Try This Drink For Falling Asleep

Try this drink for difficulty falling asleep

It has been scientifically proven that for a good quality of life, a person should get at least 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night.

Although we often ignore this fact, sleep is very important for the functioning of our body. It is one of the essential things for good physical and mental health.

While we sleep, certain functions that are essential for brain health and energy recovery are activated. That is why sleep is so important.

Get help with falling asleep

The problem is that our modern lifestyle leads to sleep deprivation in many people , and it is a factor that increases the risk of many diseases before long. In addition, sleep deprivation causes problems almost immediately, such as lack of concentration, fatigue, weakness, and skin problems.

which helps with falling asleep difficulties

Therefore, it is necessary to get enough sleep and take care of underneath all the problems that prevent you from going to bed in time for the evening. However, excessive intake of sleeping pills is not recommended for this, as it may eventually lead to drug dependence and cause other side effects.

The good news is that there are completely natural ways to help you get restful sleep without causing any unwanted side effects.

In this article, we want to share with you one interesting help that has body relaxing effects and is thus a great help for sleep difficulties!

A natural drink to help you fall asleep

which helps with falling asleep difficulties

Although getting a restful sleep depends on many factors, consuming a natural drink can be a complementary aid in solving sleep problems.

This time, we recommend a delicious banana-cinnamon tea, which, when taken at bedtime, reduces stress and tension, as well as several other symptoms that promote insomnia.

This drink has gained a lot of popularity in recent years as it is a very useful and 100% natural alternative to sleeping pills for people who are unable to sleep properly.

The combination of nutrients in the drink’s ingredients makes it ideal for controlling the body’s cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone that increases stress and prevents sleep.

Banana, a useful fruit for falling asleep

Banana is a sweet fruit that stands out because of its high potassium and magnesium content. These are two important trace elements that improve the health of the nervous system and the cardiovascular system.

Moderate consumption of bananas prevents high blood pressure, fights fluid edema and reduces the risk of inflammatory diseases. Bananas also act as muscle relaxants, which in turn promotes falling asleep.

In addition, bananas contain an important amino acid called tryptophan, whose effects on the body increase the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with good sleep quality.

banana-cinnamon tea to help with difficulty falling asleep

Cinnamon properties for restful sleep

Cinnamon contains an active ingredient called eugenol, which has anti-inflammatory, sedative, muscle relaxant and antioxidant properties.

Using cinnamon in reasonable amounts will help control blood sugar levels. This is because it appears to work effectively in glucose metabolism. It also helps relieve anxiety and nervousness, two emotional disorders that cause sleep problems.

How is Banana Cinnamon Tea Made?

from banana tea to help with difficulty falling asleep

This simple drink can be made in a few steps. We recommend always buying organic raw materials if possible.

Make an instant soothing drink to help overcome insomnia and other sleep-related problems!


  • 1 ripe banana
  • ¼ Teaspoons of cinnamon
  • 1 liter of water


  • Boil water. While waiting for the water to boil,  cut the banana into several pieces without peeling it.
  • When the water starts to boil, add the banana pieces to the water and leave the pot on low heat for 5 minutes.
  • Then cover the pan with a lid, remove from the plate and leave the bananas to simmer for 10-15 minutes.
  • Once the drink has cooled to a suitable size, Strain it and dispense into a cup.
  • Add a pinch of cinnamon and stir.
  • Enjoy the drink about 30-40 minutes before bedtime.

To get the best results from this drink , make sure you sleep in a place that is comfortable and suitable for sleep. Avoid using electronic devices for a couple of hours before going to bed.

If you still have difficulty falling asleep after following this advice, ask your doctor about other treatments.

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