Treat Low Blood Pressure By Changing Your Diet

Proper diet to treat low blood pressure can prevent the dizziness and general discomfort associated with this phenomenon. This time, we share some recommendations to alleviate that problem with food.
Treat low blood pressure by changing your diet

In order to correct low blood pressure by natural means, some basic advice is available, including on diet. Although this phenomenon is not considered a serious drawback,  it is important to take good care of yourself so that the symptoms do not interfere with daily life.

Low blood pressure occurs when the diastolic blood pressure (lower pressure) is less than 60 mmHg and the systolic blood pressure (upper pressure) is less than 100 mmHg. This condition can cause a variety of problems, such as recurrent dizziness, headaches, and sudden loss of consciousness.

The biggest problem is that low blood pressure interferes with the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to cells, and thus interferes with a person’s energy supply. In addition, it  reduces blood flow to important organs and as a result they become weaker.

So why is it important to pay attention to diet if your blood pressure is low? While many ignore it, nutrition is key to solving this problem. Now then,  we share good recommendations and offer a healthy but simple meal plan for those living with low blood pressure.

Treat low blood pressure with the right diet

There are many things that can cause your blood pressure to drop. The most common causes are emotional problems, hormonal irregularities, and nutrient deficiencies. Because a person gets their energy and essential nutrients from food,  even a few changes to improve their diet can help relieve symptoms.

1. Use very little salt

Excessive salt intake can cause high blood pressure, but if this product is used in small doses or in moderation, it can help relieve episodes of low blood pressure.

a little salt

Salt has a positive effect, especially when used in the mornings. Thus, to prevent low blood pressure, it is advisable in the morning, for example, to eat a slice of bread with salted butter, or crackers.

2. Increase water supply

Adequate water intake is a simple way to regulate blood pressure. Thus, it is important to  drink 2-3 liters of water a day if low blood pressure is to be treated effectively.

3. Avoid alcoholic beverages

Eating plenty of alcohol can be really detrimental to the bloodstream. Although it doesn’t always seem dangerous, the toxins contained in alcoholic beverages weaken a person’s arteries as well as affect the body’s ability to regulate blood pressure.

4. Enjoy smaller meals

One of the most important things to treat low blood pressure is to reduce the size of meals. While you may be used to eating three big meals a day,  it would be better to divide them into 5-6 smaller portions.

This allows you to keep the energy flow constant, which is key to preventing too much oxygen from reaching the cells – symptoms such as fainting, lethargy and lack of concentration can occur.

5. Enjoy some caffeine

Small amounts of caffeine can be helpful so you can momentarily relieve the problems caused by low blood pressure. This stimulating factor speeds up the heartbeat and makes the blood flow faster, which then helps to balance the blood pressure.

to treat low blood pressure by ingesting a little caffeine

However, be careful as you should not drink coffee per liter. While tea, coffee, and chocolate work to the benefit of the body,  drinking too much coffee can be detrimental to cardiovascular health.

6. Eat foods that regulate blood pressure

Adopting a balanced diet that ensures that calories stay under control is the most effective way to ensure good cardiovascular health.

When it comes to treating low blood pressure with food, there are some products that are especially recommended:

  • dark chocolate
  • cheese
  • nuts and seeds
  • coconut water
  • citrus fruits
  • egg
  • lean meat and fish
  • bee pollen
  • licorice stew
  • probiotic foods (kefir, yogurt, microalgae and others)
  • spirulina

An example of a diet that treats low blood pressure

Nutrition plans to treat low blood pressure combine healthy products to control that problem. Here’s a simple example of how this kind of diet can be achieved  – however, you can come up with your very own plan as long as it is healthy for low blood pressure.

zucchini spaghetti


  • Green tea, whole grain biscuits with tomato slices and fruit.
  • Orange juice, whole grain biscuits with peanut butter and a slice of turkey.
  • A glass of lean meat and wholemeal bread with olive paste.


  • Lean yogurt, three nuts and a tablespoon of honey.
  • Pear puree with roasted sesame seeds.
  • Almond milk and wholemeal bread.


  • Lentil salad: spring onion, paprika, tomato, olives, turkey, mushrooms and pear.
  • Spaghetti with tomato and oregano, a piece of roasted chicken and a fruit salad.
  • Green salad with olives, a piece of salmon with lemon and strawberries with cottage cheese.


  • Licorice stew and a slice of wholemeal bread.
  • Apple puree with roasted seeds.
  • Banana, yogurt and nuts while smoothing.


  • Spinach egg, green salad and kiwi.
  • Light cabbage-cheese roast, chicken breast and sliced ​​vegetables.
  • Grilled vegetables, a piece of tuna and an orange.

Have you noticed low blood pressure lately? Try this diet to get help with completely natural products – and of course delicious!

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