well. Nonetheless,  large-scale industry uses such substances in products that countless people then buy – and here were just a few examples of ingredients that should not be included in food at all.

Such ingredients are used for many reasons, including saving a company’s costs, benefiting another company, developing addiction in consumers, making cheap products (but lasting longer)… But none of these reasons are good for your health.

It’s best to start making your own food from the right ingredients and organic (or local) products. It is advisable to use high-quality animal protein (grass-fed cattle, free-range eggs, etc.). So read the description of each food product carefully, and if there is one item that you do not recognize, it is likely that it is just such a “food item” that you should always avoid.

organic products

With these tips, you can prune foods that are harmful – so leave out foods that are worth avoiding!

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