Using Salt To Treat Migraines

Use of salt for the treatment of migraine

In addition to headaches, migraines manifest as nausea, vomiting, and photosensitivity. People with auricular migraines may see sawtooth patterns or light spikes in their field of vision, or experience other types of vision problems. Later, these changes in vision may turn into a severe headache that can last for hours or even days.  In this article, we’ll talk more about migraines, as well as how to use salt to treat migraines at home. So keep reading if this unpleasant ailment touches you.

What causes a migraine?

Although the exact cause of the migraine has not yet been determined, researchers have determined the origin of the migraine attack in the brain. Migraine is also associated with nervous system function and certain types of chemicals. A disorder of brain function due to various factors results in a migraine attack.

Women suffer more from migraines than men.

Migraines most often affect people aged 10-45, although migraines can also occur later. Migraines can also be hereditary, and usually affect women more than men.

Factors influencing the development of migraine:

  • Hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle  or use of hormonal contraceptives.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Excessive and frequent use of alcohol.
  • Skipping the most important meals of the day.
  • Stress and anxiety.
  • Loud sounds and bright lights.
  • Physical exertion as a result of, for example, excessive exercise or other exertion.
  • Smoking or passive smoking.
  • Strong odors.

There has also been a link between diet and migraine, and  it has been confirmed that some food products may cause migraines, such as :

  • White flour or sugar.
  • Processed foods.
  • Chocolate.
  • Dairy products.
  • Meats with nitrates.
  • Monosodium glutamate.

Migraine symptoms

A migraine sufferer may experience a plow.


Before the severe headaches typical of a migraine, a person with a migraine may experience an aura. Aura is a kind of migraine warning sign. Such plow symptoms include e.g. :

  • Temporary blindness.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Seeing stars or lines.
  • Pain in the eyes.
  • Uncomfortable feeling in the eyes.

Symptoms that appear later include e.g. nausea, difficulty expressing words, lack of concentration, and constant yawning. 

Not all migraine sufferers experience aura at the beginning of a migraine attack. Sufferers of auricular migraine report the aura appearing 15 to 20 minutes before a severe headache.

When a severe headache begins, it is often strongly throbbing and beating. The pain may be felt more strongly on one side of the head or at the back of the head. The episode of pain usually lasts  6 to 48 hours, and almost invariably, the photosensitivity of the eyes occurs in connection with the pain. 

Symptoms may also include tremors, increased need to urinate, fatigue, tingling, weakness, sensitivity to light and sound, loss of appetite, and sweating. Other symptoms are also possible.

Use of salt for the treatment of migraine

Salt can be used to treat migraines.


There are many types of pain relief available at your pharmacy to temporarily relieve or remove your headache.  However, in migraines, the headache may return within a few hours, and over-the-counter medications may not relieve the pain. So where does immediate help with migraines come from? The answer may be surprising: about salt.

The use of salt to treat migraine is not a scientifically proven method for relieving migraine.  Therefore, it is important to remember that the use of salt for the treatment of migraine is only an adjunct and not the actual migraine remedy. If you suspect you are suffering from a migraine, see your doctor. However, those who have tried salt to treat migraines may agree that it is an effective and quick way to relieve migraine symptoms.

Using salt to treat migraines – how to act?

If you want to try salt to relieve migraine pain, use a quality salt, such as Himalayan salt. Himalayan salt contains everything you need, such as 84 minerals, electrolytes, and many other important ingredients. Unlike processed, industrial salt, Himalayan salt is a salt beneficial to human health when used in small quantities.

The Himalayan salt immediately helps to reduce the intensity of migraines,  and it helps to improve resistance, balance serotonin levels in the blood, and e.g. to restore the levels of alkalinity and electrolytes in the body.

To benefit from the health effects of salt in the treatment of migraines, drink a glass of lemon juice mixed with plenty of Himalayan salt. You will find that the pain is relieved quickly, and best of all, it happens in a completely natural way!

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