Vinegar, Baking Soda And Water: A Real Miracle Mix

Vinegar, baking soda and water: a real miracle blend

Vinegar and baking soda have been used for decades in many different beauty treatments. Both vinegar and baking soda are inexpensive, readily available ingredients that many of us already find ready-made in our closets. 

You’ve probably heard of the use of vinegar or baking soda in home cleaning, hair care, or laundry. Vinegar and baking soda are completely safe to use on the skin as well as on various surfaces of the home, as they clean gently. Both of these can also be enjoyed internally, and in this article, we’ll give you instructions on a trop made of vinegar and baking soda that will prevent various diseases and help you stay on target weight. 

Why combine vinegar and baking soda?

When you combine baking soda and apple cider vinegar, you also combine their opposite pH balances. Baking soda is a basic substance, while apple cider vinegar is acidic in composition. The opposing effects of vinegar and baking soda balance each other and because of this you will be able to enjoy the drink safely without suffering from the effects of excessive acidity.

Some use baking soda to treat excessive stomach acidity, but keep in mind that this is not a good long-term solution as baking soda can change the pH of stomach acids. The stomach’s own hydrochloric acid is an important part of digestion, and its function and amount should not be affected too much.

baking soda is a basic substance

Properties of apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a great medicinal substance that is used both internally and externally for many different purposes. Apple cider vinegar cleanses and revitalizes the body as it contains a wide variety of health-promoting substances. Apple wine vinegar contains e.g. Vitamins A and B, amino acids, enzymes and various minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, zinc, iron and silicon.

Main characteristics of apple cider vinegar

  • The sulfur contained in apple cider vinegar helps eliminate toxins from the body and also directly affects liver function. Apple cider vinegar helps the liver process and break down fat more easily.
  • Prevents urinary tract infections and takes care of the kidneys. Apple cider vinegar keeps the urinary tract clean and uric acid levels high.
  • Enhances metabolic activity and eliminates excess adipose tissue from the body, which helps to lose weight.
  • Acts as a diuretic. This helps the body to remove excess fluids and prevents swelling.
  • Vitamin A in apple cider vinegar prevents dry eyes. You can say goodbye to eye drops.
  • Improves digestive function with the help of enzymes. Try apple cider vinegar if you suffer from excessive stomach acidity, flatulence or swelling.
  • Prevents constipation and improves the natural bacterial population in the gut.
  • Reduces the sensitivity of the gums to inflammation. We recommend spraying with apple cider vinegar if you suffer from gum sensitivity, inflammation or bleeding.
  • Eliminates the accumulation of mucus in connection with the flu and sinusitis.
  • Reduces cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Cider vinegar also reduces excessive amounts of uric acid.
  • Relieves sore throat and cough.
  • Prevents muscle cramps as it contains a lot of minerals that facilitate muscle function.
  • Makes good for skin and hair due to vitamins and minerals.
  • Reduces the risk of suffering from kidney, liver and gallstones.
  • Relieves excessive stomach acidity in an instant. In addition, apple cider vinegar treats and prevents stomach ulcers caused by an excessive amount of acid in the stomach.
  • Prevents uric acid-induced kidney stones.
  • Relieves urinary tract infections.
  • Improves dental health and condition and prevents e.g. perforation, gingivitis and plaque formation.

This is how you make it

apple cider vinegar is sour

You will need the following ingredients to make this herb:

  • A glass of warm or hot water. Do not use cold water as it may interfere with liver function in this case.
  • A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.
  • A pinch of baking soda.

Invest in natural, high-quality baking soda. Baking soda should be unpasteurized, as it works most effectively in the so-called. in crude form.

This is how you enjoy the mix

You can enjoy a mix of two to three glasses a day. Be sure to enjoy the drink on an empty stomach at least an hour before eating.

If you want to take a cleansing course, drink a glass an hour before each main meal of the day, ie breakfast, lunch and dinner. When the cleansing course is over, you can continue to enjoy your drink in the morning before breakfast.

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